Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 176: Attack on Hydralisk 22

When the fleet sailed less than two hundred meters from the shore.

In the ruins, black waves emerged, they neighed and rushed to the river bank in groups.

At the junction of water and land, the surging black wave stopped abruptly.

They roared on the shore, roaring at the departing fleet.

Are they afraid of water?

of course not.

Just listen to a huge roar in the ruins.

The sound was deafening, echoing in the heavens and the earth.

Hearing this roar, the black wave moved again, and hordes of Hydralisks rushed into the water "thumping".

For a time, the riverbank splashed and the river surface surged.

Hydralisks entering the water, their actions are more dexterous than on land, they sneak in the water, like swords in the water, chasing the fleet.

Looking from the sky to the surface of the water, there was a black shadow under the water. The black shadow was expanding and spreading rapidly.

The "Emperor" was not far away, and they had been informed of the situation on the shore.

At this time, on the outer deck of the Emperor, the mobilized soldiers under Jevrich had already prepared for battle.

A mobilized soldier stood on the side of the ship facing the ruins, watching the distant river vigilantly.

On the river surface, they have discovered that their task is to cover the returning fleet so that it can return to the "Emperor" safely.

The Hydralisk poured into the water and chased the departing fleet. Tan Ya discovered this situation in the first time.

Quickly using the communicator, he issued an order to the Calders self-propelled artillery: "The artillery team! Use your fire to cover the evacuation of the fleet!"

"Received! Understand!"

Upon receiving the order, the Pingdinger self-propelled artillery, which was following the fleet on the river, turned, the turret turned, and the stubby muzzle was aimed at the river behind him.

"Bang! Bang!"

The huge metal body shook violently, and the twin barrels spit out a tongue of flame at the same time.

The cannonball roared briefly.

"Boom! Boom!"

The next moment, the water surface not far behind, roared and protruded, and two huge water waves rose high.

There are countless black figures in the rising water waves.

"Bang! Bang!"

The other three Calder self-propelled artillery roared.

Several waves of water rose up on the river in the distance.

Countless black figures were carried into the sky by the rising water waves. They flew high, rising with the waves and falling with the waves.

The underwater was black and heavy, and the Hydralisk slid gracefully in the water, very fast, almost catching up with the speed of the fleet.

At this time, the two electric eel attack speedboats that had been following the fleet suddenly left the team, and the two electric eels attacked to the two sides respectively, turned in an arc, and headed toward the Hydralisk.

The engine suddenly became strong, and the speed of the two electric eels attacking the speedboat suddenly accelerated, frantically on the water.

When approaching the black water, the reason why it is black is because the black Hydralisk is covered with the clear water. At first glance, a black shadow under the water is shaking.

When the distance was close enough, the hurricane electric eel attacked the speedboat and turned in a circular arc, passing by the edge of the spreading black water. At the same time, the electric eel attacked the double-tube rapid-fire turret on the back deck of the speedboat and turned, and Roared.

"Da da da da!"

The muzzle of the black hole kept spitting fire.

The flaming bullet marks formed a long dragon leaning down towards the black waters.

"Bang! Bang!"

The shells fell to the surface, hitting a series of water waves.

The 20mm caliber is somewhat less powerful, and the water blocking makes the original less powerful shells less lethal.

However, from the green liquid bursting out of the water, it can be seen that the fragments from the explosion of the shell still injured the Hydralisk sneaking in the water.

On the electric eel attack speedboat, the Tesla coil gun is the most powerful, but the current situation is not suitable for use. Hydralisks are sneaking underwater, and the river water will divert the current released by the Tesla coil gun. Reduce the power of electric current.

After being reduced, I am afraid that even the Hydralisk cannot be injured.

After all, this area of ​​water is too large at the moment, and the amount of water is too large, no matter how strong the current is, it will be dissipated.

Although the electric eel attack speedboat cannot effectively kill the underwater hydrangeas group, it attracts the Hydralisk group. The huge Hydralisk group is divided into three, and the two electric eel attack speedboats chase after the two electric eel attack speedboats. The fleet in the shadow of the Emperor.

They are approaching, a piece of black under the water, looking down from the deck of the "Emperor", a large area of ​​water is filled with black figures, they are like fish swarming in the water, and they are facing the "Emperor" in huge groups. Spread.

At this time, the withdrawn fleet was at the rear of the "Emperor", waiting for hoisting by crane.

Although the hoisting speed is not slow, it is difficult for all of them to return to the "Emperor" before the Hydralisk group approaches.

"Bang! Bang!"

While waiting for the hoisting time, the Calder self-propelled artillery still roared.

The stubby barrel fired, and the shells roared out.

A huge water wave immediately rises on the water surface in the distance, and countless Hydralisk figures rise with the wave. The blood and water are mixed together, so that the rising white waves are mixed with other colors.


The polluting beast is close at hand, and the underwater black figure is about to spread into the shadow of the huge body of the "Emperor".

The mobilized soldiers on the deck of the "Emperor", some holding rifles, and some shoulder-resistant bazookas, waited for an order, and they would pull the trigger ruthlessly.

With a voice in the communicator.

The order they were waiting for came.

Slightly force, pull the trigger.

"Humm! Humm!"

"Da da da!"

More than a dozen rockets tilted down from the deck to the surface of the water, with a flashing tail flame, crashing into the water filled with black figures.

"Boom! Boom!"

The explosion roared, and more than ten water columns rose up one after another, and there were many Hydralisk figures in the water column.

Soaring high, and falling into the water again, the surface of the water surged and the bubbles rolled.

After the explosion, gunfire broke out on the deck, and the continuous gunfire leaned toward the water.

The bullet "Puff! Puff" hit the surface of the water, sending up countless waves.

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