Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1723: They are back

This is the power Meng'er used to treat her, but what Wang Yanmei did not expect is that this power is so strong that it can affect the entire world. As a mind power, Wang Yanmei naturally discovered that the pollutants in the air were swept away. Empty, thoroughly purified.

Meng'er really has a second power, comparable to the power of "God".

At this moment, Wang Yanmei vaguely felt what Meng'er was.

God is just so...

The billowing smoke rose, and when everything subsided, Starr Volcano had disappeared.

The towering mountains disappeared, leaving only a large hole with a depth of 100 meters and a diameter of several kilometers.

The strong shaking moved the crust and directly erased the traces of the volcano.

In the concentration camp of Tata City in the Middle East, the military doctors suddenly discovered that the plague-infected persons lying on the sickbed had returned to normal. Not only did the plague material disappear without a trace, even the body that was originally decaying also grew new meat. Instant recovery.

This magical scene is incredible, it is impossible to imagine what happened.

"The consumption is a bit big..."

Standing still in a vacuum, feeling the emptiness of faith, Li Meng sighed slightly in his heart.

The power seems incredible, but it consumes too much. This blow directly used up all the power of Li Meng's faith.

Fortunately, the power of faith is coming in continuously, and there is no problem with one teleportation, which prevents him from entering the atmosphere with his body.


Li Meng remembered what the Lord of Decay had said to him.

Although there are only a few sentences, Li Meng heard a lot of useful news.

It seems that this universe is very complicated, and there are many things he doesn't know.

In the past, Li Meng thought that the Krakens were the greatest danger after entering the universe, but now it seems that this is not the case.

No matter how strong the Kraken clan is, it also belongs to creatures, which is far worse than "gods".

If the entire galaxy is just a game field, then the seemingly powerful Krakens are just a chess piece in the game field.

At this moment, a golden light swiftly approached from a distance, but it reached Li Meng within a few breaths.

Li Meng naturally discovered the arrival of someone.

Lifting his head slightly, Li Meng looked at her who was standing still in a vacuum like him not far away.

It is Maneta, the queen of the demons.

With a cold expression, Li Meng said coldly: "What? You can't wait until five years have passed?"

Moneta was silent about Li Meng's words. She looked at Li Meng with a complicated expression, but she didn't know what she was thinking.

For a long time, she seemed to have compromised and said sadly: "Give us some time. We will leave the earth forever and never step into this star field again."

Li Meng was slightly taken aback at what Moneta said, and he was very surprised.

what is this?

Did the demons give up?

Why is this?

The thoughts in his heart moved quickly, and Li Meng thought about the reasons.

"You don't need to be confused. Although our form is very special, it is not a real immortal body. When you react, there will be no room for us to live. I don't want to die here, and I don't want our clan. Perish on the earth, so we, who are called "devil race" by humans, can only choose to leave."

Waiting for myself to react?

Li Meng thought secretly, thinking about the meaning of Maneta's words.

Is she afraid of something?

What are you afraid of?

He has nothing to do with the demons and can't really kill them. What are they afraid of?

Could it be...

Thinking of this, Li Meng thoughtfully.

Looking back at Moneta, Li Meng said calmly: "You can leave, but Hattor and Isis have to return it to me."


Moneta looked hesitant, and she asked incomprehensibly: "Hator and Isis are my separated consciousness. Although they are independent, they can also be integrated with the main consciousness. You can browse their memories at any time. In a sense, they are me, and I am them too. They do not belong to you."

Regarding this, Li Meng looked indifferent and said coldly: "I don't care what your relationship with them is, and I don't care what kind of life form you are. In the past, they were my women. I promised them and would protect them. For this promise, I can do whatever it takes."

Can sound be transmitted in a vacuum?

Naturally, it is impossible. The communication between the two does not come from the vocal cords, but the collision of spirit and thought.

Li Meng has this ability, and Moneta has a similar ability.

Moneta didn't know why the people in front of him had such a strong attitude towards Hattor and Isis...

What is that, Moneta does not know, maybe it is the important person that humans call.

Moneta knew that if he didn't give Hattor and Isis to him, he would not let the demons leave.

Helpless, Moneta had to say: "Well, since Hattor and Isis also want to follow you, I will return them to you. Let’s find two pregnant women who are just pregnant. They need their bodies. If they put them into Tongwei's body, you probably wouldn't want them either."

"No, I am naturally ready for their bodies, don't resist, I will take you..."

As he said, Li Mengyang waved his hand. In Moneta's surprised gaze, a white beam of light emerged from the void, covering Li Meng and Moneta respectively. When the beam disappeared, they retracted into the void. His figure disappeared without a trace.

Nanlin Island, Qingcheng, Upper Crystal Palace, Laboratory.

There were two white beams of light suddenly gushing out. From the beams of light, Li Meng and Moneta disappeared.

The picture in front of him changed, and there was no time for the strangeness of the transmission, and Moneta was attracted by what he saw in his eyes.

"this is……"

Walking quickly to a glass jar, Moneta looked incredible at the two little guys in the green liquid.

She could feel the powerful power in these two bodies, that power was very dark, very dark, and the strength was so strong that even she was quite heart-moving.

Coming to Moneta's side, looking at the two little guys who had grown to 1.2 meters in the glass jar, Li Meng said calmly: "This is the body I prepared for Hattor, Isis, it's your turn... …"

This guy is really willing, it should not be easy to make these two bodies.

Moneta did not expect the First Army to possess such powerful biotechnology.

Without hesitation, Moneta knew that if she dragged on, he might suspect something next to her.

With a movement of thought, two golden **** of light emerged from Moneta's forehead, flying in the air, like elves, got into the glass jar, and slowly disappeared on the foreheads of the two bodies of the glass jar.

Just in Moneta, Li Meng's eyes moved slightly in the glass jar. The eyes of the two little girls in the glass jar moved slowly, revealing the dark pupils inside. The confusion in the eyes flashed by, and then they became agile. .

In the glass jar, even a little girl swam around, with both heads attached to the glass jar, two pairs of beautiful eyes looked at Li Meng with joy.

Li Meng knew that they were back...

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