Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1734: Li Yanran

With a faint smile, Li Meng looked at Li Yanran, and finally looked at the old man, and said: "The purpose of my coming this time is very simple. One is to understand my own life experience. I have already understood this from Li Yanran. , Secondly...I want to take Yuhan away."

Li Yanming stared, and said angrily: "What Yuhan, she is your second aunt, wait... you want to take her away?"

After realizing something, Li Yanming was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Li Meng incredibly.

Seeing the serious look on Li Meng's face, he said angrily: "Sure enough, you are a little scumbag. It has been rumored that there are many women outside of you. Now you are paying attention to your second aunt. Really... well, you You can take her away."

As he spoke, Li Yanming's anger disappeared instantly, and as soon as the words changed, he agreed with Li Meng strangely.

In Li Meng's slightly unexpected eyes, Li Yanming smiled and said, "Your parents are the children of my third uncle. Although I have raised them for many years, they are only nominal fathers. Although they are both of Li family blood. , But not directly. After they reach adulthood, I intend to let them regroup into families, but they don’t want to. Although Yuhan’s age is a bit older, as long as you like it, I won’t object to it. These years, the pressure of that girl It's very big, no matter if you leave this house, you can let Yuhan follow you, which shows that the child cares about you very much. I have no reason to object, but...I have one condition."

"Go ahead, state your terms."

In any case, Li Meng must take Yuhan away. It would be great if he could take Yuhan away in a fair way.

Hehe smiled, Li Yanming looked back at Li Yanran next to him, and said to Li Meng: "The second girl wants to go with you, and you take these three girls with you. I only hope that you can continue the Li family's blood and make me old The guy can see his grandson in his lifetime. Although the second girl is old, the third girl is just right to be born and raised. I can see that the third girl has a feeling for you. Whenever she talks about you, I am a father in my heart. Only in general, this daughter's heart is no longer with her father."


Li Yanran's face was blushing, she didn't expect her father to say so.

Second girl? Three girls?

Seeing Li Yanran with a blushing face, Li Meng remembered the first time they met.

It was on a floating boat. They met because of that accident, and at that time, they met frankly.

Thinking of this, Li Meng recalled Li Yanran's tender body.

Then again, there is indeed a special feeling between him and Li Yanran.

In the past, Li Meng thought that Li Yanran was his relatives.

Even if there were feelings beyond family affection, Li Meng suppressed it.

Although the emergence of capable people has made it a norm for close relatives to marry, morality and ethics have penetrated Li Meng's heart.

Otherwise, in that lifetime, he would not end in tragedy with the person he loves most.

The regrets of the previous life changed Li Meng's temperament. He was afraid of losing, losing everything he cared about.

If he could come back, he would no longer be afraid, even if he was cast aside by the world, he would not care.

Now, there is no barrier between him and Li Yanran, and there is no ethics that binds them.

Looking at Li Yanran, Li Meng hesitated a little, and finally said: "Yan... Yanran, would you like to follow me?"

Facing Li Meng's gaze, Li Yanran lowered her head shyly. She was a little at a loss, not sure whether to respond to Li Meng.

Seeing his daughter's silence, Li Yanming smiled slightly and said, "I said Sanya, if this person leaves today, you will probably not see him in your life. You, you are not too young, and you haven't seen him in these years. My partner’s thoughts, I want to find you a husband’s family, but your response to me is to run away from home. Although Li Meng is a member of my Li family, his blood is at least several generations apart. Don’t worry about it. If you like it, be brave. Face it, in this era, which man does not have three bedrooms and four concubines, if my strength was stronger than your mother when I was young, you don’t know how many younger brothers and sisters there are. Like now, the Li family is thin and I don’t even have a son. , Just you two girls."

Li Yanran smiled at her father's words and said angrily: "Father, if your mother is still alive, you have to sleep in the aisle again."

Although there was an awkward smile on his face, Li Yanming's eyes were thinking of someone.

With a long deep breath, Li Yanran looked at Li Meng.

She didn't say much, just came to Li Meng's body, pulled Li Meng and walked outside.

Seeing her daughter pulling Li Meng away from the back, Li Yanming showed a relieved smile.

He didn't have any good endings for his family, and the second girl didn't say it, he only hoped that the third girl had a happy future.

Leaving the Chinese hall, Li Yanran took Li Meng to a quiet forest path.

" really want to follow me..."

The shyness of her heart made Li Yanran really unable to speak, so she had to lower her head and look timid.

Seeing Li Yanran's timid appearance, Li Meng smiled slightly and took the initiative to take Li Yanran's soft body into his arms.

Li Yanran blushed as she felt the warmth of Xiao Meng's chest with her waist bound by the hot pair.

Feeling the tenderness of her bosom, Li Meng whispered in Li Yanran’s ear: "Remember when we first met? You were so beautiful at that time, we can walk together , Not just because of the blood connection, your body has already belonged to me. The reason why I was indifferent before was that you were my mother’s sister. I didn’t hate having relatives like you, but now, since I know The obstacle between us is no longer there, I will naturally not let go, even if it is just a bit of possessiveness, I will not let you go."

Li Yanran raised her head to Xiao Meng’s arrogant and overbearing words, looked at Li Meng with a pair of beautiful eyes, and said softly: "You are so sure that I will promise you, I will go with you, I will become your people?"

"of course……"

With a slight smile, the hand holding Li Yanran's waist tightened, Li Meng undoubtedly said: "You have agreed, otherwise you will not let me hold you like this with your personality."

Yes, she has agreed...

She sighed slightly, and put her head on Li Meng’s chest, Li Yanran whispered: "Father is right, I am not young anymore. If you are the one talking about marriage, I will not refuse, but... "

But what, Li Meng naturally knew.

Released Li Yanran in his arms and looked at that beautiful face, Li Meng lowered his head and kissed Li Yanran's forehead.

In Li Yanran's shy eyes, Li Meng said with a smile: "Yuhan, I will take it away, so you can stay. Wait at home and wait for me to marry you. When that day comes, you will be my bride. ."

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