Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1615: Wang Yanmei

The scenes in the car just now made Tyra feel rather shy in retrospect. Tyra had never thought that she could be so bold. She seemed to be unable to control herself and acted instinctively.

It's not her fault, right, that's it, it's all Li Meng, who tempted her.

It seemed that a good reason had been found, and Tyra was relieved that she was not a licentious woman.

Seeing that Li Meng had been holding him around and didn't intend to let go, Tyra whispered: "You let me go, this is the court."

Li Meng remained unmoved, and said calmly: "I know, but you are also my woman. Is there anything wrong with my woman holding me?"

Li Meng’s words made Tyra anxious. When he was ashamed, he looked around timidly, and pleaded with Li Meng in a low voice: "Li Meng, I am your woman and will always be, but I don’t want to Let the teacher and those juniors know, please... please."

Li Meng couldn't refuse the whispering, sad and complaining eyes.

Only compromised to loosen Tyra, and said helplessly: "Well, this time I will listen to you."

Seeing Li Meng finally let go of her, Tyra breathed a sigh of relief.

She apologized to Li Meng: "Yes... I'm sorry."

This apology is somewhat inexplicable.

Li Meng faintly smiled and said, "Let's go."

After speaking, he went to the palace gate and stepped up the stairs.

The buttocks were attacked, Tyra resisted the blurted "hum", gave Li Meng a shy look, and followed Li Meng with a slight stagger.

Li Meng knew when to be serious and when to play around.

Faced with different people, Li Meng's attitude will be different.

When facing his own woman, Li Meng will be very open. He will do whatever he wants to say and do.

In public affairs, when facing some politicians, Li Meng is indifferent and sensible, and everything takes interests first.

In the palace, under the leadership of Tyra, the two came to the place where Wang Yanmei usually handles official duties.

In the room, behind that desk, Li Meng saw Wang Yanmei's figure.

Today's Wang Yanmei still wears the black women's military uniform, which makes her look heroic and charming.

Its graceful figure is even more eye-catching.

Looking at the two people who walked into the room, Wang Yanmei didn't ask much why Tyra came back today. She just waved her hand and waved back Tyra who had just entered the room.

The expression on Tyra's face was calm, leaving Li Meng alone, then turned and left the room.

When Tyra left, Wang Yanmei stood up from behind the desk, and her graceful figure came to the table, gently touching the edge of the desk.

Li Meng was not polite, and sat down on the side seat.

Seeing Wang Yanmei's graceful body, Li Meng's eyes made no secret of the heat.

Wang Yanmei had already taken off Li Meng's possessive gaze.

When the two of them were alone together, she could always clearly feel the desire of the little man in front of her.

She could have hated it, just like disgusting other men, staying away from him, but Wang Yanmei never had this idea in her heart, and she didn't want to stay away from this man, just keeping the current relationship is enough.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Li Meng in the seat, and Wang Yanmei lightly said: "This time you come to Kyoto, you should have a very important purpose. I don't need to say about the war in the west. You should know best, whether it is for humans or for Your First Legion, can't let the demons continue to plunder like this."

Li Meng smiled slightly at Wang Yanmei's words, and just asked: "Why is it so urgent?"

In Wang Yanmei’s incomprehensible gaze, Li Meng continued: “If you really want to participate in this matter, Asian countries will not be as loose as they are now. When the devil landed on Eurasia, you had enough time. Some actions have been launched, but Asian countries are watching. You know China’s status in Asian countries, but you have not taken advantage of this. As a governor, you are undoubtedly unqualified."

When he said this, Li Meng was not polite and didn't care about Wang Yanmei's identity. He just told the truth.

Wang Yanmei did not object to Li Meng's words, she was silent.

Wang Yanmei knew her abilities well, and she also knew that she was not suitable to stay in this position.

This fact is not only known to the little man in front of him, many people understand it, but because of her status in China, no one dares to say it.

Looking at Wang Yanmei in silence, Li Meng said calmly: "The life span of human beings is only a hundred years, and you are more than three hundred years old. The life span of human beings is limited by the spirit and the body. Your body has been refined by the mermaid heart. Cells will never age, and your spirit is stronger than ordinary people because you are a mind-powered person, but after four hundred years, your time is running out. Everything you do is just thinking about Before you pass away, protect your people once, and protect the entire humanity once, but don't you think it is too late?"

It's too late?

Wang Yanmei shook her head lightly, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Li Meng directly, and said softly: "If there was no First Legion, without you, the human world might really be hopeless, but now mankind has the First Legion. , There is you too, hope is there, and it is not too late."

"You are so confident?"

Li Meng didn't know where Wang Yanmei's self-confidence came from. Although she believed it was a happy thing, Li Meng was not happy now.

Wang Yanmei shook her head again and said softly: "No, I don't have confidence. I don't believe in the First Legion, nor in Death. I only believe in you. I believe you will not watch the destruction of the human world. You will save mankind at a critical time. To become the leader of mankind."

"Trust me?"

Laughing blankly, Li Meng felt very helpless.

Unexpectedly, it was Wang Yanmei who saw the most clearly. It can only be said that she is indeed a woman who has lived for hundreds of years. It is really difficult to hide anything from her.

Undoubtedly, Wang Yanmei saw his status in the First Army, so she said so.

Because he is the first legion and the **** of death, believing him means believing the first two.

Standing up, Li Meng came to Wang Yanmei's body.

Seeing Wang Yanmei's graceful posture close at hand, Li Meng did not make any frivolous movements.

He just stretched out his hand, smiled faintly, looked at Wang Yanmei’s beautiful face, and said softly: "In your eyes, I may be just a junior, a man much younger than you. The human world is very small. There is a wider world outside. The age of three hundred years is not that long. After a thousand years or ten thousand years, you are only a little older than me. Give me a chance and also give you a chance. I like it. It's not your appearance, but your soul. From the first time I saw you, I knew that you belong to me. For this purpose, I can do whatever it takes."

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