Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1776: Morning assembly

Looking slightly, Li Meng glanced at Gu Yue beside him.

Fox Yue in a white dress took a step forward, her slender hand raised her hand, the blue brilliance flickered, and a holographic three-dimensional picture appeared in everyone's eyes above the stairs.

The lights in the hall went out, and everyone was plunged into the dark universe, surrounded by stars.

In the sky, three huge planets appeared in the eyes of everyone. These three planets are very special, with little difference in size, but the distance between the planets is very close, just like the relationship between the earth and the moon, they are each other's satellites.

Among the three planets, one planet is azure blue, and there seems to be life on it.

At this time, in the hall, a soft voice of Fox Yue rang.

"This is a Trisolaris galaxy, and the blue planet is a Trisolaris. The Explorer 1 colonial ship, which has disappeared for more than 70 years, is in the orbit of the Trisolaris. Its position is unknown, about 130-250 from the earth. Light-years, this is a very magical planet. Its size is huge, 2.5 times the size of the earth. The main substance of the planet is "Sikkim"..."


The main substance of a planet is actually Sikkim?

Hearing what Hu Yue said, everyone in His Highness was taken aback, showing incredible expressions.

As the chief law enforcement officer of the Imperial Court, Chen Qi immediately said: "Master, where does this news come from and is it true? If it is true, then its value is unimaginable. If Sikkim can be used in general, the empire will enter a rapid development. the way."

In this regard, Li Meng on the throne said calmly: "Nature is true, I have seen it with my own eyes, but now the position of the Trisolaris is unknown, you must find it."

It seems that the owner is very concerned about the disappearance of the colonial ship Explorer 1, and even went to find it himself.

As Li Meng's family members, everyone in the hall naturally knew that their master had the ability comparable to "gods", and they were not surprised to find the colonial ship Explorer One.

With a look of joy on his face, Chen Qi quickly said: "Yes, Master, I will immediately use all resources to look for a similar planet within 250 light years from the direction the Explorer 1 colonial ship departed, and we will find it."

A planet composed of "Sikkim" as its main material is wealth and a huge treasure.

Li Meng naturally knew the preciousness of Sikkim, and they should be happy for it.

Looking at the people of His Royal Highness, Li Meng said in deep thought: "With the expansion of the empire, it is inevitable to encounter some intelligent life. We will encounter some races that are still in primitive civilization, and may also encounter races that have entered aerospace civilization. The Black Cavalry Guard has its own responsibilities. Conventional warfare is not within the Black Cavalry's responsibilities. When it is not necessary, the Black Cavalry will not interfere. In order to cope with the possible future interstellar wars, the construction of the Black Flag Army must be accelerated. "

Speaking of this, Li Meng looked at Chen Qi in the main hall and said: "Chen Qi, starting this year, the annual military budget will be increased by 5 percentage points. In terms of the distribution of military expenditure, the Black Flag Army and the Black Cavalry Guard will be equal. , You must pay attention to the construction of the 13 legions. In 50 years, any legion must be able to fight an interstellar war."

The current military expenditure of the Black Flag Empire is around 35 trillion. After the increase in military expenditure, the annual military expenditure will be about 40 trillion, half of which is 20 trillion. The salary of the Black Flag Army soldiers, equipment maintenance, training, etc. After removing these expenditures, out of 20 trillion, only 8 trillion can be used to build ships.

With the purchasing power of the existing black flag coins, the cost of a "constant-star" destroyer is about 800 billion. It is conceivable that the construction of 13 legions has a long way to go.

Chen Qi: "Yes, master."

After all, the Black Flag Empire is still young and cannot be too inclined towards militarization. This is not good for the development of the country and can only be cyclically and gradually.

The discovery of the Explorer 1 colonial ship is no small matter. The discovery of the Trisolaris is worthy of the empire's exhaustion of all resources to seize the planet. This is also for the sake of the development of the empire.

No one will think about whether it is worthwhile to convene a DPRK meeting specifically for this matter. Of course it is worth it.

Leaving the Imperial Palace and taking the elevator to the upper floor of the Crystal Palace, Li Meng and Hu Yue walked side by side in the corridor.

"The development of the jump engine will be updated every few years. The greater the power, the faster the speed. In ten or twenty years, it is not impossible to reach a hundred times the speed of light. I hope that Trisolaris will be discovered sooner. Solve the lack of imperial Sikkim."

With the widespread use of tin gold, the demand for tin gold is increasing. In the vast universe, the planets with tin gold deposits are very scarce. Even if there is, the storage capacity will not be very large.

For more than 80 years since the founding of the Black Flag Empire, Sikkim has always been in short supply. If Sikkim's resources are sufficient, the industrial level of the Black Flag Empire will increase several levels. For the current empire, the existence of Trisolaris is very important.

Li Meng smiled faintly at Hu Yue’s words, and said: "This is not anxious. With the current pace of expansion of the empire, it will take 30 years to expand to within 120 light-years at the earliest. The universe is so vast. Although every month and every year there are colonial ships marching towards the starry sky, but the existing territories of the empire are not worth mentioning for the entire galaxy, and they are not small."

Who can say no? Now that the Explorer colony ship is almost numbered to No. 100, the empire is very active in expanding and colonizing abroad, and the civilians are also very interested in it, because for the civilians, being a pioneer is An opportunity for a better life.

Coming to the sunny viewing platform, Li Meng sat lazily on the soft sofa, enjoying the warmth from the sun.

Time is really a grind thing. The longer you live, the less you think about many things, your feelings become inert, and you become more rational, and emotional fluctuations can almost be ignored.

By Li Meng's side, Huyue looked at ordinary books quietly. After literacy, Huyue became very interested in human knowledge, and would sink into the world of books whenever he had free time.

Li Meng didn't bother Hu Yue. He liked being quiet and enjoying the sun quietly. He didn't need to think about anything or think. Even if he stayed like this for decades, Li Meng would not get bored.

The quiet environment is always easy to be broken. I don't know how long it has been. With a slight sound of footsteps, a slender figure came to the viewing platform.

It was Qinqian. Since Wendy became his imperial concubine, Qinqian has become the chief guard next to him.

"Master, Amon, please see you..."


The Demon Race is no longer there. Both the former Seven Lords of the Demon Race or the Guardian, have now become angels of death.

Without thinking about it, Li Meng said, "Take her in."

Qin Qian turned and left, and soon returned. Behind her, there was a taller figure.

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