Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1695: Invitations and orders

When she was surprised at the scale of this building, in her heart, Wang Yanmei was also lamenting that the First Army had such a masterpiece.

Such a splendid and artistic building, which Wang Yanmei has never seen before.

Its height is straight into the sky, and the clouds in the sky seem to be within reach. Looking into the distance, the huge Nanlin Island is almost unobstructed, and you can even see the ocean in the distance. The height can be imagined.

"His Royal Highness..."

On the tarmac, knowing that the owner is about to return, Wendy had already waited patiently with a group of guards.

There are more than a dozen slim figures, and the maid dress in a black short skirt is so pleasing to the eye.


Responding softly, Li Meng took Wang Yanmei with one hand and walked towards the Crystal Palace.

While being pulled away by Meng'er, Wang Yanmei looked at Wendy and the crowd.

Their dressing makes people think of their duties, they should be maids.

Sweeping past those white and beautiful faces, Wang Yanmei only smiled bitterly.

Her Meng'er is really gorgeous, and even these maids are beautiful, petite and lovely...

In the predominantly white corridor, Li Meng took Wang Yanmei and walked slowly, followed by a group of guards.

"Wendy, notify the Naval Command to immediately send an invitation to the heads of the countries under the First Army to get together on Nanlin Island, send a transport plane to pick them up, and hold a deliberative meeting three days later."

"Yes, Your Highness..."

Wendy did not stop, but raised her hand.

Behind her, a slender figure stopped, turned and left.

Although the subordinate countries of the First Corps are far away from Nanlin Island, they can arrive in at most one day at the speed of the Century Transport Plane. The reason is that the first three days is to allow the heads of the subordinate countries to arrive on Nanlin Island and have time to rest. , Second, because of the Order Empire, due to the devastation of the Middle East, the Century Transport Plane could not go straight to Nanlin Island when taking off from the Order Empire. It had to circle a large circle from the Atlantic Ocean, stop and land in Africa, and then take off to Nanlin Island after filling up the fuel Island, it takes time.

The unobstructed signal made the First Army very close to its subordinate countries.

The order was delivered, and half an hour later, the order from the First Army was known to the countries of the First Army.

Nanlin Island...

For the countries of the First Army, the invitation to this meeting surprised them.

After all these years, they were finally able to go to Qingcheng, the capital of the First Army Corps.

Darwin, Kingdom of Austria.

Since peace came and the threat of the devil was eliminated, the lost territories in the south have been regained one by one, and the Kingdom of Austria has also embarked on an era of great development. With the assistance of the First Army, a piece of land on this continent A thriving scene.

With the efforts of the exploration team, the hidden minerals in the earth were discovered one by one. In just over a year, Ogeria established dozens of mining companies with millions of jobs.

In industry, there are more than 20 cities and towns listed as industrial cities. Light industry and heavy industry are in full bloom. In just over a year, hundreds of factories of various types have been established.

The changes are amazing, and all this is just the beginning.

In the plan of the First Corps, Austria will be built into a heavy industrial base. For this reason, the First Corps will spare no room for the support of Austria to travel between Nanlin Island and the Kingdom of Austria. It can be said that the merchant ships are endless, transporting a large number of equipment and machine tools to the Kingdom of Austria.

With the support of the First Army, the heavy industry system in Austria and Germany is gradually improving.

The kingdom is thriving, and as the ruler of this country, the Aredir royal family, the changes are amazing.

Once again won the right to rule, the prestige of the royal family was stabilized, and the royal family of Aredir became the master of this land again.

As the capital of the Kingdom of Austria, "Darwin City" has also been wiped out of the past decadence. Under the call of the royal family, a large number of repairs have been carried out in various parts of the city in an effort to give the capital a new look.

Today, the sun is shining brightly. For someone, this should be an ordinary day, as usual, a boring and busy day, but a piece of order from the First Army made everything no longer peaceful.

"What are you in a hurry? Since it is the invitation of the First Legion, you just go. Don’t you always want to see him? It’s been almost three years since you count the time. You, the boss is not too young. Go alone. But if you want to bring two people back, the continuation of the royal blood depends on you..."

Sitting gracefully on the soft sofa, Oriana looked at Gu Niya with a smile.

This made Gu Niya blush, her head lowered, her hand tightly holding the white dress.

What is Olianna's meaning, why Gunia doesn't understand, but this matter...

Looking at Gu Niya’s embarrassing appearance, Olianna said in an angry tone: “What’s so embarrassing about this, you are the queen, if you can have children with him, this will not only continue the blood for the royal family, but also for Ogilvy. The sub-kingdom will also bring great benefits. Don’t you like him? Since you like him and can be pregnant with the child of the person you like, what else do you not like?"


Gunia raised her head and said weakly: "I don't know what he thinks, if..."

"What if?"

With a faint smile, Oriana said, "Gunia, don’t underestimate your charm. When facing the person you like, you have to be bold. If he doesn’t take the initiative, you should take the initiative. Men are like this. It’s hard to resist women Temptation, you can't go home empty-handed on this trip to Nanlin Island. If you missed this time, you don't know how many years it will take to see him. You don't have many years to waste."

Yes, she is not young anymore, she has already reached the age for marriage and marriage. As a queen, she has to take on her own responsibilities while having someone she likes. She can't be willful.

Nodding lightly, Guniya sighed slightly and said, "I will try my best."

Looking at Gu Niya's worried look, Oriana said again: "Take those two girls on this trip to Nanlin Island. Didn't you say that he likes Teresa very much? They are there, too. It's a reference."


Gu Niya nodded softly.

For these two younger sisters, Gunia has nothing to do. She also knows that even if Olianna doesn’t say anything, the two younger sisters who know about it will follow. They have grown up, and some things can’t be stopped. Living.

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