Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1787: Can't

At the call of Wicks, a large-scale meeting was held in the settlement to announce the evacuation.

Scientists, technicians, civilian representatives, and captains of the guards, when everyone gathers together, there are nearly a hundred people.

Fortunately, the lobby of the main control room is large enough to accommodate a hundred people without any problems.

When Wicks told the news that the aliens were about to arrive, there was an uproar in the conference hall, and everyone looked different.

It's not the natives who can't leave their home planets, but the alien civilizations that can travel the starry sky. How could their arrival be a good thing.

"What's more to say, we have now lost the shelter of the empire. We have only one colonial ship. We can't fight an interstellar war and have no risk of risk. We must leave, leave the Trisolaris galaxy, away from their sight Outside."

"Yes, we must leave, we must avoid war with aliens..."

Although many people do not want to leave the homes they built by themselves, they also know that they have no choice.

The risk of staying is too great. They cannot expect the extraterrestrial race to bring peace. They must avoid the worst.

The unity of opinions was expected by Wicks. Seeing this, Wicks standing on the podium said loudly: "Since everyone has no opinion on the decision to evacuate, we must act as soon as possible. From now on, the settlement will be comprehensive. Take all the evacuation, personnel, supplies, and things you can bring. We have one month to prepare. One month later, the colonial ship will leave Trisola."

With a clear goal, things are much simpler afterwards.

Threats from unknown aliens forced people who had just built a new home to leave.

No one wants to die, there is no doubt that the home can be built without it, but there is only one life.

For many civilians, they don't know why they want to evacuate their rare homes, but when they get a reason, no one argues about it. Under effective order, the settlements are evacuated systematically.

For large settlements, whether it is material evacuation or personnel evacuation, only three transport boats are undoubtedly not enough.

For the drivers of the transport boat, their busy time has come, and in the coming month, they will be very difficult.

"All kinds of equipment must be recycled, especially the nuclear fusion reactor. Only one fusion reactor is left on the colonial ship. The energy it provides can only sustain the operation of the freezing warehouse and the ship’s basic equipment. The reactor, the colonial ship does not even have the ability to start the plasma engine..."

"Don't worry, Captain Wicks, as a technician, I naturally know what to discard and what not to discard."

Along the way, Stawan stopped before the tarmac and watched Wicks and Qiangwei board the transport boat.

Amid the roar of the engine, and driven by the blue flame, the transport boat soared into the sky, traversing the clouds, through the atmosphere, and into the universe.

In the orbit of Trisolaris, the huge colonial ship is still floating quietly. It has maintained this attitude for six years.

Under the guidance of the cursor, the transport boat slowly entered the No. 1 harbor.

Six years away, when people walked out of the transport boat, many people looked at the familiar scenes around them, showing a trance.

Although there is gravity under your feet, the gravity in the ship is different from the gravity on the planet, and the feeling is different.

After leaving the transport boat, Qiangwei and Wicks walked towards the bridge together.

"Without the jump engine, we can't go anywhere. We can only temporarily avoid the edge and hide in a place where we can hide. Regardless of whether the empire can receive our distress signal or find this place, we must wait. The universe is vast. , Leaving this star system, we don’t know how long we will drift, and we won’t be lucky enough to avoid disasters again and again."

They are lucky enough to be able to come to Trisolaris, they cannot and cannot pray for luck anymore.

They must make choices, and they must take risks...

Qiangwei knew that Wicks was under a lot of pressure at this time, and his decision is likely to put the colonial ship in an impossible situation.

If it was her, what would she do?

Qiangwei didn't know, she would not consider this, she was a martial artist, not a captain, there was no if.

In front of the tram on the ship, the two parted ways. Wicks’ target was the bridge, and Qiangwei’s target was the room where she used to live on the ship.

"One, immediately look for an enemy that can hide the colonization ship, a place where unknown aliens can't find it, preferably in the galaxy. We have lost the transition engine and cannot stay away from this galaxy."

As soon as he entered the bridge, Wicks spoke out and awakened AI #1.

The blue light flickered, and a holographic image appeared on the main console.

From the main console, a mechanical sound rang.

"There is an asteroid belt near the Trisolaran 3 "gas planet" of the Trisolaris star system. The Explorer 1 colony ship can be camouflaged here. With the engine kept silent, the chance of the colony ship being discovered is only 100%. One part."

The hologram shows the distribution of celestial bodies in the trisolaris. The asteroid belt is located on one side of the star system, far from the trisolaris. On the other side of the star, the asteroid belt has a large area. There is no problem with the colonial ship hiding here.

Wicks said: "Calculate the route immediately, and we will leave for here in a month."

Planets are always beautiful. Under the halo, they are even more beautiful. Compared with barren planets, planets with life are more beautiful and shocking.

Standing on the observation deck, looking at the Trisolaris star outside, Qiangwei was silent.

Nearly seven years have passed, and they have returned to the original point. What is their fate in the future is unknown.

It is possible to die in a foreign land, or to wander in the universe for hundreds of years, and then rot in the freezer.

In the vast universe, a person's life is too small, and there are all possibilities.

Talking slightly, looking at the Trisolaris star outside, Qiangwei muttered to herself: "What should I do?"

She was not talking to herself, she knew that he could hear her and also knew what she was thinking.

Sure enough, he appeared beside her in the peripheral light of her sight.

At this moment, Qiangwei is confused, she needs his guidance, not only her, everyone needs his guidance.

Like Qiangwei, Li Meng set his gaze on the Trisolaris star and said calmly: "Waiting, only waiting."

Li Meng understands that at this time they most hope for spiritual sustenance, and they also need someone's guidance.

But at this moment, Li Meng's position will not change. Even if these people will go to death, even if Qiangwei will die because of this, he will not interfere too much. It is not that he is unable to do it, but can't.

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