Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1627: dowry

Wei Wei stepped forward and lightly flicked Zhu Yixuan's forehead. Li Meng smiled and said, "No need to apologize, but I shouldn't let you come into contact with that kind of scene prematurely. For you, it's still too early, let's go. Go in and talk about it."


Nodding heavily, Zhu Yixuan broke into a smile, grabbed Li Meng's left hand, and walked outside while pulling Li Meng.

How dare he flick the queen's forehead...

Seeing the empress pulling the adult away, the maids looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

With Li Meng, surrounded by a group of court ladies, the three came to the main study room.

On the large seats, the three sat opposite each other.

Originally, Zhu Yixuan was supposed to be sitting in the main seat, but she had to sit with Li Meng. The small body sat on Li Meng's lap as a matter of course, seeming to declare to everyone that Li Meng belonged to her.

Zhu Yixuan is still a little girl, in Li Meng's eyes, she is just a child.

I didn't think too much, and hugged Zhu Yixuan who was restless in his arms.

Looking at Wei Xian suspiciously, Li Meng said, "Old Ge, just tell me if I have anything to do. I will never refuse."

Seeing that Li Meng was so urgent, Wei Xian was not in a hurry. He shook his head and said with a smile: "No hurry, no hurry."

With that said, he picked up a document from the table next to it and handed it to Li Meng.

Seeing this, the maid serving next to him quickly took the document from Wei Xian, and walked to Li Meng lightly, and bowed her head to Li Meng.

Taking the file from the court lady, with a hint of doubt, Li Meng opened the file.

"this is……"

This is a list of munitions. The number is staggering, and the amount of information is a lot of pages.

Just when Li Meng wondered what the Shenglong Empire meant, Wei Xian's voice rang.

"Our country has a large standing army, so it has installed a lot of equipment. Due to the tense relationship between our country and the northern countries at a certain time, tens of thousands of armored units were equipped. Our country can provide 90,000 Type 59 to Lord Li Meng. Medium-sized tanks, 50,000 Type 96 heavy tanks in service, 20,000 Type 99 tanks, 10,000 Type 05 self-propelled artillery, and 150,000 various types of armored units. In addition to these munitions, all heavy industries in the Thang Long Empire can serve adults. As long as the Shenglong Empire can handle any needs of the adults, we will never refuse."

In the third war, although the Shenglong Empire did not participate, it was also ready for war. In that era, the arms of all countries increased explosively, and the Shenglong Empire was not listed.

Without participating in the war, there would be no consumption, which caused the Shenglong Empire to seal up a large amount of decommissioned equipment.

"so what?"

Looking at Wei Xian suspiciously, Li Meng didn't know why Shenglong did this.

Why do you want to do this, why do you want to say this?

Taking a look at Her Majesty the Queen in Li Meng's arms, Wei Xian chuckled and said, "Master Li Meng doesn't need to be suspicious, this is just a dowry."


Li Meng understood slightly, and smiled: "You can get engaged anytime, so why..."

"Do not."

Wei Xian interrupted Li Meng and said with a smile: "It's not an engagement, but a marriage."


For a moment, Li Meng looked at Wei Xian in surprise.

With a bitter smile on his face, Li Meng shook his head and said: "Old Ge, Xuan'er is such a young man, how can he marry me? Since I agree to be engaged, in the future, when Xuan'er grows up, I will naturally become the prince of the Shenglong Empire. Why do you need to be so anxious to become Xuan'er's husband?"

As if he knew that Li Meng would say this, Wei Xian chuckled and said, "Master Li Meng doesn’t need to worry too much. Although the Queen is small, there is no such habit of getting engaged in our country. Getting married is just a matter of fact. Master Li Meng also said that sooner or later you will become the prince of our country. Now that you are married, why not become the prince of the Thang Long Empire now? I heard about the situation on the earth. Master Li Meng is the best now When you need Al countries, as long as you become the prince of our country, the prince will naturally get the full assistance of our country. We believe that Lord Li Meng knows the strength of our industry. With the full assistance of our country, Lord Li Meng is like getting an industry. Base, how difficult is it to win this war?"

This is not a big talk. Li Meng naturally knows the industrial strength of the Shenglong Empire.

Li Meng also knew what effect it would bring with the full assistance of the Shenglong Empire.

This is simply seduce, so he can't refuse.

Why is this?

Bowing his head, Li Meng looked at Zhu Yixuan who was sitting quietly in his arms, and whispered: "Xuan'er, tell me honestly, why are you so eager to marry me? You are still young and don’t understand the meaning of marriage. I hope to wait. When you grow up, you are deciding whether to marry me."

Facing Li Meng’s question, Zhu Yixuan raised her head and looked at Li Meng with her small beautiful eyes, and said with a naive voice: "I... Xuan'er has no reason, Xuan'er just wants When you marry your brother, why should your brother wait for Xuan'er to grow up? Does your brother want Xuan'er to change his attention when he grows up? So, doesn't your brother like Xuan'er? Otherwise, how can your brother let Xuan'er grow up again? Consider it? So, does my brother hate Xuan'er? Otherwise, how could my brother say that?"

What's this?

With a flick on Zhu Yixuan's white forehead, Li Meng rolled his eyes and said helplessly: "I said Xuan'er, are you circling my brother? When did you girl become so weird? "

With a smile, Zhu Yixuan stretched out her hands, wrapped her arms around Li Meng's neck, and said softly: "Brother, you can agree to it. Xuan'er is the queen, she has announced this to the ministers in the court this morning. Something happened, did your brother want Xuan'er to be unbelievable? Xuan'er will be laughed at, brother..."

In Li Meng's arms, Zhu Yixuan shook and shook her, and then acted sweetly to Li Meng.

Once the little kid had decided on one thing, the trouble would be endless.

Li Meng had to hug Zhu Yixuan’s swaying body, and said helplessly: “Okay, okay, I’m really afraid of you, marriage is fine, but I won’t stay in El for a long time. The earth needs me, I need Go back as soon as possible."

"Um... uh uh."

Seeing her brother had agreed, Zhu Yixuan nodded happily. As long as her brother could agree, other things could be ignored.

Seeing Li Meng agreed, Wei Xian on one side was also relieved.

He hurriedly said: "Congratulations to your Majesty the Queen, we are here to announce this good news to the whole country. No, it is to announce to the whole world that her Majesty is married, and heads of all countries must come to the wedding."

Zhu Yixuan would not care about these things.

She waved to Wei Xian impatiently and said, "The old man will take care of these things. My brother is very anxious. Get married as soon as possible. You can discuss with the Ministry of Rites. If you have the result, just tell me."

When he got up, Wei Xian saluted Zhu Yixuan, saying: "Weichen abides by the order."

With that said, Wei Xian retreated, and his old figure disappeared into the main study room.

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