Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1644: design diagram

At the round table, the qualified people sat down one by one. They were all heads of various scientific research departments.

"His Royal Highness, I don't know what happened this time? The Chinese Academy of Science and Technology is the place where the imperial science and technology knowledge is the richest and most complete. There are various talents here, and I believe that he will be able to help the Prince."

As the dean of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Technology, here, of course, only Dean Li is qualified to speak.

Zhu Yixuan sat quietly next to Li Meng. Zhu Yixuan didn't know the purpose of her brother's trip, and she didn't ask. Seeing that her brother is about to leave, she would be very happy if she could let her stay for a few more days. To the thing.

Glancing around at everyone present, Li Meng looked at Li Xun and said calmly: "Dean Li, I wonder how you are doing research on nuclear fusion reactors?"

Nuclear fusion reactor?

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and their faces were surprised. This is the secret of the empire, how did His Royal Highness know.

Regarding this question, Li Xun looked embarrassed and whispered to Zhu Yixuan: "Your Majesty, this..."

Zhu Yixuan knew what Li Xun cared about. She waved a small hand and said, “It’s okay, nuclear fusion reactor technology is not a secret. The allies know it, and the Sovir Empire knows it. As for brother...Prince, this technology originally came from the Prince. If you encounter any problems, you can ask the prince to help you."

From the prince?

The expressions of everyone changed slightly.

This is what the queen said, and naturally it will not be false.

Li Xun hurriedly said: "I'm very sorry, Your Royal Highness, I didn't expect the nuclear fusion technology to come from Your Royal Highness. Your Royal Highness is really a genius."

Li Meng smiled lightly at Li Xun's compliment, and said, "I am not a genius. This technology naturally has its origins. I am young, but I don't have this ability."

It turned out to be so, everyone knew.

With a faint smile, Li Xun said, "The prince is humble. After more than half a year of research after obtaining nuclear fusion technology, it is still just a concept. Although we have the idea of ​​building an experimental nuclear fusion reactor, the risks are too great. We are working hard to absorb more knowledge in order to design a more robust reactor."

In other words, hasn't the first step been taken yet?

Li Meng asked again: "Can the materials be resolved?"

Nodding lightly, Li Xun said, "Although there are still some problems, it should be able to be used barely, but the power must be controlled and cannot exceed the range that the material can withstand."

Fortunately, there are some results. If the materials are solved, other things will be easy to handle.

From his pocket, Li Meng took out a small disc and threw it on the round table.

This is the holographic projection technology from Al, and everyone here is naturally familiar with it.

The blue light flickered, and in the air, a design drawing was revealed.

In the eyes of everyone’s surprise, Li Meng said: “This is a design drawing of a thermonuclear fusion reactor. With the current level of human technology, this kind of controllable nuclear fusion method is the most effective. The information is in this core plate. You can study it in detail, but I hope you can produce results as soon as possible."

Thermonuclear fusion reactor?

Li Meng's words made the eyes of everyone on the round table bright, and their faces were full of enthusiasm and joy.

It is too timely. If this is a set of reasonable and detailed design drawings, they can take the first step in nuclear fusion technology. This is very meaningful.

"Dear, your Royal Highness, this...this is from the academy."

Looking at the core plate on the table, Li Xun said cautiously, for fear that Li Meng would take it back.

"Yes, I hope you will come up with samples as soon as possible so that this technology can mature."

After getting the confirmation, Li Xun no longer hesitated, and quickly put away the core plate.

With a look of excitement, he promised: "Please rest assured, His Royal Highness, the We Minister will not let your Majesty let you down.

Nodding lightly, Li Meng took out another core plate from his pocket.

This made everyone stunned again, looking at the core plate curiously and hopefully.

Isn't this another technology?

The blue light flickered, and another design drawing appeared above the round table.

what is this?

The whole is a cylindrical shape, like an aviation engine.

In the eyes of everyone's doubts, Li Meng said: "This is a plasma engine. It is a technology closely related to thermonuclear fusion technology. It will allow a race to usher in a leapfrog development. This device requires a very special metal. The material can fully perform its function. What kind of material has been recorded in the chip. It is called Sikkim and is generally only found near the volcano. I hope you can find this material as soon as possible."

This time, everyone was no longer enthusiastic, but shocked.

This is a plasma engine. Although there have been some studies on this plasma propulsion technology in various countries, it is only in the initial stage and the power is very small.

Where did these technologies come from?

Li Meng knows what everyone is wondering, after all, the earth is only a secret to most people in Al.

Before he was too shocked, Li Xun subconsciously put away the core plate on the table, his face flushed.

Li Xun knew what these two technologies meant, which meant that he would be able to see human beings enter the starry sky during his lifetime and take an unprecedented adventure to the starry sky.

In the eyes of everyone, Li Meng once again took out a core plate.

What is it this time?

The blue light flickered, and above the round table, a general design drawing appeared.

what is this?

The whole boxy, looks a bit "boat"?

Because you can see an engine-like device at the tail, you can also see a lot of things similar to fixed-point defense guns, and you can also see some launch ports.

In the suspicious eyes of everyone, Li Meng said: "This is a space battleship, about 278 meters long. It needs to be made of C-grade titanium alloy, which is your strongest metal material today. This is a complete set of design drawings. The mission is to differentiate it and then build it nationwide. Because of the modular design, plasma engines and thermonuclear fusion reactors can all be installed at the end. Your task is your top priority. You must hurry up and strive to achieve within two years. The first battleship can be completed."

Two years?

Time is too short. How can new technology and new technology be achieved in two years?

Li Xun looked at Zhu Yixuan with a look for help.

Facing Li Xun’s pitiful gaze, Zhu Yixuan smiled and said, “I said that you can apply to the Ministry of Government if you have any needs. Although I know this is difficult, Dean Li has to work hard. Just need to complete the steps you are responsible for, and leave the rest to other departments."

As a last resort, Li Xun nodded his head with a wry smile, and said, "Weichen will follow the order, and will definitely not let your majesty and prince down."

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