Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1799: Life and death

"Yes, I will immediately mobilize relevant personnel to analyze the language..."

As if thinking of something, Raymond said again: "By the way, inform the Explorer Colony Ship No. 1, that the enemy has retreated and they can surface."

The news of the victory of the Black Gold flagship was quickly received by the Explorer Colony Ship No. 1 in the ocean floor.

"Great, we won..."

When the news of victory was received, cheers broke out from the bridge.

After a long time, the cheers disappeared and everyone fell silent.

Seeing all the figures in the bridge, Qiangwei, Stawan, Drey, and some technicians, Wicks took a deep breath.

With a slight expression on his face, Wicks said: "It has been two years since we hid on the bottom of the sea. Today, we are finally able to get out. Although there is no bright sky outside, I believe that we will change it. Change the environment of this planet and let it restore its former beauty."

Speaking of this, Wicks sat in the captain's seat and said in his mouth: "Number One, set sail, let us leave the sea floor."

As a ship, a colonial ship, the Explorer 1 colonial ship naturally has the ability to float on the water.

In the main console, the mechanical sound of No. 1 rang.

"The energy input is normal, the lift engine starts, and the drainage system starts..."

On the dark bottom of the sea, I saw blue brilliance flickering, the bottom of the sea was turbulent, and the rocks were rolling.

In the darkness, a huge silhouette slowly rises towards the sea...

Outside, the originally calm sea was suddenly turbulent. Amid the roar of metal and engines, a huge metal hull broke through the water and floated on the sea in the rolling waves.

With a hull of more than 2,000 meters, the upper hull of a huge colonial ship floating on the sea is hundreds of meters high.

The darkness outside is gone...

Looking at the scene outside the window, everyone was silent.

At the beginning, when they descended on Trisolaris, the Trisolaris was sunny, with blue sky, white clouds, green forests, and blue seas.

But now, everything has changed...

Outside, there is a gray world, the sky is shrouded in black dust, so that the sun cannot shine on the earth.

In the air, black dust floated like snowflakes, even the sea became pitch black, and black ashes floated on the water.

This is not the first time they have seen such a scene, but this time they have seen it with their own eyes.

Under the fusion blow of the Chiyan Stars, the forest and life on the Trisolaran star were completely destroyed.

If the black dust cloud in the sky is not there, one huge crater after another can be seen on the mainland.

"Why do you say they do this?"

Looking at the terrible environment outside, Chen Xin muttered to herself.

Although the voice was small, it was also heard by Qiangwei.

Regarding this, Qiang Wei said calmly: "Probably it is changing the environment. First, the conventional bombing. There are some unknown elements in those shells, and then the fusion strike. In the last period of time, the Chiyan Stars are igniting the volcano. If the First Legion does not come, all the volcanoes on Trisolaris will erupt. By then, they will have a suitable planet for their survival."

Transform the environment?

Chen Xin is thoughtful, I am afraid there is only this reason.

"Captain Wicks, the No. 3 probe has detected signs of life in a mountain."

The report from Number One made Wicks frowned slightly and asked, "Is it the Chiyan star who fled to the surface of the planet?"

On Trisolaris, the Red Flame Stars had an outpost, but the Red Flame Stars should have already evacuated.

Before the war started, the probe had been staring at the outpost. When the fleet battle started in the universe, the Chiyan Stars in the outpost were evacuated by spacecraft.

"No, it's Trisolaris."


Wicks was startled slightly, and everyone on the side cast their gazes at the console.

It's been more than two years, are there still trisolarans alive in such an environment?

Without hesitation, Wicks hurriedly said: "Bring the picture over."

The blue light flickered, and a holographic image appeared on the main console.

The picture seems to be a cave, a very dark cave, under the shining of the detector light, only things in the dark can be seen.

Below, beside an underground river with black water, there are a lot of tall figures.

They were all dirty, with only despair on their faces. Facing the detector from the top of their heads, they did not respond at all. They just watched with numb eyes and watched quietly. The color in their eyes, that kind of despair, that This kind of numbness, that kind of sadness, shocked people who could not help but also made everyone look at each other.

"...What should we do? We have seen them, and we have also discovered them. We can't just see them without seeing anything."

They can ignore it, but they will never forget this scene, and will haunt them all their lives.

The situation of the Trisolarans is very bad. They persisted for two years. Although they don't know how they spent these two years, they will die soon and this race will be extinct.

And this result may be exactly what Chiyan star people want to see, but the Black Flag Empire is not Chiyan star people, and humans are not Chiyan star people. Human beings have their own behavioral standards and their own set of moral concepts.

Humans may have many inferiorities, but they are by no means without compassion.

Everyone understands the meaning of Drey's words, if they are capable...

Qiang Wei said: "Let’s inform the Commander Raymond, what to do, let him decide."

That's the only way. They only have one colonial ship. They are powerful but not enough. Right now, the only thing they can rely on is the First Legion. Here, the First Legion is the master.

Without hesitation, Wicks informed Raymond of the news immediately.

The flagship of the Black Gold, on the bridge...


Looking at the picture on the holographic image in front of him, watching the tall and scrawny figures in the cave, what to do, Raymond hesitated.

Although in the laws of the empire, these intelligent races that failed to get out of their home planets and were still in the barbaric era have clear rules and cannot interfere with their civilization development, this law is obviously not suitable for Trisolaris.

If imperial laws are excluded and the will of the emperor is followed, it is very clear what to do.

The Black Flag Empire has been founded for more than 80 years, and has not yet encountered a real alien...

Thinking of this, Raymond muttered: "These aliens are not ugly, they are in line with our human aesthetics. The emperor and the old man should be very happy, sailor, what do you think I should do?"

"Leader Raymond, you have the final say here, I'm just a support, not participating in the final decision."

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