Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1693: Finally finished

The war in the Middle East is stable, but the contradictions among human beings have become more intense.

The establishment of the Earth Federation allowed the regime of the human world to be completely shuffled, with big countries uniting and small countries standing in line.

In the year since the establishment of the Earth Federation, I have strengthened the power of the Earth Federation. The Earth Federation has used various means to allow third-world countries outside of civilization to join. The effect is amazing. In just one year, there is human life. All the regions have been included in the territory of the Earth Federation.

For a time, the Earth Federation has become the most powerful unified nation of mankind, with a vast territory and a population close to one billion.

However, although the Earth Federation has been expanding its territory, its territory is still a bit worse than the First Army.

China, the Order Empire, Austria, plus the African continent actually controlled by the First Legion, and a large area of ​​the Middle East, in terms of the vast territory, the Earth Federation is still inferior to the First Legion. .

In terms of population, the gap between the two parties is not that big. Both are close to the one billion mark. If the figures are accurate, the population of the Earth Federation is still a little more. After all, the Americas have been at peace for more than 100 years, and the population has greatly increased. There are more than 400 million people, plus Asian countries...

The expansion of strength has made the ambitions of the Earth Federation bigger and bigger. Although it has not yet collided with the First Legion, some contradictions have already appeared, and the situation is quite unfavorable.

Compared with the complex situation of the human world, the demons on the southern continent appeared to be very calm. They seemed to abide by the deal with Li Meng, waiting, and waiting for the moment of decisive battle.

But is it true?

The fog has enveloped the earth and the situation has become blurred. It is unknown who among the three forces is the final winner.

China, Kyoto, the palace.

"Finally finished……"

The pen in his hand dissipated, closing the completed code, and Li Meng stretched out.

On the desk, seven books of the law are placed side by side, varying in thickness and size.

Among the seven books, the largest two are the Temple Code and the Dark Code, written for believers, while the remaining five are the laws written in Chinese, namely the Marquis Code, the Earls Code, and the Viscount Code. , Baron Code, Lord Code.

In the imperial empire to be established, the monarchy is adopted. Under centralized power, power will also be distributed among the nobles in the region.

The largest aristocracy is the domain, that is, the marquis, followed by the earl, viscount, baron, and lord.

Although the aristocratic system has some drawbacks and will bring some disputes, this is exactly what Li Meng wants to see.

Human beings are not machines. They are intelligent lives driven by desires and interests. Only the struggle between interests can bring motivation.

Under an enlightened monarchy, mankind will have a common goal, and internal struggles will allow the empire to obtain a steady stream of fresh blood.

Except for the Templar Code and the Dark Code, the other five noble codes are just samples, they will be copied, waiting to be given to their new owners.

A pair of small hands came over and kneaded Li Meng's shoulders.

It was Wang Yanmei. At some point, Wang Yanmei had already come behind Li Meng.

The movements are very gentle, but the strength is not small, which makes Li Meng quite comfortable.

Looking up, Li Meng saw Wang Yanmei's beautiful face with a slight smile.

After nearly a year of getting along, the relationship between the two has reached a culmination, intimate, the only thing missing is the last step.

She spoke slightly, and Wang Yanmei said softly: "Meng'er, this nation-building event has to be put on the agenda. The Earth Federation has done a lot in these years. The First Army remains silent again. In the eyes of human beings, the Earth Federation is afraid of it. I really want to become the only orthodox country in the eyes of mankind."

Calculating the time, it is almost two years since the founding of the Earth Federation, and time can pass really fast...

He also stayed in Kyoto for nearly a year. This person, if something happens, time flies very quickly.

With a faint smile, Li Meng turned around and hugged Wang Yanmei’s soft body into her arms, and whispered in her ear: "My Meier, once the nation is established, the cult Empire, China, Austria’s The political system will be completely disrupted. Do you want to be my wife or become a nobleman?"

Over the past year, Wang Yanmei has heard Meng'er talk about the empire established by the First Army and its system.

She naturally knew the status of this nobleman.

She sighed slightly, and Wang Yanmei was very worried and said: "I naturally want to stay by your side and become your wife, but if I leave, China will have no one who can take on the great responsibility. There are not no qualified people. , The twelve golden families are all qualified, but because there are too many qualified people, choosing any one of them will cause dissatisfaction among others, which will cause conflicts and is not conducive to internal unity."

Li Meng could understand what Wang Yanmei said and what she was worried about.

Although the twelve big golden families have abandoned politics and entered business, their prestige in China has not diminished at all. If anyone was appointed randomly, it would definitely cause chaos within China.

In the current situation of China, only Wang Yanmei can shoulder the important task.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, "Let's talk about it. Becoming a nobleman, and then becoming my queen, this seems justified."


Her face turned slightly ruddy, Wang Yanmei whispered: "My age...this is not appropriate."

Li Meng knew what Wang Yanmei cared about, he just whispered: "There is nothing inappropriate, as long as you are willing, you are the most beautiful bride."

How could she not be willing?


This topic did not go on, Wang Yanmei remained silent.

What Meier was thinking about, Li Meng didn't know, he didn't have time to think about it now.

As an "emperor", he naturally wants to give status to the woman he loves, just what Li Meng thinks now.

However, Li Meng didn't know that his current thoughts did not mean what he would really do in the future. He was an "emperor" but not a mortal, and some things would not be what he wanted.

"The establishment of a nation really needs to be on the agenda, so let me go to Nanlin Island. Before the establishment of the nation, there are some things that need to be discussed with the powers of the First Army. The establishment of a nation is not a trivial matter. , Must be fully prepared."

Wang Yanmei did not refuse, and nodded lightly.

Nanlin Island is the base camp of the First Army, and she also wants to see this mysterious place.

And Nanlin Island will also become the capital of the empire. This trip is inevitable, and being able to accompany Meng'er is something she likes to think about.

Looking at the door of the office, Wang Yanmei nudged Li Meng’s chest and said softly: “Meng’er, go see Tyra, her face is not so good these days, she seems to be sick, I let her rest her Don't want to, go and persuade her, she will listen to you."

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