Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1625: Al again

Whenever this happens, Li Meng only does one thing, which is to listen and watch.

When they are bored, bored, powerless and afraid, they will always compromise. It just needs more time.

At the moment the First Army is integrating the military forces of mankind. Li Meng has plenty of time, so he can use it as long as he is with Meier.

The theme of this meeting is a big issue, involving the core of the internal affairs of various countries. At the meeting, several large countries have remained silent. On the contrary, it is some small countries that caused the most trouble.

Not beyond Li Meng's expectation, today's meeting was no longer a matter of course, and it was the same sentence and continued to consume.

After the meeting, Li Meng did not accompany Wang Yanmei, but returned to the embassy.

As soon as he returned to the embassy, ​​Li Meng entered the communication room and contacted the naval command of Nanlin Island.

"Jevrich, what is so anxious?"

Li Meng asked, looking at Jevric's portrait on the screen.

During the meeting, Li Meng received a report from Xiao Nan, saying that Jevrich had something important to call him, and it was urgent.

This is the biggest reason for Li Mengma to rush back to the embassy without stopping.

Raising his head and saluting, Jevrich said: "Commander, this is the case. It’s news about Al. In order to equip more than one thousand divisions with sufficient armor, we searched and sealed up all over Al. Or old tanks and armored vehicles. Now there are about 70,000 heavy tanks, 140,000 medium tanks, and 240,000 vehicles of various types. They are the T80 heavy tanks of the Soville Empire, the T65 medium tanks, and the allies. M60 heavy tanks, M50 medium tanks, although the number is large, but not enough, there is still a big gap. Although the Thang Long Empire has a large number of retired tanks, but..."

"but what?"

Frowning slightly, Li Meng said solemnly.

Could it be that what happened to the Shenglong Empire?

Seeing Li Meng's face turned gloomy, Yevrich quickly said: "It is the Empress Zhu Yixuan of the Shenglong Empire who asked to see the commander you..."

Zhu Yixuan?

It's that little girl.

This reminds Li Meng of something not long ago. About half a year ago, he went to Al and slaughtered him in the palace of the Shenglong Empire. Li Meng has not forgotten that little girl looked at him. At that time, that look full of fear.

Is there any trouble?

The internal instability of the Thang Long Empire is known to Li Meng.

Although with the help of his hands, the left and right prime ministers have been removed, but Zhu Yixuan may have encountered other troubles.

It seems I can only take a trip in person...

Li Meng, who thought so, said to Yevrich: "Understood, I will go to see her."

While speaking, Li Meng waved his hand to stop the communication with Xiao Nan.

The huge screen flickered for a while, and the picture disappeared suddenly.

Stepping down from the projection table, Li Meng said to Xiao Nan on the side: "I have to leave for a while, and the time is uncertain. If tomorrow’s meeting is held as usual, you can tell Wang Yanmei and say that I have something to deal with and will leave for a while. time."


Nodding slightly, Xiao Nan responded.

Without saying much, his mind moved.

Above Li Meng's head, a milky white beam of light gushed out of the void and enveloped Li Meng.

In the beam of light, Li Meng's body decomposed into a molecular state, following the milky white beam of light into the void.

In Nanlin Island, thousands of miles away, in the temple and portal hall.

I saw a milky-white beam of light emerging from the void, in the beam of light, Li Meng's figure was looming.

When the beam of light returned to the void, Li Meng's figure appeared in the hall.

Stepping forward, Li Meng came to the console and pressed the red button.

Just hearing the sound of a metal turning, the huge portal moved.

The gems on both sides of the gate gave off bursts of light. At that moment, the silver energy flow broke out, forming a silver light curtain in the gate.

Without hesitation, Li Meng walked into the light curtain.

When Li Meng's figure disappeared, within a few seconds, the light curtain disappeared, and the huge hall returned to calm again.

Al, Pacific Ocean, Ark Base.

In the last few months, the Ark base has not been peaceful, with a large number of transport ships arriving every day, and a large amount of cargo being transported to another world every day.

Under the huge demand of the First Army, the Ark Base became a cargo transfer station.

Arms, fuel, and tens of thousands of materials have reached another world through the portal.

However, today, a portal connecting from the outside has been opened.

The Ark management staff who had received the news were not nervous, but were ready to meet them.

I saw the silver light curtain disturbed, and a black figure came out of the light curtain.

"Master Li Meng, welcome your arrival. I am the representative of the Shenglong Empire at the Ark Base, and I am ordered to welcome you."

When the world in his eyes changed into a bright metal world, under the stairs, a middle-aged man in a suit greeted Li Meng.

Representative of the Thang Long Empire?

So, isn't it because of civil strife?

If internal strife broke out in the Shenglong Empire again, no one should come to meet him at this time.

"My lord, the special plane outside is ready, let's go quickly."

If it's not a civil strife, what did that girl look for?

With a hint of doubt, Li Meng nodded to the middle-aged man who came up.

Thang Long Empire, Peking, Forbidden City.

"Report, report..."

The morning meeting was still in progress, and a figure broke in and interrupted the meeting.

Under the gaze of the ministers, he flew to the front of the rank stage and bowed to the little figure on the throne.

He said loudly: "Report to your Majesty that there is a call from the Ark Base. The guest has arrived and will arrive in Peking before noon."


The little figure on the throne was slightly stunned, and a complex color flashed in her eyes, and she looked at an old man in the hall.

The old man stepped out and said to the little figure on the throne: "Your Majesty, since the guests are coming soon, let the Weichen explain to the colleagues."

On the throne, Zhu Yixuan, dressed in a golden dragon robe, nodded lightly, and said with a childish voice: "I'll trouble the old man."

Once again, he saluted Zhu Yixuan on the throne. Wei Xian turned to face the puzzled colleagues and said: "Princes, this time the guest is your majesty's fiancé Li Meng. It is this adult who solved our country. The worries of internal political disputes have allowed us to clean up the domestic chaos. This time, he was invited to come and have a wedding with Her Majesty the Queen."

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