Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1658: Battle of Gru City

Looking back at Cass, Wicks said indifferently: "Cass, this is war. Before, I didn’t understand why the vast American Federation joined the Earth Joint Council. I always believed that the American Federation is the future of mankind. Only the American Federation can lead mankind to rejuvenate, but now I find that I was wrong. The potential of the American Federation may be unlimited, but there is also the First Legion. This war with the devil, if there is no First Legion, I It is impossible to imagine what kind of results humanity will usher in. In the future, the Earth Joint Council is the hope of mankind, but now, all that is just a vision for the future. Mankind still has several wars to fight, only victory is won. Only the human race can continue."

Speaking of this, Wicks looked cold and calmly said: "In this war, many people will die, millions, ten million, you, and me, maybe they will all be lost in this war. , But as soldiers, this is your and me responsibility. The First Legion has provided us with everything to give us the ability to fight the devil. The only thing we have to do is to win the war at any cost."

This is the consciousness, Wicks's consciousness, is also the consciousness he should have as a teacher.

Without this awareness, this war cannot be won.

The completion of the first wave of offensive allowed the coalition forces to stop at the border of the Order Empire and carry out some repairs.

But the battle did not end. The battle in the north attracted many demon from the south. In the forest, some demon who approached the north often appeared. Once encountering the human coalition forces, an encounter is inevitable.

Although the coalition forces have stopped, fighting often takes place everywhere along the long border.

Nanhai, Nanlin Island, Qingcheng, Naval Command.

In the huge combat command room, a group is busy at this time.

The analysis of the battlefield, the management and transportation of logistics, and the mobilization of the army are all concentrated in the brain center of the combat command room.

Although there is the assistance of intelligent AI, it is only a few troublesome procedures, and the main operation and communication are still on the personnel.

"According to the orbiting satellites, the trajectory of the Wing Demon is moving north. In the south, the demon has slowed the speed of the invasion. Various anomalies show that the demon is gathering north."

"The forest is a good cover. It is impossible to monitor the movement of the demon ground forces. Colonel Jevrich, we have to guard against it."

Yes, it must be guarded, but the question is, how to guard it?

The frontier of the ecclesiastical empire is more than 1,000 kilometers long, and more than 10 million troops are scattered everywhere, and it is impossible to concentrate on one point.

Even if they knew that the devil's army was approaching north, the only thing they could do now was to wait for the devil to appear before they could make arrangements.

With a dark face, Yevrich said: "Pay close attention to the cities captured by the devil. They will always appear. As long as they pass through the city, we will be able to find them, as well as the Wing Demon. Strengthen the surveillance of the Wing Demon. To launch a large-scale invasion northward, we cannot do without the help of the Wing Demon. As long as we can observe the large-scale migration of the Wing Demon to the north, we can think of where the demon’s ground troops have gone."

"Colonel Jevrich, there is a group of Winged Demons approaching the border of the Order Empire, whether they need to warn the coalition forces."

The blue light flickered, and a three-dimensional map appeared in front of Jevrich.

This is a strategic map of Europe and the Middle East. On the map, a red dot is approaching the blue area in the north.

Looking at the map in front of him, Jevrich frowned and asked, "How many are they?"

"About ten thousand..."

Ten thousand?

This is a lot, Jevrich said quickly: "With their flying speed and flight path, where will they appear? How long will it take?"

"Based on the current route, it is expected to appear in Gelug City, and there are still five hours."

Five hours?

It seems that in Gru City, a battle with the devil is about to take place.

Yevrich asked again: "How is the defense in the city? How many coalition forces are stationed?"

"Fifteen armored divisions, about 200,000 people."

"Not enough, immediately mobilize the surrounding coalition forces and let them assemble to Gelug City. On the battlefield of Gelug City, the number of coalition forces must not be less than 500,000. This is the first large-scale battle with the devil since the coalition offensive. They must be defeated with absolute advantage..."

A great battle was approaching, and under the instructions of Jevric, the coalition forces began to act on the front lines.

Order Empire, Gelu City...

"A new combat order?"

The warning light on the half-face helmet was flashing, which made Wicks quickly put on the helmet.

This is a battle order, and there are demons approaching. Soon, Gru City will become a battlefield.

Five hours...

With a tight expression, Wicks quickly left his room and walked outside.

This is a tall building close to the southern city wall. Here, Wicks used it as the camp of the 213 Armored Division.

The soldiers need to rest, and the rooms in the tall buildings are a good place to rest.

The streets are wide enough to stop a large number of armored units.

At this time, the battle in Gelug City has subsided, and the remaining demons have been completely eliminated.

Under Wicks's combat instructions, the entire high-rise building boiled, and the soldiers who were resting rushed out of each room, ran wildly in the corridor, and headed downstairs.

Soon after, the roar of the engine rang in the street.

A large number of tanks and armored vehicles moved to the south gate.

In Gelug City, all 15 armored divisions started to move. When the time came, Mercedes-Benz tanks and armored vehicles were all moving in the same direction on the streets of the city.

In just five hours, outside the city of Gelug, the coalition had assembled more than 30 armored divisions and more than half a million people.

Large numbers of people and great power also eliminated the possibility of defending the city.

Without the tortoise hiding in the city, in the forest outside the city, the coalition forces will have a head-on confrontation with the devil.

Although the dense forest has greatly affected the artillery behind the human beings, the situation is the same for the demons. Fighting in the forest will greatly weaken the attacks of the Wing Demon unless the forest is blown to the ground.

This is not an easy task for both demons and humans.

In the eyes of the public, the battle in Gelug City started.

The Wing Demon appeared from the sky and attacked the city of Gelu overwhelmingly.

And on the ground, endless demons formed a red wave and rushed towards Gelug City in the forest.

In the forest, the torrent of steel that had been prepared for a long time collided with the red torrent. For a time, guns echoed in the forest.

In the dim forest, the fiery red streamer flickered, the rumble of the engine roared, and countless tanks and armored vehicles rushed into the front battlefield in the forest.

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