Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1738: Born to be busy

Is this being played?

Seeing that the voice in his mind had fallen silent, Li Meng's face was full of black lines.

After a long time, Li Meng sighed helplessly, and had to recognize the reality.

He has enough love debts, but he doesn't want to mess with flowers anymore. Tebi is this object or a non-human banshee winged person.

Although Li Meng does not discriminate against non-human beings, Shayue can prove it very well.

Looking up slightly, Li Meng discovered that the Banshee Wingman was looking at her stupidly, and the saliva in his mouth was about to fall out.

That appearance made Li Meng quite amused, so he had no choice but to say: "What is your name?"

Seeing her master looked at her, she quickly said: "Master, my name is Goya, and I rank third among the sisters."

Counting Ai Moore, there are 13 Banshee Wingers. Ai Moore is the queen, ranking first, followed by Golan, and Goya after Golan.

When he came to the window and looked at the beautiful underground sea in the distance, Li Meng asked: "Where did Ai Moore go? How can you be the only one in this huge golden city?"

After coming to Li Meng and looking at the beautiful underground sea outside with Li Meng, Goya said, "Master, the queen is in the north, and the war has just ended. The sacred tree just obtained needs the queen to adjust. It will take some time. "

"War? A war with the Golden Wing Saint King?"

If there is any enemy of Ai Moore, there is only the Golden Wing King of the North.

He glanced at the master suspiciously. Didn't the master just come here not long ago? Why ask this question again.

Without thinking about it, Goya replied: "Well, yes, after the master left, the queen launched a war against the Golden Wing Saint King. At the beginning, the war did not go smoothly. Although we have the strength given by the master, But the Golden Wing Saint King is a hundred or a thousand times more powerful than ours. However, they can't resist us. As we occupy more and more sacred trees, two years ago, the difference was only It's more than ten times. Just six months ago, the Queen killed the Golden Wing Saint King and ended the war completely."

Unexpectedly, after only six years, Ai Moore unified the underground space, which Li Meng never expected.

I don't know how many people from the Golden Wings died.

The number should be exaggerated...

But Li Meng knew that the war of the Golden Wings was extremely bloody. If one party wins, the one that loses will be driven to extinction.

In the underground space, the number of Golden Wing human races is less than 10 million, but in this war, they have basically been wiped out.

Because Ai Moore was played from Banshee Island, the Golden Wing tribes who reproduced from the sacred tree of Banshee Island would be driven out.

The number of Gold Wing tribesmen in the entire underground space is probably only a few hundred thousand, and these several hundred thousand have been multiplied from the holy tree in recent years.

Although the war is cruel, it can be regarded as a rebirth for the Golden Wing tribe. After reunification, there will be no war between the Gold Wing tribe. With the powerful multiplying ability of the holy tree, it can recover tens of millions of levels at most for a century. Quantity.

It seems that I will stay in the underground space for a few days...

It doesn't hurt, there are still many days before the ship review day, there is not enough time.

"Let them come back, just say that I'm waiting for them in the Golden City, and there is no shortage of one."

"Okay, Master, I will send someone to notify the queen."

With that, Goya waved his wings and turned into a golden streamer passing by Li Meng, flew out of the window, and disappeared into the golden city.

These big girls have become more and more proficient in the use of "Holy Flame".

What this power is, Li Meng has not understood so far.

It comes from the sacred tree, but how does the power in the sacred tree come from?

This reminds Li Meng of stars. There is like a miniature star system in the sacred tree, which generates energy through fusion reaction, but what the fusion material is is another mystery.

If the sacred tree was really made by ancient humans, then the technology of ancient humans is really powerful to an unimaginable degree.

For many days, Li Meng did not go anywhere, staying in the royal court of the Golden City.

Fortunately, having Goya by her side is not boring.

"Hey... It's really leisurely!"

On a viewing platform at the highest point of the royal court, Li Meng sat lazily on the large golden seat and hit a Hatche in his mouth.

On the seat not far from Li Meng, there was Goya who was stripped naked. She stretched out and looked very lazy.

Looking back at her, Li Meng was not surprised at this scene. These days, at some point, Goya would make strange behaviors, just like this, he was completely naked and seemed to be bathing. Glorious.

At this time, the plants in the underground space emit the brightest light, and the light particles are almost visible to the naked eye.

I have to say that the body of the banshee winged person is still very beautiful. The place that should be curled up, except for the body shape, the wings on the back, and the claws on the feet, other places are like human women. The curve is very beautiful.

The twin peaks on the chest are even more turbulent...

"Big girl, what are you doing?"

Facing the owner’s question, Goya turned his head, a pair of large cosmetic contact lenses looked at the owner, and said softly: "Master, our body can absorb light to supplement the body's consumption, which can greatly reduce food consumption. demand."

Is this photosynthesis?

Sure enough, it is a plant. As the mother of the banshee winged man, it is not surprising that the banshee winged man has the same ability as a plant.

Turning around slightly, Goya turned his body to Li Meng, and said with a slight expectation: "Master, don't you want to try it? Goya wants to try it."

Speaking solemnly, Li Meng felt very strange.

With a helpless smile, Li Meng was unmoved, he could only choose to ignore, staring blankly at the sky above his head.

Seeing that the master was unmoved, Goya's mouth curled slightly and the expression on her face was quite resentful. She had to end the sunbathing and put on a golden dress.

She got up and went to sit down beside Li Meng, looking at Li Meng pitifully.

Glancing sideways at the poor Goya, Li Meng felt amused in his heart. This Goya's mind is really simple, just like a little girl who hasn't grown up, hoping someone will coax him, hoping to keep his eyes on her.

Li Meng turned over and lay down, resting his head on Goya's lap, looking at Goya's pair of towering mountains, the face with a strange beauty, and the top sky.

It smells really good...

The Banshee Winged person has a very pure, very good smell of body scent, and after a scent, people can't bear to leave.

Such days are not bad...

No need to think about anything, no need to think about anything, just keep going, keep going.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Li Meng took a deep breath.

He is a very busy man by nature, and wants to realize his ultimate wish. He will not be able to be free for a long time in the future.

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