Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1639: Mutation

What happened?

Looking at the imposing Jin Yiwei in the yard, Wei Xian suddenly realized that there were things he didn't know about in Beiping City. In his heart, Wei Xian had a bad feeling.

At this time, he can't help but...

"Let me change my clothes."

Sheng Nan didn't refuse Wei Xian's request, and said calmly, "Old Ge, please feel free."

After turning back into the room, Wei Xian's expression was solemn.

"Master, what happened?"

Seeing Wei Xian entered the room with a worried look, the figure on the bed sat up and asked with a puzzled look.

Shaking his head, Wei Xian said solemnly: "It's nothing, I have important things, and I will do it."

Putting on the court clothes, Wei Xian walked out of the room solemnly without saying much.

Following a group of Jinyiwei, Wei Xian was taken out of the house and boarded a black off-road vehicle parked outside.

Not long after, amid the slight roar of the engine, the off-road vehicle disappeared at the end of the street.

"you are……"

Wei Xian asked suspiciously as he looked at Sheng Nan who had been keeping quiet.

Outside the window, the off-road vehicle was driving on a road that Wei Xian was familiar with. He knew that this was the direction to the Forbidden City.

Are they really Jinyiwei?

Before that, Wei Xian was very skeptical, but now...

With a cold expression, Sheng Nan said coldly: "Jin Yi Wei Zuo Yi Envoy "Sheng Nan"."


Wei Xian naturally knew that Jin Yiwei beside him was a woman, and also a very beautiful young woman.

But I didn't expect the name to have such a feeling.

With a thoughtful expression, Wei Xian said, "Is this your majesty's order, or is it your Jin Yiwei's order? Jin Yiwei has disappeared for many years, and you can't have such a big right."

To Wei Xian’s words, Sheng Nan just smiled coldly and said indifferently: “Although the two factories were disbanded by the first emperor, does the old man really think that the first emperor will completely hand over the power to the prime minister? In order to hide the existence of Jin Yiwei, Jin Yiwei’s power has not weakened, but has become stronger. The previous rebellion of the two prime ministers, even if there is no Your Royal Highness, there is only a five-point chance that the prime minister will succeed in rebellion."

It turned out to be like this...

Wei Xian finally understood. He understood why the Emperor suddenly decided to disband the two factories. It was originally to pave the way for Jin Yiwei, to hide Jin Yiwei in the dark and play a huge role at critical times.


Wei Xian was puzzled, and said in a puzzled way: "The Shenglong Empire is politically stable now, why are you showing up at this time? I shouldn't be the only one tonight."

"political stability?"

Sheng Nan smiled coldly, and said sarcastically: "The old man knows whether the politics of the Shenglong Empire is stable or not. Since Her Majesty the Queen intends to change the current situation, I and Jin Yiwei will naturally go all out to eliminate the worms of the Empire. "

"What do you want to do?"

Unconsciously, the off-road vehicle has reached the South Square of the Forbidden City.

Looking at the tanks and armored vehicles on the square, Wei Xian in the car was taken aback. At this moment, he realized the seriousness of the matter.

The army actually stationed in the Forbidden City, which has never happened in two hundred years.

"In the morning tomorrow morning, Elder Ge will know."

This is Katsuo's answer, the last answer.

The off-road vehicle crossed the front line of the square and drove into the Forbidden City.

Time passed by little by little, and in quiet, the Shenglong Empire was undergoing changes.

The commotion last night was unknowable to the civilians. Although some movement was heard late at night, no one would get up idle and open the window and look outside.

For civilians, today's Beiping City is no different from the past.

At dawn, the morning light in the east has appeared, dispelling the darkness between heaven and earth.

"What happened?"

There was still a while before the early dynasty, and the ministers arrived in the Forbidden City one after another.

Looking at the army on the square outside the window, the ministers in their respective cars all showed a surprised look.

Although there are military garrisons on the square, the road ahead is unobstructed.

With a trace of doubt and incomprehension, the ministers entered the Forbidden City with great heart.

Outside the Palace of Light, the waiting ministers suddenly discovered that their former colleagues seemed to be much less.

No, it should be said that it is less than half. Outside the hall, there are only a dozen ministers.

"No one of the cabinet ministers has arrived. This is not far from the time for the meeting."

"Isn't it? I don't know what's going on today. There are troops stationed inside and outside the palace. Depending on their organization, it seems to be the 38th Army. This size is probably one or two regiments."

"Who knows, looking at this posture, I am afraid that something has not happened."

"Let's take a look, if the patrons don't come, her Majesty the Queen of the court will come."

All kinds of weird and disturbing atmosphere caused the ministers in front of the hall to talk in a low voice.

Normally, due to their positions, there is not too much contact between them, but today, no one cares about the official position of the people around them.


Just as the ministers were talking, the door of the Palace of Light was opened.

A female officer came to the gate and said loudly: "Go to court, see you."

The ministers saluted one after another and entered the Palace of Light through the door as usual.

In the main hall, more than a dozen ministers tried to stand according to their previous positions, but found that they could not find a position.

All around them were empty, helpless, they had to stand at will and arrange them as neatly as possible.

"Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness..."

Following the female officer's soft drink, from the dedicated passage on the side of the throne, Li Meng took Zhu Yixuan's little hand and walked out.

On the throne and vice seat, the two sit down separately

His Royal Highness ministers said in unison: "Long live your Majesty, long live, long live your Royal Highness, thousand years old."

How can there be so few ministers today?

Looking at the scattered ministers in the hall, Li Meng's face was full of questions.

Li Meng knows that there are many ministers who are qualified to enter the Palace of Light, and there are also fifty or sixty people.

But how can there be only a dozen ministers participating in the court meeting today?

Where did the other ministers go?

With a wave of her small hand, Zhu Yixuan said in a childish voice: "Flat yourself."

The ministers stood up straight, with only doubts on their faces.

Looking at the ministers in the hall, Zhu Yixuan smiled faintly, and said, "You should have a lot of doubts in your minds, why are there troops stationed in the Forbidden City, and why some ministers have not yet appeared."

Yes, where did the ministers go?

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