Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1736: Maneta's surrender

"A decision is made?"

Time flies so fast, unconsciously, more than half a month has passed since the night of dew with Maneta.

Facing Li Meng's question, Moneta nodded lightly and said, "Yes, the demons will surrender to you."

"is it?"

Looking at the Moneta on the throne, Li Meng said calmly: "You are not surrendering."

To Li Meng's words, the expression on Moneta's face was very calm, she got up and left the throne, half kneeling in front of Li Meng.

Seeing Moneta who hesitated and hesitated, half-kneeling on the ground, Li Meng had nothing but feelings in his heart.

From the enemy to the subordinate, the situation has changed so quickly that it is unexpected.

Without a single shot, the demons surrendered to him.

So far, Li Meng did not understand why Moneta chose to surrender him. Li Meng no longer wanted to ask.

In any case, the demons have surrendered, and this greatest threat is no longer there.

Li Meng didn't think that Moneta would deceive herself. Li Meng knew that the old monster who had survived for hundreds of thousands of years before him, her behavior style, at least now Li Meng could not see through.

But one thing is beyond doubt, Li Meng will believe her, completely believe her.

As for whether the demons will betray or not, Li Meng will not think too much now. There is no second chance. In Li Meng’s eyes, the betrayer is unforgivable. Since he chose to betray, he must pay the price for his actions. .

And this price is often cruel and bloody.

Taking a step forward, Li Meng sat down on the throne...

Looking at Maneta, who was still kneeling on the ground with her head down, Li Meng said calmly: "Get up."

In silence, Maneta stood up and stood still on the throne.

Looking at the Moneta beside him, and then at the silent commanding guards in the hall, Li Meng said calmly: "Your biotechnology is too ugly, and your strength is not very strong. I can give you another What do you think of a body?"

Another body?

Moneta whispered: "Master, but Hattor, the body used by Isis?"

Li Meng said: "Yes."

Although the cultivation of angels of death is not easy, it is not a problem. The demons have a lifespan that is close to endless, and they are waiting.

With a slight smile on his face, Moneta said, "Master, you should know that for our demons, what is lacking is a powerful force, and this kind of body is most suitable for us."


With a face of thinking, Li Meng groaned: "On the last day of this year, the First Army will hold a ship review day. On that day, the First Army will announce the establishment of the Black Flag Empire, and your demons will also attend. After that, there are no more demons in the world, only the angel of death, my beautiful servant..."

With a slight smile, Moneta sat on the ground in front of the throne, nestling like a kitten on Li Meng's lap.

Moneta knew that her master had a hobby, which was a love for beautiful things.

As long as it is beautiful enough, nothing is inexcusable.

Looking down at Moneta who was leaning on his lap, Li Meng smiled faintly, and stretched out his left hand to caress her face.

Moneta's attitude is very low, even if he is willing to become his pet, although I don't know why, Li Meng will not think too much.

There is no doubt about his existence on the earth. Many years ago, Li Meng was afraid of the existence of the demons, but now he has completely disappeared.

Over the years, his power has not only grown, but his power has also grown stronger.

If the Demon King "Axis" is still there, it won't be a big deal to destroy it.

In terms of spiritual power, many years ago, Li Meng’s mental power was able to extend to Mars, and a few years later, the entire solar system has been covered by Li Meng’s spiritual power.

There is a dark space between the star system and the star system, which makes Limon's mental power never reach the star system closest to the sun, and it will take several years.

After not staying in the Temple of Isis for a long time, Li Meng left after being crooked with Moneta for a while.

In these days before the ship review day, Li Meng went to many places and met many people.

In South Vietnam, Li Meng also met Li Lanxin. Although she has not seen her fiancee for several years, her career has developed very well in these years, but under her leadership, South Vietnam has been unified and has become peaceful. For many years.

Since there is an ASEAN in the middle, South Vietnam has neither joined the Earth Federation nor the First Army, so it is considered a neutral country.

When Li Meng asked her if she would marry herself, her reaction made Li Meng quite funny.

At first he was shocked, then laughed silly, and finally cried loudly, Li Meng's chest was wet again.

For this fiancee, although Li Meng allowed her to develop on her own, she was always paying attention.

Over the years, the ghouls Li Meng sent to her side did not know how many disasters she had prevented.

In seven years, a young girl has become mature.

After leaving South Vietnam, Li Meng went to the Republic of Sofia again.

Unlike South Vietnam, the Republic of Sofia joined the Earth Federation, and Arran became a senator in the Earth Federation.

This is not betrayal, but Li Meng's instruction. After all, the First Army in the Earth Federation also needs eyeliner.

Although this matter is not necessary, Li Meng also wants to know the news within the Earth Federation, which can be regarded as a channel of information.

Over the years, Arran’s efforts have been very successful, leading the originally chaotic country to the path of peace.

When she left Kyoto, she had already become Li Meng's forbidding. Facing Li Meng's marriage proposal, she would naturally not refuse.

After leaving the Republic of Sofia, Li Meng went to Austria again.

Gunia, Teresa, Dinesha, Catherine, and Monica. Originally, Li Meng's purpose was only to propose to Gunia and Catherine. Naturally, Gunia did not say, although the two did not penetrate the last layer. Relationship, but Gu Niya has been waiting, Li Meng can naturally notice, and Catherine is just a promise.

The seventeen-year-old Catherine has become a beauty, just as Li Meng thought, when she grows up, Catherine will be a great beauty, her appearance is not much worse than Wang Yan's beauty.

Teresa and Dinesha were just an accident. Li Meng proposed to Gunia to marry him. Naturally, she couldn’t help these two little girls. In Dinesha’s soft and hard bubbles, in the appearance of Teresa who was about to cry. Li Meng, who had been tortured by two girls for a few days, finally compromised.

For Teresa, Li Meng has expressed his affection for her since the first time he saw her, and the marriage with her was also expected.

In seven years, the two girls have grown up, slim and beautiful.

Teresa naturally did not say anything. She was pure as water and never changed. After growing up, Dinessa also got rid of her childishness, and finally matured. Although she was still lively and active, she was more calm.

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