Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1684: Excessive casualties

"Commander, there is news from the Naval Headquarters. In Sri City, the American Federation and the Republic of Sharjah have been established to form the Earth Federation. This matter has caused a lot of trouble among mankind, and the momentum is not small."

Listening to the soldier's report, Li Meng's face did not change much.

Their purpose is obvious. It took nearly two months to make a difference, and they really can stand their temper.

With a cold face, Li Meng smiled contemptuously, and said: "Let them have fun on their own. I want to see how much they can do. Okay, don't bother with them. Now our main task is to eliminate the devil. Threatened."

The army is advancing to the south again, and a new war is about to begin. Before the war is over, Li Meng will not change his mind.

A blue light flashed, and in front of Li Meng, a holographic map appeared on the command platform.

This is a map of the northern hemisphere. On the map, the blue front is gradually eroding the red area.

At the junction, there are constantly flashing fire lights, and each flashing fire light represents a battlefield.

"The 245th Division is in a hurry. They have encountered a large number of demons and need reinforcements."

With a wave of his hand, the map became larger and freezed on a certain battlefield.

The icon of the 245 division is at a certain point on the map. Around him, there are multiple icons of the armored division on a horizontal line.

"Let the 145, 414, and 342 divisions quickly reinforce them, surround them from both sides, and annihilate the demons. On the other hand, let the 287, 114, and 333 divisions in the rear speed up and supplement the defense lines of the 145, 414, and 342 divisions."

The troops are sufficient, and the next is a long advancing battle.

Li Meng wanted to end the battle quickly, but the Demon King did not give him this opportunity. What Li Meng wanted was a decisive battle, a decisive battle with the devil, because only a decisive battle. Once victory, the threat of the devil can be quickly eliminated. .

Li Meng didn't know what the Devil King was thinking about, why he had to spread his forces to fight against humans, which was different from what he had done before.

The battlefield is not only in the Middle East. After the battlefield in the Middle East started again, just one month, in Africa, a million-scale army landed on the eastern front of Africa and launched an attack on the demons remaining in Africa.

The main force of the demons is in the Middle East. The American continent destroyed by the demons has become a dead place, and life and soul are dead. Whether it is humans or polluting beasts, even if there are demons left, the scale is very limited, and a million armies are enough to cope.

Li Meng thought he would be able to end the battle with the devil in two years, but the facts were not what he wanted.

It took half a year for the army to advance to the border between Europe and Middle-Earth.

The devil is not an enemy that can be underestimated, nor can he rush southward.

The army can only advance bit by bit, not too fast, and the logistics of the rear must be kept smooth.

Purely mechanized troops have very high requirements for logistics. Once there is a problem with logistics, fuel and ammunition cannot be sent to the front in time, the combat effectiveness of the army will be greatly affected.

This allowed the army to attack a city, then wait for the logistics line to connect, and then continue to move forward after a short break.

The casualties are still a bit high. Armored units alone cannot effectively fight against the demons. The capable people are not strong enough, and their losses are also great.

After the war lasted for a year, the fierce fighting forced Li Meng to suspend his offensive against the devil.

Gelug City, in the temporary command post.

"After a year of fighting, we have wiped out more than three million demons, but our own losses have reached more than two million, a large number of armored vehicles have been destroyed, our combat effectiveness has also declined greatly, and the soldiers are already very tired. Now, the establishment of the Earth Federation in the rear has made many soldiers complain. There have been many defeats during the year, and military laws alone have been unable to stabilize the military's mind."

A year of fighting, not to mention the soldiers, even the people in the command room were very tired.

Seeing the officers in power combat uniforms next to the metal table, Li Meng looked very ugly.

Over the past year, Li Meng has not stopped searching for the Demon King, wanting to fight him to the death.

But it seemed to have disappeared, and there was no trace. Even if Li Meng's mental power covered the entire Middle East, looking for it bit by bit, he could not find its hiding place.

When faced with difficulties, it is useless to complain. Li Meng asked, "What is the situation in Africa?"

An officer said: "It has been recovered. The army has not suffered much resistance. On the African continent, there are only empty cities. There are no survivors. There is not even a living pollutant beast. The devil has carried out the most thorough treatment on the African continent. Cleaning."

It seems that this is the only good news.

Li Meng knew that the army really needed to be repaired at the moment, and could no longer move forward.

Once the military spirit is unstable, the military will collapse sooner or later.

Thinking of this, Li Meng said to the military officers: "It will continue, stop the offensive, focus on defense, and the army will repair and wait for the next combat order."


The army's offensive was suspended, and Li Meng did not need to stay on the front line.

This year's battle, even Li Meng, was mentally exhausted.

Every day of battle damage made Li Meng very distressed. He knew that the power of the Three Kingdoms could not be consumed too much in the Middle East.

The human population is not large now. If the tens of millions of young people are buried here, in the future, the Three Kingdoms will have no soldiers available.

The mode of war must be changed, and this hole can no longer be filled with human lives.

Nanhai, Nanlin Island, Qingcheng, Crystal Palace, Navy Command.

Under Li Meng's call, a meeting is being held.

The way to play as always, but today, Li Meng brought a decision.

With a slightly sad wave of his hand, Li Meng said in the gaze of a group of officers: "The battle on the front line must be changed. In order to better eliminate the devil, we can only suspend the offensive."

Speaking of this, Li Meng looked at the person on his side and said in his mouth: "Jevrich, from now on, the frontline army will be the main defense, abandon all offensive behavior, and build a lot of defense with the existing line. For fortifications, we must wait, wait for us to become stronger, and wait for us to install more powerful weapons."

Is it because the casualties are too great?

For the commander's decision, the cause and effect can be imagined by everyone.

Indeed, the losses in the battle this year have been too great. If they continue to fight at all costs, when victory comes, how much will their army have?

At this time, Jevric asked: "Commander, what if the devil attacks the south? Are we going to do something?"

To Yevrich’s words, Li Meng said calmly: "Since they have established the Earth Federation, they must bear their own obligations. I will stare at the Demon King. This is my biggest step backward. As for other things. , Can only be left to them to deal with."

Yevrich just needs an answer, an attitude.

Indeed, now that human beings have separated their families, since they left the First Legion and established the Earth Federation, and their own territory is guarded by themselves, no matter how great the First Legion’s heart is, it is impossible to take all heavy responsibilities so generously.

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