Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 161: Attack on Hydralisk 7

A big battle has just begun, compared to the cruel and lively ruins of the swamp.

At this time, the "Emperor" in the waters of the east bank was quiet.

The "Emperor" seems to have been forgotten. The polluting beasts on the shore are clearly visible, but they just ignore the existence of the "Emperor".

This made the mobilized soldiers on the deck of the "Emperor" quite uncomfortable. They were already ready for battle. When the battle came, they were ignored by the enemy.

Of course, this is a good thing, and for Li Meng, this is what he is happy about.

"It looks like the "Emperor", the iron lump, polluting beasts look down upon!"

Obviously, the battle for the ruins of the swamp is already fierce, but Li Meng on the top deck of the "Emperor" is still chatting with Sakuya.

On the side of the ship, beside His Royal Highness, Sakuya looked at the marsh ruins in the distance. To His Royal Highness, she chuckled: "Isn't this very good? Your Royal Highness doesn't need to worry about the safety of the "Emperor"! "

Looking at the ruins, Li Meng asked Sakuya next to him: "Do you think they will ask the "First Army" for help!"

How could Sakiya not understand "who" they were referring to.

It was nothing more than a resistance army that had an agreement with the First Army.

Sakuya shook his head and said softly: "This time the polluting beasts are coming so aggressively, I am afraid that they are coming out of the nest. Your majesty, even this remote place on the east coast is full of a large number of polluting beasts. It can be seen that the polluting beasts are huge in scale. Inside, they can withstand the attack of the polluting beast, but after a long time, they will collapse and the probability of destruction is high!"

"What if they ask us for help? Your Highness! You should understand that under the huge tide of beasts, even we have only the ability to protect ourselves!"

"There is nothing we can do!"

Why doesn't Li Meng understand this?

Under the huge number, if there is no equivalent power, once at a disadvantage, it will only be overwhelmed by endless beasts.

However, there is always a way to do it.

"I mean what if?"

Li Meng said.

"in case?"

Sakiya looked back at His Royal Highness and thought for a moment.

She said: "It depends on their sincerity. If you really want to help them through this crisis, your Highness will have to pay a lot of money!"

Li Meng did not speak, but smiled.

He seemed satisfied with Sakuya's answer.


Of course satisfied.

How can Li Meng be dissatisfied if he is always aware of what the "First Army" lacks most?

However, still can not be careless.

Compared to the ruins, the waters on the east bank are indeed a little quieter, and a little strangely quiet.

Those polluting beasts that resemble snakes obviously have very good water resistance, and it is impossible for them to ignore the existence of the "Emperor" according to common sense.

But they just ignored it.

This surprised Li Meng a little.

Subconsciously glanced at the quiet surface of the water, after a little thought, Li Meng let go of the shield of the spiritual body clone.

A huge amount of information flooded into Li Meng's mind. With the "Emperor" as the center, the information about one kilometer in a radius was presented in Li Meng's mind in three-dimensional images.

Li Meng felt the wind and the flow of water. As soon as the picture turned, he saw Hydralisk running through the ruins, and they swarmed in one direction in groups.

The picture turned again and came to the water again.

Here is the bottom of the water. Looking up, you can see the huge hull of the "Emperor". Looking around, there is no living creature except water, and the water is full of death.

The picture turned again, and a fat head suddenly appeared in Li Meng's mind.


Li Meng let out a condensed sound.

The round body, like a fleshy ball, with big eyes, squinted, looks extremely wretched.

Li Meng locked it with a thought.

Good guy, this guy is actually lurking in the water two hundred meters away from the stern of the "Emperor".

It seems that the lessons taught to it last time were not enough, and now they are all coming.

After so long, its injury has healed, and its broken tail has grown anew.

Compared to before, it has become larger, and its round body is probably no less than ten meters in diameter. It is already called a giant.

"This guy grows up really fast, how long has it been before he has grown so big!"

Li Meng muttered.

"His Royal Highness? What did you say?"

The voice was too small, and Saya on the side thought that His Highness would say something.

"Nothing! Just met an "old friend"."

Old friend?

Sakiya became more confused.

Isn't your Highness here?

Where is the old friend?

Li Meng did not have extra explanation, but continued to pay attention to "it".

The guy was clearly eyeing the "Emperor", and he didn't know if it was "revenge" or there were other reasons.

However, no matter what the reason is, the person who came is not good.

"It's a bit difficult!"

Li Meng thought in his heart.

Today, on the "Emperor", apart from Li Meng, I am afraid that no one else can deal with it.

Think about the polluting beast that ravaged the ruins ignoring the "Emperor", is it because of "it"?

This may not be said to be no, if its "power" is strong enough, it can indeed keep the weak polluting beast away from it.

But from the outside, Li Meng did not notice the "power".

Its appearance is too far away from the "power".

People don't think about it at all.

However, people should not look at their faces. For it, it can also be used on it.

Maybe it has something special.

It is not a solution to just let it go. Although Li Meng does not believe that it can cause any devastating damage to the hull of the "Emperor", he cannot relax his vigilance because of this.

The body has become bigger, maybe it has acquired some special ability, this ability may be able to cause damage to the hull of the "Emperor".

This is not impossible.

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