Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1617: Earth Joint Council

"Li Meng, how's the talk going?"

Faced with Tyra’s question, Li Meng just smiled and nodded: “It’s not bad, some things have already been made clear, OK, I have to go back, you don’t need to send me, I just go back by myself.”

"So urgent?"

Tyra was a little surprised, but also a little bit sad.

Seeing the reluctant look on Tyra's face, Li Meng smiled secretly in his heart, took a step forward, took Tyra's soft body into his arms, and kissed the rosy lips fiercely. .

In Tyra's ear, Li Meng whispered: "The embassy is not far from the court. Come see me when you're done."

Before Tyra recovered from Li Meng's attack, Li Meng had already got away, disappeared into the hall with a faint smile.

It took a while before Tyra recovered. At this time, Li Meng had already left.

Looking at the place where Li Meng disappeared, Tyra's face was blushing.

Although she didn't want to admit it, what Li Meng said just now made her heart moved and she had an impulse.

"Can't think, can't think, calm, calm."

After patted her hot cheek and recovered her restless heart, Tyra regained her consciousness and walked towards the office.

As soon as he entered the office, Tyra saw the teacher sitting calmly behind the desk.

"Old... teacher..."

Looking at Wang Yanmei timidly, Tyra quickly walked to the side of his own deputy table and sat on a soft seat.

Last night, when he didn't return, Tyra was like a kid who had done something wrong, with a ghost in his heart, she didn't dare to look at Wang Yanmei.

Slightly looking sideways, Wang Yanmei looked at Tyra behind the deputy table, with a thoughtful look on her face.

Wang Yanmei naturally noticed the changes in Tyra.

Wang Yanmei also knew exactly who made Tyra a real woman.

Although Tyra is her student, she is like a daughter, but she will not say much about this matter.

After leaving the palace, Li Meng went straight back to the Embassy of the First Army.

"Master, it's ready, the countries have connected, just wait for you, master."

As soon as he entered the embassy, ​​Xiao Nan greeted him.

The two came to the communication room together.

On the projection platform, Li Meng said to Xiaonan, "Let's start."

There was no unnecessary movement, and with a few abnormal noises, the light in the communication room dimmed.

The huge screen flickered, and the heads of the world’s heads appeared one by one.

But within a minute or two, the avatars appeared on the screen wherever there were spaces.

I have to say that when the First Army installed electromagnetic railguns all over the world, it has strengthened communications with various countries.

The benefits brought are extremely beneficial, which allows countries to be more closely linked together.

On the screen, the expressions of the heads of countries are very solemn. Now what is happening outside, everyone knows that they can no longer wait. This connection is what they expect.

"Everyone, this time connecting with countries, I don’t need to say more about the so-called. The crisis of mankind has already appeared, why the devil appeared, this is still a mystery, you don’t know, nor the First Army, but there is One thing is clear. Demons have brought a disaster to the human world. Now in the West, demons are slaughtering mankind in an attempt to subvert the entire human world. We cannot wait any longer and must do everything possible to solve the huge threat of demons."

In the communication room, Li Meng's voice reverberated, and through signal transmission it was also transmitted to the ears of the heads of state before the video.

"His Excellency Li Meng, what should we do? What can we do? I think everyone in this room should be worried. They all want to do what they can to eliminate the devil, not only for the safety of the entire human race, but also for the safety of each country. No one wants to see the devil gradually approach his country."

The speaker was an old man, the ruling president of the Republic of Sharjah "Kanfas".

"The power of demons is far stronger than you think. They are invincible and unstoppable. The entire Middle East and half of Europe have fallen. If they do not stop their progress, within a year, they will destroy the entire western region and enter Asia. In this war, no one can stay aside. To help others is to help yourself. Your Excellency Li Meng, if your legion has any way, please state clearly."

As the highest pope of the Order Empire, Sharis understands the horror of demons best.

Now the demon army is looting in his land, they can't stop it, every day there will be cities falling, and every day a large number of people are slaughtered by the demons.

Looking at the heads of countries on the screen, Li Meng said calmly: "We have no shortcuts to the devil. There is only one way, and that is to integrate all the forces of mankind and fight this war with a sense of racial destruction. In this war, you not only need to be enlightened, but people of all countries should have this enlightenment. Now, there is no need to hide the threat of demons from civilians. All humans should know what they face. Humans can be feared, but they cannot perish in fear and be angry. And hatred brings power, and we must use this rationally."

The words paused, and Li Meng continued: "Union is not an empty word. Only by truly uniting can human beings have the possibility of victory. The division of nations, countries, and cognitions should be temporarily put aside. Mankind must have a common goal and strive for this goal."

Speaking of this, Li Meng looked slightly upright and said: "I suggest that the establishment of the Earth Joint Council, the political autonomy of all countries, military integration and independence, the joint council is the only legal highest government on the earth, and its member states must bear the corresponding Responsibilities and obligations. The government adopts a parliamentary system, with seven top deputies. The election of parliamentarians is mainly based on the contributions of countries. The first legion will be transformed into the Holy Religious Army and belong to the Earth Joint Council, but it is independent of the system and responsible for religious affairs. , Mainly to deal with the threat from the devil, while leading the development of mankind in science and technology."

Form the Earth Joint Council?

When Li Meng said this, it undoubtedly caused an uproar.

Only Wang Yanmei looked calm and did not feel any surprise or surprise.

"His Excellency Li Meng, I am not opposed to the establishment of the Earth Joint Council, but how to ensure the interests of our small countries?"

"Yes, seven congressmen, our small countries have no chance at all."

Before the establishment of the Earth Joint Council, the nations of mankind started arguing for their own interests.

In response to these words, Li Meng was expressionless, and said coldly: "The interests of the Earth Alliance are your interests, and any contribution you make will receive feedback from the Earth Alliance Council."

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