Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1611: possibility

"It's you……"

Looking at the familiar figure in the hall, Amon's face changed, and he let out an angry roar.

The guards in the main hall responded, staring at Li Meng fiercely, as if they would tear Li Meng forward at any time.

Outside, the demon sentinels patrolling in the sky seemed to have received some news, lowered their height, and surrounded the temple one after another.

Several hundred-meter-class battleships hovered outside the top floor, and the muzzle of the black hole pointed at the temple.

The Mozu's response is undoubtedly quick.

Looking at the imposing commanding guard in the hall, Li Meng smiled fearlessly, looked at Amon on the throne indifferently, and said: "If I were you, I wouldn't be so nervous, even if you concentrate all the power of the Demon Race. Even here, I can’t stop me from taking your life. No, it should be said to destroy your present body.”

He was right, and Amon realized it.

What is he going to do?

After waving Hui's huge claws, the guards who surrounded Li Meng in the main hall immediately retreated.

"Your purpose?"

Amon's deep voice sounded in the hall.

With a faint smile, looking at Amon on the throne, Li Meng said: "Now the earth is being plundered by demons, and the human world is crumbling. I need your power, the power of the demons."

"Hmph, what is the relationship between the demise of mankind and my demons?"

With a cold snort, Amon's tone was rather bad.

Looking at Amon indifferently, Li Meng shook his head and said, "No, I'm talking about obedience. You demons must obey me."


At Li Meng's ridiculous request, Amon let out an angry roar.


Looking at Amon coldly, a white beam of light gushing out again in the void, instantly covering Li Meng.


Before Li Meng disappeared, Amon on the throne burst suddenly and turned into a pile of minced meat.

In the roar of the guards, Li Meng disappeared without a trace with the beam of light.

Too lazy to talk nonsense with Amon, Li Meng directly tore Amon's body with the power of his mind.

Amon's body is just the commander, and the commander is really not strong for Li Meng.

When the First Army first entered Qingcheng two years ago, Li Meng could easily kill a commander, not to mention now. Compared to two years ago, Li Meng’s spiritual strength has increased by several times, even Hundreds of times, shredding the body of the guard is a breeze.

"Pull" in the temple.

"A delusion, a mere human..."

Like Amon, La can be described as stubbornly reckless.

The end is the same as Amon, turning into a pool of ground meat on the throne.

Li Meng's figure disappeared with the beam of light in the swoop of the guards of the hall.

In the Temple of Hattor.

Only ten minutes away, Li Meng returned.

In the strange gaze of Ha Tuoer, Li Meng sat beside Ha Tuoer with a calm expression, turned over and lay down, and rested on Ha Tuoer's legs again.

"how's it going?"

Looking at Li Meng on his lap, Harto asked curiously.

Li Meng did not leave for a long time, just a short time.

After hitting a Hatch, Li Meng said lazily: "Look for them in a month."

Hearing what Li Meng said, Hartuo understood.

Although Li Meng did not say clearly, the meaning of this sentence is very clear.

Being watched by Li Meng, the days after Amon and Ra will be uncomfortable...

Although she suggested it, Harto would not pity them for it.

In the southern continent, Li Meng is quite busy, going back and forth between Isis and Hatuoer from time to time.

When looking for opportunities to mediate the relationship between the two women, it also increased the feelings between the two women.

Li Meng's spirit body was waiting by the two women, and on Nanlin Island, Li Meng's body became busy.

The situation in Eurasia became more and more tense, and even Li Meng could not sit still.

On the battlefield in the western part of Eurasia, a large number of human territories fall every day. If this progress continues, let alone a year, I am afraid that within half a year, the demon army will be able to advance to Asia.

"His Royal Highness, are you really going to Kyoto? Isn't there Xiao Nan in Kyoto? If your Highness has any instructions, just leave it to Xiao Nan?"

Sakiya couldn't understand the decision of His Highness to go to Kyoto suddenly.

At this time, Sakuya also felt that His Highness should stay on Nanlin Island.

At least here, the safety of His Highness can be guaranteed.

Stretching lazily, Li Meng got up from the soft sofa.

Coming to the glass wall on the outer side, Li Meng looked at the huge Qingcheng.

He said: "There are things that Xiao Nan cannot do. I have a lot of prestige among humans. I must use this. In this battle, the First Army must use all its power, and I am included in it. , In Yunan Continent, I am implementing my plan, but the results cannot be seen in a short time. I need time and more time. I need Eurasia to persist longer in the battle against the demons. "

Turning around, Li Meng looked at Sakuya and said with regret: "But they don’t have this ability. Maybe they can unite the power of the entire human world to stop the devil a little. This possibility exists, and my task is Let human beings unite together and start a war with the devil."

Sakiya had more or less guessed what His Highness was going to do.

In this regard, Sakiya did not have much confidence.

Speaking slightly, looking at Li Meng with beautiful eyes, Sakuya said softly: "His Royal Highness, you are going to persuade all countries, will all countries do their best to fight this war? Even if the First Army takes the lead, but in this In the war, the First Army has no power available, that is to say, humans must rely on themselves."

Now the army of the First Army is contained in Austria, and there is no strength to participate in this war on the Eurasian continent. Sakiya doubts that without the First Army, what human beings can do.

Can these guards defeat the devil?

The guards may have a certain advantage when facing the devil, but the number is too small.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said confidently: "I understand human beings. When facing unknown and terrifying enemies, they will feel panic, and panic will make them stronger and more aggressive. Don't look at them. I stay silent now. All that is missing is a little spark of fire. Once this fire is lit, the entire human world will boil, and I am the spark of this."

In the sky not far away, a Century transport plane was approaching, and the roar of its huge engine was easily heard far away.

When it flew over the city, its huge body attracted the attention of the civilians in Qingcheng.

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