Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 166: Attack on Hydralisk 12

Yevrich did not speak either, but silently looked at the busy soldiers in front of him.

When the last box appeared from the portal, a tall figure walked out of the portal.

She has shoulder-to-shoulder blond hair, and her upper body is somewhat exposed. She only wore a tight underwear. Her lower abdomen and white skin were all exposed, and her figure was very delicate and perfect.

Wearing a pair of camouflage digital pants.

With a delicate face and sharp pupils, leaving the portal, her eyes turned to Jevrich outside the platform.

Her appearance also made the soldiers who had been busy standing around like a mouse and a cat.


"Line up!"

The soldiers gathered in a hurry, their feet hurried, and in just a few breaths, more than two hundred people were already lined up.

"It turned out to be you?"

Jevric was a little surprised, but she didn't expect her to come too.

How could this be, in her capacity, how could it be possible to be sent to this world, and the big brothers of the allies were willing?

"Are you surprised?"

After leaving the platform, she came to Jevrich and said as she walked.

When the words were finished, she stopped and stayed in front of Jevric.

"Tanya Adams, a well-known special forces member of the allied country, is also a spy, a spy chief, and it stands to reason that it is impossible for the big bosses of the allied country to let you leave your post, after all you know too many secrets!

Tan Ya smiled playfully, tucked the hair on her forehead, and said casually: "Now those guys don't have the right to speak! It's up to me to come, they don't want me to come, so I am!"

What does this mean?

Yevrich was puzzled.

However, this is not the time to talk about this.

"Let's go! Follow me to see the commander!"

Tan Ya's expression moved, and he was obviously "concerned" about the commander Javric said.

"What about them?"

Tan Ya glanced at the allied soldiers in line.

Yevrich said: "Someone will arrange them. The "Emperor" is very big, and you will have your own area!"

"Let's go! We still have a lot to do next, we don't have much time, we must hurry!"

After speaking, Jevric turned and left, Tan Ya followed closely.

The high-heeled leather shoes slapped on the metal ground, making a rhythmic sound after another.

On the way, Tan Ya, who was really curious, couldn't help but ask Jevrich, "What kind of person is the commander?"

what kind of person?

This really stumped Jevrich.

Words are organized in my mind a little bit, but I can't fully express it.

In thinking, Jevric said: “You can laugh, be angry, and you can also be cold. When you laugh, it will infect people's hearts, just like the clear water without any impurities, and when you are angry, it is like a storm of lightning and thunder. Just staying next to him, my heart trembled, when it was cold, it was like a killer walking in the dark, cold and ruthless!"

Tan Ya listened quietly, and she imagined what kind of person a "commander" was from Jevrich's words.

Finally, Javrich said: "The commander's body is very weak, probably because of congenital deficiency, the skin looks very pale, and the whole person feels sick!"

This is what Jevrich is most worried and worried about. For some reason, the commander's body is very poor since the first time he saw the commander.

How long has this passed? The Wizard of Sakiya Yevri learned that although Sakuya did his best to take care of the commander, the commander's body was getting worse and paler day by day.

The heart beats faster day by day, all of which Sakiya felt inadvertently.

This makes them worried and broken.

"Do you know the age of the commander?"

Tan Ya asked.

"Not big! About twenty years old! Very young!"

Tan Ya was a little surprised. He didn't expect the commander to be so young.

"Hurry up! This time the urgent recruitment of you is an important task for you to do, time is urgent!"

After walking through the long passage, the two came to the elevator entrance

"Ding Dong!"

The elevator to the top floor opens.

Jevric entered first, followed by Tanya.

"Ding Dong!"

With another sound, the elevator doors opened.

When Tan Ya leaving the elevator first saw a very wide and beautiful place.

Grass, swimming pool, garden.

Tan Ya also saw two figures on the ship's gunwale beside the garden.

They stood side by side, looking into the distance.

Following Yevrich, Tan Ya approached where the two figures were.

The sound of footsteps in his ears let Li Meng know that Jevric was here.

In the "Emperor", apart from Jevric, I am afraid that no one will come in and out so frequently.

Turning around, Li Meng looked at Jevrich who was coming here.

Sakuya also looked slightly.

this is?

Looking at the strange female figure behind Jevrich.

Li Meng was puzzled, and Sakuya was stunned.

"It turned out to be her!"

Sakuya murmured.

Although the voice was small, it was heard by Li Meng.

"How? Do you know her?"

Li Meng asked.

Sakiya said quietly: "She is a special soldier of the allies and also a spy leader. During the war, the superpowers of our Rising Sun Empire did not deal with her less!"

Li Meng knew that it was so. It seemed that the mastermind had made the decision privately and gave one away for free.

When he came to Li Meng, Jevrich raised his hand and raised a military salute. After putting it down, he said: "Commander! The matter has been done, and the Resistance will know that our "First Army" is about to act!"

After speaking, Jevric turned sideways and revealed Tan Ya in front of Li Meng.

Tan Ya raised her leg and took two steps forward, holding the military salute and said: "Commander! Tanya Adams will report to you!"

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