Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 168: Attack on Hydralisk 14

The engine roared, the waves rolled, and the traces left by the speedboat on the river remained for a long time.

When approaching the river bank, the sound of the powerful engine slowed down, and the speedboat approached the river bank with inertia.

When the bow of the ship reached the bank with a "bang", the six speedboats landed one by one.

The hatch opened, and allied soldiers rushed out of the speedboat and jumped onto the river bank.

Many figures moved quickly.

"Occupy a favorable position! Prepare to fight!"

"Go to the high ground on the left, hurry! The third team is going to occupy the high ground on the left!"

"Quick! Quick! Take action!"

The soldiers rushed to the river bank, separated in small groups, and guarded the artillery position with an outward convex arc.

The surrounding decaying buildings did not collapse and stood stubbornly. There was no good shelter on the road full of vegetation. The soldiers could only extend their front lines outwards and enter the decaying buildings to establish a line of defense.

When the soldiers all rushed out of the speedboat, the docking speedboat engine started and left the river bank to clear the way for the four huge Calder self-propelled artillery.

Under the thrust of the levitation engine, and amid a huge roar, the Calder self-propelled artillery drove slowly and smoothly away from the river.

In the square, four Calders self-propelled artillery were separated by a certain distance and distributed around the square.

The location was selected, and the huge Calder self-propelled artillery began to transform into a bombardment mode amid the sound of the machinery.

The four suspension engines are separated to both sides, and the brackets are elongated to form four brackets.

The roar of the barrel-shaped suspension engine slowed down, with the spout facing downward, and the sharp teeth on the spout, as the power of the engine became smaller, pierced into the ground under the gravity of the Calder's self-propelled artillery.

When the engine nozzle no longer emits blue flames, the sharp teeth have been deeply inserted into the ground, firmly fixing the huge body of the Calder self-propelled artillery to the ground.

The bracket was fixed, and the armor flipped amidst the sound of machinery, the turret became larger, and the stubby barrel began to stretch.

When the deformation is over, the barrel is more than enough to escort.

In the square, four huge metal monsters with thick and long turrets suddenly appeared.

The turret turned, pointing straight to one side.

For this mission, Tan Ya also brought a few technicians. The engineers of the allies are all-powerful and they are not good at anything, but they can do everything.

On the terrace of the high-rise building on the left side of the square, several engineers are setting up an observation device. By then, through it, the Ping Ding’s self-propelled artillery can designate bombing targets.

The engineers were busy, while Jevrich and Tan Ya stood on the edge of the terrace, looking at the ruins in the distance.

"see it?"

Yevrich said.

"I saw it!"

Tan Ya responded.

Located in the ruins, the four cities are next to each other, and a certain section of the tall city wall can still be seen. There are people on the wall and the flickering of the muzzle flame.

But what I saw most was the silhouettes surging in the streets everywhere in the ruins. They were black and heavy, and through the screen zoom, their hideous bodies were clearly visible.

"It's terrible!"

This is what Tan Ya thinks of them.

The artillery position is established, and the First Army is ready. Now it is waiting for the observation device to locate the target, and then the bombing can be carried out.

It is conceivable that by then, the marsh ruins will be more lively.

From the Rebel Army to the First Army to ask for help, although the First Army took an urgent action, now, an hour will pass.

The First Legion was ready, and the Resistance was on the verge of collapse.

The situation in the other three cities is a little better than the resistance, but they will be on the verge of collapse sooner or later over time.

This is a matter of time.

The endless black waves hit the inner city walls of Qicheng one after another.

Layers of Hydralisk have appeared on multiple sections of the wall.

The neighing of the Hydralisk, the roar of human beings, the harsh gunfire intertwined, the flow of blood and the passing of life made the city wall a real slaughterhouse.

A large number of lives pass away at every moment, including polluting beasts and humans.

Yu Dongjian was numb when he looked at the black-squeezed Hydralisk outside the city, which seemed to be inexhaustible forever.

"How long has the time passed?"

He asked subconsciously.

He has asked this sentence many times, many, many times.

The fighting around him was fierce. How could the soldiers hear him.

The sound of gunshots has caused many soldiers to have tinnitus. Now they only think about one, and that is to kill and tilt more bullets down the city.

But some people heard what Yu Dongjian said.

"More than an hour has passed! Instructor Yu!"

He sat with his back under the city pier, his face tired, the gun in his arms had been exploded, and the muzzle was split into a trumpet shape, and it was no longer usable.

He probably heard what Yu Dongjian said when he was out of the battle.

Yu Dongjian nodded numbly, and looked to the east again.

What is he expecting.

"Support! Need support! They are on the wall!"

The panic and anger sounded in his ears, making Yu Dongjian who was in a dazed spirit aroused.

Looking for the reputation, just a few tens of meters to his right, the stack of Hydralisks was level with the city wall, and many Hydralisks rushed up the city wall.

They were raging on the city wall, their sharp claws and mouths became their sharp weapons for harvesting lives. Countless soldiers who could not dodge were torn apart by them, and even the screams were too late.

"Kill them!"

The soldiers turned their guns and fired frantically at the Hydralisk on the wall.


Several green blood mist splashed on the huge body of the Hydralisk, and the bullet pierced its skin and plunged into the flesh.

It opened its big, hideous mouth and "neissed", and its badly wounded body fell weakly.

Before falling, it waved its giant claws.

The giant claw swung down and directly pierced into the chest of a soldier who could not dodge.

Unable to even scream, the soldier stabbed by the giant claw fell on the wall together with the Hydralisk, no more sound.

Green and red are intertwined, and the outer ground gathers together, looking hideous and dazzling.

More and more Hydralisks are on the wall. Although they will not survive for long, they will be pierced by bullets on the wall, but their death relieves the pressure of the Hydralisk group outside the city.

The soldiers' attention was placed on the Hydralisk on the wall, and the Hydralisk group outside the city took advantage of this opportunity to quickly pile up and rush toward the wall.

In that gap, more and more Hydralisk climbed onto the city wall, facing the bullet rain, creating opportunities for their companions.

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