Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1650: select

Live in peace with humans?

Huyue smiled bitterly at Li Meng’s words and shook her head, and said, “Your Excellency, although I don’t know your purpose, I can feel that you have no malice. It is impossible for subhumans to live in peace with humans. Hatred has been going on for hundreds of years, and wars have never stopped. Even if we demihumans are willing, humans will never have this idea. Our resistance and hatred are only for survival, while humans are loathing, just to erase their creation. Of inferior quality."

Li Meng didn't refute Gu Yue's words. The contradiction between subhumans and humans is indeed difficult to reconcile.

However, nothing is immutable.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, "Perhaps you should take the first step, and humans will take a step back. After this war is over, I will give you an equal opportunity to survive. The contradictions may be irreconcilable, but time will erase everything. ."

"I wonder if you are?"

Those who can say this kind of thing must have a high status in the human world.

Hu Yue was very curious about Li Meng's identity.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said: "Li Meng, the highest commander of the First Army, is also the initiator of this war between humans and demons."

The first legion?

Huyue naturally didn't understand the First Legion, but from the next sentence, he could tell that the First Legion must have a high weight in the human world, and he was even more extraordinary.

The initiator of a war, a war between human forces and demons, what it means, Huyue naturally understands.

"What do you want me to do?"

Huyue has no interest in living in peace with humans, but she doesn't care about it either. What she cares about is how to make subhumans survive.

Because Huyue understood that whether it was a victory for a demon or a victory for a human, the demihuman race would be in a very dangerous situation.

The devil won the victory, and needless to say the result, and the victory of human beings will also wipe out the threat of subhumanity.

And the thing that worries Hu Yue the most is that the subhumans no longer have the power to resist humans.

If subhumans want to survive, they must rely on external forces, and this external force is the person in front of them.

With a calm expression, Li Meng said calmly: "You don't need to do anything, just do it according to your current plan. The only thing you need to pay is "loyalty."


Frowning slightly, Hu Yue said coldly: "This is impossible. The subhumans will never be loyal to humans."

"It's impossible for humans, what about gods?"

With that, Li Meng's body suddenly dissipated, transforming into a huge black robe in the air.

It was holding a huge sickle and was covered in black robe, with a black halo flowing on the surface.

The moment it appeared, an astonishing power swept the camp.

The two bull-head guards outside the camp gate immediately knelt down, and their eyes were only terrified. They suddenly discovered that their bodies could not move.

Hu Yue, who was in front of the black robe, was the first to bear the brunt, her white face turned pale, and her whole body trembling slightly.

This... what is this?

Looking at the huge black robe in front of her, Hu Yue experienced the feeling of "death" personally, and her soul seemed to be about to leave her body and leave her.

Just when Hu Yue felt that she was going to die, the black robe suddenly disappeared, and on one side of the seat he formed the same human being who claimed to be Li Meng.

The power dissipated, the pressure that had shocked the soul finally disappeared, and a drop of cold sweat flowed down from Hu Yue's forehead.

With a sigh of relief in her heart, Hu Yue looked at Li Meng with a look of fear, and said timidly: "You... are you really human?"

In response, Li Meng just smiled slightly and said: "Yes, nor is it."


Is there really a **** in this world?

If not, what was it just now?

Looking at Li Meng cautiously, Hu Yue said timidly: "Why do you want to do this? The current subhumans should be of no value to you."

Li Meng agreed with Huyue’s words and said calmly: “You can understand it as my “collecting” pleasure. I don’t want to see any race disappear or fall, because this is a kind of blasphemy against creation. You may be regarded as failures, but you have survived and can develop and grow after leaving the Creator. This shows that you have been recognized by this world and this planet, and naturally have been recognized by me."

Is this the reason?

Hu Yue didn't understand God's thoughts, but there was a hint of joy in her heart.

Humans do not recognize their existence, but "God" recognizes them.

"Think about it, you have enough time to think..."

With that, Li Meng disappeared, disappearing without a trace in Hu Yue's eyes.

Looking at the position where Li Meng was sitting in a daze, Hu Yue's face appeared in a daze.

Everything seems like a dream, which makes people confused and feels nothing.

But Hu Yue knew very well in her heart that he had been here before, and he was real.


The trip to the southern badlands was just a small episode for Li Meng.

A long, long time ago, Li Meng was very concerned about the subhumans. Although he has never had the opportunity to contact him, he has always been concerned about it. The battle of the devil's Middle-earth, the destruction of the seven allies, the tragic slaughter of the subhumans, Li Meng is all in his eyes. .

At first he didn’t have much thoughts, nor did he plan to do anything. Compared to humans, subhumans do have very strong abilities. They have stronger bodies and stronger powers. Although stupid, they also have If the clever fox people are given room to survive, they may even be able to surpass their creator "human beings" in the future.

This is not empty talk, this is potential, the potential of subhumans.

There must be selfishness. Between humans and subhumans, Li Meng naturally values ​​humans more.

But in the end, Li Meng decided to give the subhumans a promising future.

Because Li Meng believes that the subhumans are a potential race, and in the future, what he uses will bring him a boost.

This is not mercy. There may also be other feelings, but the clearest purpose is to "invest."

Time was passing fast, but within half a month, the huge fleet set out from Vladivostok and arrived in the city of Sundra.

Today, for Sundra, it is not an ordinary day.

Early in the morning, as the city entered a new day in the city of Sandra, under the Sacred Gate Bridge connecting the two sides of the strait, a huge fleet appeared.

In the rumbling whistle, a huge battleship passed under the bridge, their number is endless, covering the entire river area.

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