Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1656: Blocked everywhere

Can't pass?

On the captain's seat, Li Meng sat upright, frowning slightly.

The Budun River is the only channel connecting the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea. If it is blocked by silt and cannot allow large warships to pass, this is no small trouble.

With a wave of his hand, Li Meng said: "Immediately send a smaller tonnage warship into the Budon River to check the situation, and to find a suitable anchor point, we need to find out the situation of the Budon River before the fleet can enter this river area."

The river is no more than the sea. Once a large warship enters the river, there is no room to look back, and can only move forward.


Holding the military salute, Masiev shouted.

Immediately Masyev turned around and gave relevant orders to the correspondent.

"Jingle Bell……"

At this moment, the red alarm sounded suddenly.

This made the operator's face in the command room clenched, and the correspondent quickly said: "It's the Wing Demon, the Eastern Wing Demon is coming."


When the sirens sounded, Li Meng guessed the result. These days, the fleet has been attacked by those wing demons, which is simply annoying.

At this time, outside, on the eastern continent of the combined fleet, a red dot suddenly appeared in the distant sky.

At first, they were far away, but within a few breaths, they had already reached the fleet.

They left the mainland from above the clouds and rushed toward the fleet on the sea.

They are numerous, like a flock of migrating birds, spread over a large area of ​​the sky.

When they came to the sky over the fleet, they swooped down from the sky, very fast, and could only see a stream of fire.

On the sea, the anti-aircraft turret on the battleship was activated, the turret turned, and the muzzle of the black hole was aimed at the sky.

"Da da……"

The fleet fired, and amid the intensive gunfire, bullet marks hit the sky.

One ship, two ships, when dozens or hundreds of warships opened fire, the sky was suddenly enveloped by bullets.

But that's it, the airspace is still vast, and the swooping Wing Demon dropped fireballs, and then they scattered, shuttled through the bullets and passed over the battleship.

The fireball of the wing demon is a kind of magical attack. The attack can be strong or weak. The fireball released by some wing demon is about the same as a 100mm caliber howitzer, but the stronger wing demon will release a larger fireball. The power is also stronger, sometimes one can sink an ironclad ship.

For a time, gunshots rumbling on the sea, rain of bullets flying across, the light of fire flickered from time to time, and flames rose from the body of the battleship.

In the sky, the Wing Demon passing over the battleship was constantly shot down, some fell into the sea, and some fell directly onto the battleship's deck.

Warships are maritime units. Although they have strong firepower, they have great targets. They are at a disadvantage in combat with air units.

Although the wing demons are fragile, the shells can easily tear their bodies, but their speed is very fast, even with the fire control radar, sometimes they can't keep up with them.

The rain of bullets in the sky seems dense, but it can't form an overwhelming advantage to Wing Demon.

The huge warship has never missed the attack of the Wing Demon. Under the attack of fireball after fireball, the warship with strong defense can't support it.

In the battle between you and me, the two sides were entangled together, and for a while, the sea was so lively.

The battle lasted more than five hours, until the Wing Demon gave up the attack and fled the battlefield, the battle was finally over, and everything subsided.

A large number of Wing Devil's corpses floated on the sea, and as the waves undulated, they would sink into the sea in a short time without leaving any traces.

On the sea, many battleships burst into thick smoke.

Many iron-clad ships were destroyed and sinking slowly. In the fleet, life boats can be seen everywhere.

In this attack, several warships once again withdrew from the combined fleet, and they turned their bows to the direction they had come.

For these warships, they have lost their combat capability and have to go to the rear for maintenance.

This was just an encounter with Wing Demon, and it did not have much impact on the fleet.

In this sea area, there are more than 500 warships. Even if the devil’s air force is dispatched, it is not easy to solve this fleet. They will suffer heavy losses and require enough time.

Time was passing, and a few days later, Li Meng received another bad news.

"Commander, there are many blockages in the Budun River, and only 5,000-ton warships can be passed. If a large warship is forced to pass, it is very likely to run aground."

This is really bad news, news that makes Li Meng unhappy.

If the army’s advancement is blocked, it’s a matter of course. It’s not anxious and it can only do its best to achieve the combat goal.

But if the combined fleet is trapped in the Black Sea, it will have an unimaginable impact on the entire battle.

Frowning slightly, Li Meng asked Masyev: "How long does it take for the engineering ship to arrive?"

Masyev said: "Because there is a need for engineering ships specializing in the removal of river silt, they need to be recruited from Al. The engineering ships can travel in the Arabian Sea and reach the Mediterranean from the Red Sea. This can effectively reduce the voyage. However, this requires a With the **** of the **** fleet, the African continent is currently occupied by demons. Without the protection of the **** fleet, it is difficult for engineering ships to reach here. It is estimated that it will take about half a month."

Half a month?

This time is acceptable. The current situation of the army, I do not know how long it will take to advance to the Caspian Sea.

If the army has not arrived and the fleet arrives in the Caspian Sea ahead of schedule, it will not be able to do much, and it may be besieged by demons instead.

Thinking like this, Li Meng said to Masyev: "Immediately notify the Naval Command and ask them to send an engineering fleet here and let the Eleventh Fleet go back. They should be able to meet in the Indian Ocean."

Masyev said: "Yes."

After all, the reason why the joint fleet is blocked is due to insufficient intelligence.

If the First Army can learn more about this land, the situation in the Budun River can be known in advance.

Unlike now, you can only solve one problem when you encounter it, without any predictability.

Time goes by day by day, and since the First Army launched its attack on the devil, it can be said that everything goes wrong.

The combined fleet was blocked in the Black Sea, and the troops on the ground also encountered many difficulties.

Although the war has begun, the land of Europe is raging, and the demons are retreating steadily, the situation is somewhat subtle.

After the first wave of offensive began, the human army of 8 million advanced to the south. Although invincible all the way, the advancing speed was slow.

The encounters with the devil everywhere made the coalition tired. Although they were able to win in the end, they were based on a large number of casualties.

It took a full month for the coalition forces to advance to the southern border of the Order Empire.

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