Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 164: Attack on Hydralisk 10

Leaving the bow deck, Li Meng entered the cockpit.

"Let's go! Let's go back!"

The engine roared, the speedboat moved again, turned the bow, and headed for the Emperor.

Everything went smoothly on the way back to the Emperor. When Li Meng returned to his place, outside the elevator, Sakuya was already waiting.

She saw it, she saw what happened on the river hundreds of meters away from the bow.

"Your Highness! This is too dangerous! How can you put yourself in a dangerous place!"

When Li Meng got out of the elevator, Sakuya began to nag.

"Well, I will pay attention next time!"

Li Meng casually perfunctory.

Following his Highness, Sakiya felt a little helpless. Looking at his expression, she obviously didn't hear her words.

"His Royal Highness! We are not furnishings. Just leave this dangerous thing to us. Your safety is more important than anyone else. You have to understand this!"

"Ok, I know!"

Sakuya was a little annoyed, she said angrily, "What's the use of knowing, you will still put yourself in a dangerous place!"

Sitting on the seat, stretched out his hand, Sakuya behind him was careless for a while.


In the soft cry, he poured into Li Meng's destruction.

Sitting sideways on Li Meng's lap.

Li Meng naturally embraced Sakuya's soft waist, and in Sakuya's angry and shy eyes, his head was buried in Sakuya's silver hair.

A dull voice came from the hair.

"You nagging ghost, stop nagging. Huh! It's so fragrant! Sakuya! When did you change your perfume again?"

Different smells. I fell asleep in the embrace of Sakuya last night. The smell of perfume Li Meng smelled was not like this.

Sakuya was very shy. Although she was hugged to sleep by His Highness recently, in the daytime, the two of them never acted too intimately.

In response to His Highness's inquiry, Sakuya whispered: "It's daytime, how can I use that perfume!"

"That's it!"

Li Meng understood instantly.

It is indeed not suitable to use perfume with hypnotic ingredients during the day.

Sakuya twisted anxiously during Li Meng's failure. She breathed slightly and said quickly: "Your Royal Highness! Yevrich is coming soon. We are like this... and he can't be discovered by him!"

Sakiya was a little embarrassed, and said angrily, "Otherwise the savage guy will say that I seduce Your Highness!"

Li Meng smiled and walked away from Sakuya's hair, holding Saya's waist instead of loosening, but tightening.

"It's not better, just let him see it, if he sees more, he won't say it!"

Sakuya was shy, her face turned ruddy, her eyes were a little flustered, she looked around.

"This... not so good!"

The whispered voice is a little uncertain.

Li Meng smiled slightly, and stopped molesting Sakiya anymore, and slightly loosened the waist that was holding Sakiya, and reached out to touch Sakiya's small head.

Said: "Okay! Okay! Knowing you can't let go, Javrich will be back later, be careful to be seen by him!"

Sakiya felt a little regretful when she felt the hand on her waist leave.

In another world, she has never been so intimate with a man.

Although I met with His Royal Highness not long ago, for some reason, she couldn't feel any dislike for her.

She was even obsessed with his intimacy.

That feeling was very good. His Royal Highness's warm embrace, and the tight touch made the cells of her whole body boil. That feeling is addictive and unforgettable.

"Ding Dong!"

Not far away, the elevator door opened and Jevrich's figure came out.

Perceiving the movement, Sakuya had to leave the arms of His Highness and stood aside.

Blushing and lowering her head slightly, Sakiya didn't want to be seen by Jevrich with her shy appearance now.

Javrich walked quickly, entered the pavilion, and looked at his movements during the walk, seemingly anxious.

As soon as he entered the pavilion, Jevric said: "Commander! The offensive of the polluting beast is too fierce. The four ruins are now in crisis. The outer city of Qicheng where the resistance army is located has fallen, and now he can only rely on the inner city to resist the polluting beast. , The rebels asked us for help, asking us to help the four ruins to survive this crisis!"

"When did the Rebels deal with the other three cities? They acted very fast!"

It is to ask for help in the ruins of the four cities, not just the "Qicheng" of the rebels. Why?

Li Meng didn't know, so Li Meng was a little curious.

Li Meng asked: "What else did you say?"

Yevrich replied: "They said they would not let us do anything in vain. After this crisis, the Four Cities will pay a reward that satisfies the "First Army"!"

They are quite clever, knowing what the "First Army" cares most about.

Help them through this crisis?

They also look at the "First Army" too highly.

Now that the waves of polluting beasts in the ruins are endless, Li Meng now has this power put in, and I am afraid that it is like a drop of water falling into the sea, which will be submerged by the endless wave of beasts, leaving no trace.

"Jevrich! What do you think about this?"

Looking up at Jevrich, Li Meng asked.

"Head-on confrontation! A fully armed armored group army of 100,000 people may be able to fight the beasts in the ruins. The current "First Army" does not have that kind of strength!"

After a slight pause, Jevric continued to say: "Help is okay, but we should avoid confrontation with the polluting beast, stay away from the frontal battlefield, and use long-distance powerful weapons to support the four cities! Eliminate the vital power of the polluting beasts to alleviate the four cities. pressure!"

This method is not bad, but there is one thing that cannot be ignored. Now the First Army does not have powerful long-range support weapons.

There is no way to own it, but it must pay a high price.

However, if necessary, Li Meng will not feel sorry for the price.

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