Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1778: conspiracy

Speaking of this, Moneta said to Hattor, Isis not far away: "Hattor, Isis, before dark, you must teach Amon how to serve the master. You always serve the master here. In terms of experience, you have some experience."

Facing the request of his mother, Harto, Isis looked at each other helplessly, and had to say: "Mother, leave it to us."

Unable to refuse the mother's strong request, Amon had to follow Hattor in a dull way, and Isis left.

She has never served a man, and never thought she would have any inexplicable love with humans.

With Amon, Harto, Isis came to a room outside the courtyard.

Looking at Amon who was a little restless, Hattor took Amon’s little hand and said, “Don’t worry too much. The master is still very gentle and will not be too strict with the people around you, as long as you admit your mistakes. , The master will forgive you."

"I... what should I do?"

A slightly flustered expression, Amon asked nervously.

"How to do it?"

Hartuoer pondered for a moment, and groaned: “It’s no stranger to our master. Isis and I can get close to the master because the bodies we use have always been women. At first glance, the master regards us as Because of the treatment of women, you will be close to us without any scruples, but Amon, you are different, because before the demons surrendered, you always chose to use the male body as the carrier, although now you are the same female angel of death , But in the eyes of the master, you are still treated as a male. It is not easy for the master to accept the fact that you are a female..."

"Then what to do?"

Amon is a little anxious, if the owner hates her for this, he can do nothing.

Although choosing a male body is just for convenience and to be stronger, in her eyes, there is no distinction between men and women.

What to do, Harto'er didn't think of it for a while, turned to look at Isis, and wanted Isis to think of a way to write.

Facing Hattor’s gaze, Isis spread his hands and shook his head: “It’s useless to say, because in the eyes of the master, Amon is a man, let alone the master’s bed, even the master’s room cannot be entered. Right."

Yes, for the master, this is a hurdle, it is too difficult to cross.

As if thinking of something, Harto's eyes lit up and quickly said, "I have a solution."

"any solution?"

Facing Amon, Isis's puzzled look, Harto'er smiled: "Since it is useless, let the master personally confirm the fact that Amon is a female, we are like this..."

In the room, a conspiracy against Li Meng is being planned, and the sky on Nanlin Island is about to change...

Time flies quickly, unconsciously, a day passes, when the sun sets in the west, night falls.

The Qingcheng in the night is beautiful, shrouded in colorful light, although bright but not eye-catching, there is a quiet beauty.

"Master, here comes Harto..."

In Li Meng's room, Qin Qian walked in lightly and whispered to Li Meng who was sitting on the sofa;

Because of Qinqian's words, Hu Yue closed the book and said to Li Meng, "Master, let Sister Hartuoer accompany you tonight."

Huyue has been by her master's side all these years, and Huyue knows that she can't dominate her master night and night, otherwise, she will be rejected by people around her master.

Gently scratching the furry tail of Fox Yue, in the charming and ruddy expression of Fox Yue, Li Meng whispered, "Go."

Li Meng didn't pay much attention to the relationship between the women around him.

Fortunately, the women around him are more caring. Even if there are contradictions, they will not show up in front of Li Meng. The relationship is still very harmonious.

Twisting Xiaoman's waist, Hu Yue walked away lightly.

Not long after she left, only a murmur outside the door, Harto'er walked in.

Tonight's Atuoer seems to be dressed up specially, a black short skirt, slender legs showing a lot of beauty.

As soon as he entered the room and saw Li Meng on the sofa, Harto's eyes lit up, and he came to Li Meng without hesitation, fell into Li Meng's arms, and sat horizontally on Li Meng's lap.

With slender hands resting on Li Meng's shoulders, with a pair of beautiful eyes looking at Li Meng, Hartoe whispered: "Master, let Harto to accompany you tonight."

Putting his hands on Harto's waist, Li Meng smiled and said, "You are here, can I still make you go back?"

He smiled, looked at the door calmly, and Hartoe said: "Master, let's go take a bath, it's late."


The beauty invited, how could Li Meng refuse, pulling Hatoer like walking in the bathroom.

When Li Meng took Hattor into the bathroom, outside the door, Isis encountered the trouble she had to encounter.

"Come on, Chief Guard Qinqian, please agree..."

Looking at Amon and Isis before him, who bends down to make a request, Qin Qian's face is embarrassed.

"This...Isis, is this inappropriate?"

When I got up, Isis said with a serious face: "There is nothing inappropriate. Some small tastes can make the owner happy. This is the first time. The owner will definitely be happy."

Although there is nothing wrong, there are three of them...

After hesitating for a while, Qin Qian finally agreed.

"Well, don't you guys play too crazy..."

With that said, Qin Qian looked back at the closed door with a little hesitation, and then left.

Qin Qian's departure undoubtedly made Hatuo's plan a successful first step.

Looking at Amon who was a little nervous and squeezed, Isis comforted: "Go in, everything will be the first time, don't be afraid, you won't hate that kind of experience, but remember, don't say anything. , Relax your body, and do as we teach you. As long as you have completed the last step, it’s okay to be discovered by the master. You just need to pretend to be pitiful and admit your mistakes. The master will not blame you, but only us. "

"I... I will try my best."

With that said, Amon stretched out his right hand, hesitated, opened the door of the room and walked in.

The hot water hits the body, and the feeling is always so wonderful and so comfortable.

The billowing mist rose from the water surface, making the two people embracing in the bath looming.

Nestled lazily in the owner's arms, her white shoulders were exposed to the surface of the water, and her **** were half exposed. Harto smiled coquettishly, her slender hands wrapped Li Meng's neck, and she said softly, "Master, am I beautiful?"

With closed eyes and slumbering eyes opened slightly, Li Meng said with a light smile: "Naturally is beautiful, why, your next sentence will not be compared with her, Master, I can't answer."

She gave her a coquettish look, and Hato'er said irritably: "I wouldn't do this. Now it is Hato'er who is with the master. At least at this time, Hato'er is the most beautiful."

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