Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1667: Apostle's Secret

"This is the apostle?"

Looking at their images, Li Meng thought of the existence that was terrified by humans many years ago.

That is the apostle...

Isis nodded and said indifferently: "Yes, this is the apostle, the existence that you humans fear. After the demons unified the southern continent a hundred years ago, in order to gain more development time, and to weaken humanity. Power, the demons created an apostle to limit the development of mankind."

Speaking of this, Isis smiled slightly, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Li Meng, and said: "The "Guardian" in your human mouths also originated from the demons. We gave this technology deliberately. American Federation."

Isis's words made Li Meng startled slightly and looked at Isis in confusion.

Why is this?

Isn’t it a contradiction to use the apostle to restrict the development of mankind, and at the same time hand it over to mankind to fight against the apostle?

"Very confused?"

With a faint smile, Isis said calmly: "This is a trap, a technological trap. The biggest purpose is to make mankind embark on a wrong technological path. The original technology that you humans have now comes from the demons. Energy has no future at all. This energy comes from nuclear radiation and is a product of nuclear radiation abnormality. Although this energy is convenient, it cannot allow humans to leave the planet. As long as humans have a kind of dependence on the original energy Laziness, human science and technology development will be greatly slowed down, even within a thousand years of being unable to leave their own planet, and this is exactly what the demons want to see."

Isis's words have benefited Li Meng a lot, knowing how terrifying and insidious the demons are.

The wisdom he possessed is also shocking, and his methods of action also made Li Meng frightened.

Without the First Army, human beings on earth, what would their future be like?

The end is self-evident. One day, they will be enslaved by the demons and become a starting point for the demons to come to the stars again.

"There are also meta-elves. They are also our family. They are to make humans believe that the original energy is their future. At the same time, the original elves are also a back hand of the demons. When the demons are ready to attack humans, humans are the strongest. The big weapon "Gu Shen" will become the forward of the demons."

Unbelievable, unbelievable...

With all the things Isis said, Li Meng had nothing to say, only feelings in his heart.

If it hadn't been for Isis to tell him today, even he and even the First Army would be kept in the dark by the demons.

In the human world, although the number of "Guardians" is not large, they are not many. Once the Guardian rebellion occurs, it is absolutely a disaster for the human world.

Although the "God of Guard" is not invincible, it is just a targeted weapon, and it is not difficult to eliminate it.

But the sheer size of the "God of Guard" would cause huge damage to human cities before being wiped out.


Looking at Isis next to him, Li Meng asked puzzledly: "Why have the apostles stopped sending out in the past ten years?"

To Li Meng’s question, Isis replied: “Like this large weapon, every time it is deployed, it consumes a lot of energy. In the past, when these apostles were deployed, the energy source in the body came from the zero-point module. For nearly a hundred years, The Zero Point module consumes too much energy, which affects the development of the Mozu in science and technology. At the Seven Lords Meeting 16 years ago, we decided to stop sending apostles to attack the human world and switch to developing technology at full speed. Strengthen the power of the demons."

Speaking of this, Isis's words paused, and then he said: "Of course, there is another reason. In that meeting of the Seven Lords, we decided to launch an offensive against humanity within 20 years. It is not a long time for 20 years. , Human beings will not do much, there is no need to consume the energy of the zero module to use the apostle."

It turned out to be like this...

It seems that the Demon Race did not decide to attack humans in advance because of the First Army, but the Demon Race had already made this decision.

The first legion just happened to appear, and the demons also happened to encounter the uninvited guest of the first legion.

Today’s itinerary is really rewarding, and I didn’t expect to learn the secrets of the apostle.

In order to rule mankind and the earth, the demons really did nothing to do so quietly.

Thinking of this, Li Meng smiled slightly and said: "I'm really curious about what methods they will use to stop me, come on, I will meet them..."

Isis knew that Li Meng had a very magical ability, and quickly reminded: "Be careful..."

Nodding lightly, Li Meng turned around and walked two steps forward. A white beam of light whizzed out in the void, covering Li Meng.

In almost an instant, the beam of light retracted into the void, and Li Meng's figure disappeared.

Looking at the place where Li Meng disappeared, Isis looked worried...

Temple of Amon, in the top hall.

The void shattered, and a white beam of light emerged. From the beam of light, Li Meng walked out calmly.

When the beam of light disappeared and stood in the main hall, Li Meng realized that something was wrong.

If in the past, once he appeared, the guards would rush into the hall desperately and attack him.

Even if they knew that they were powerless to stop him, they would fight with no fear of death.

But today, there is something quiet in the hall, only on the throne, Li Meng saw Amon.

Its body is still the guard, and it looks very tall when sitting on the throne.

It seemed to be prepared for Li Meng's arrival, and the golden pupils did not have the tyranny and anger they had before.

After looking around, Li Meng was a little disappointed. He originally thought he would get some surprise this time, but he didn't expect everything to be normal.

Too lazy to say anything, Li Meng waved his hand to kill Amon again.

But at this time, Amon's voice rang, echoing in the hall.

"Enjoy this time, you have no chance, no more chance to kill me and "pull"..."

The movement in his hand stopped, Li Meng looked at A Meng with interest, not in a hurry.

Li Meng wanted to see what he could do to stop him.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said: "Then use your method. You should know that once I take the shot, your body will burst and turn into a pool of flesh and blood, and you have no time to react. "

To Li Meng's words, Amon's pupils tightened, and he said solemnly: "The self-confidence has made you a complete defeat..."

Shrugging, Li Meng said, "Perhaps."

It seemed that Amon seemed to have a lot to say. Li Meng smiled faintly, leaning on the huge cylinder, and making Amon continue to speak.

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