Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1808: Expedition of the Second Legion

After the words were paused, Chen Qi continued: "Compared to the first thing, the second thing is a bit more troublesome. You should all understand that since humans entered the Dark Age, the threat of demons has always existed. After the master unified the earth, The devil has been in peace for a while, but in the last few years, corrupt heretics have been found everywhere. Their numbers are increasing and they are becoming more and more hidden. They are always endangering the stability of the empire. We must completely eradicate these heresy."

Hearing what Chen Qi said, everyone was thoughtful.

It is not so easy to completely eliminate the hazards within this empire. Demonic consciousness is everywhere. Facing the fragile spirit of human beings, they can always find opportunities. This is a protracted battle.


With a cold snort, Ai Moore said angrily: "Leave the group of evil worms to us. I will lead the people to burn them. I will dare to harm the empire established by the master. I will never forgive. One day, I will bring The people of the tribe rushed into the subspace and eliminated the group of **** evil gods..."

In charge of the heresy court, Ai Moore naturally knows enough about demons, and Ai Moore knows what it is.

They may not be terrible, but they are very troublesome, like locusts infesting the human world.

Chen Qi continued: "In order to better eliminate the hidden threat of the devil, the heresy court must have its own power. The banshee wing has the power of the emperor bestowed by the master and has the ability to burn all things. It prefers fire attributes, but it is completely repulsive in spirit. It can prevent being corroded by demon consciousness. Banshee wingers represent the bright side of the empire. This can be better accepted by humans. Even if the fire of judgment is lowered, this is also a symbol. A fair trial."

The words were paused, and Chen Qi continued: "The Heresy Tribunal is a religious department, and its status and responsibilities are sacred. In order to highlight the emperor’s greatness, the Heresy Tribunal must form a fleet with a strong religious atmosphere. A religious ship system will be redesigned so that everyone knows the greatness of the emperor and the nobility of death."

Speaking of this, Chen Qi looked at Maneta and said: "You are in charge of the construction of the Death Angel Legion. We only provide corresponding funds. The owner's meaning is very clear. You can develop your own territory outside. In addition to sovereignty belonging to the empire, you have absolute independent autonomy."

Absolute free development is exactly what Moneta wants. It can be said that the master has considered them very thoughtful.

Maneta said: "Now the battle with the Chiyan Stars is imminent, the construction of the Death Angel Legion is not in a hurry. Wait until the war is over. With a stable environment, the development of the Death Angel can be more rapid."

In response to this, Chen Qi said: "This is natural. Before the end of the war, whether it is the fleet of the Heretic Inquisition or the Death Angel Legion, they will first make detailed plans and wait for the end of the war to develop in full."

Then there is nothing to say, the most important thing before everyone is the interstellar war with the Chiyan star.

Time flies quickly. When everyone in the Imperial Palace of the Crystal Palace is discussing something, in the "Asti Star System" in the distant starry sky, the Second Legion is ready before departure.

Alba Star, Alba Military Starport...

Today is a day out of the ordinary for the humans on Alba.

Today, the great expeditionary fleet "Second Army" is about to set off.

In order to record this grand occasion, three colonial cities on Alba had a grand ceremony.

In the universe in front of the Alba military starport, 314 battleships are neatly arranged, layer after layer, row after row.

Frigates, destroyers, cruisers, battleships, when these warships of different sizes are lined up neatly, the black fleet can not help but shock people when they look far away.

At this moment, one person's voice sounded in the broadcast of each ship.

In the welcome hall at Xinggang, thousands of officers of all levels gathered to witness and experience this great moment.

On the high platform, a middle-aged man in a black military uniform was giving a speech, and his voice spread to every corner of the empire.

"Today is a great and noble day. I, the commander of the Second Legion "Beavis", will lead the Second Legion into the distant Trisolaran galaxy under the will of the emperor and make a great expedition. , We will let the enemy know that human beings are their most terrifying enemy, and we will not have mercy on the enemy and march..."

With an order, not long after, the huge fleet began to sail towards the starry sky and to the more distant universe.

When leaving the gravity well of Alba, I saw a flash of blue light, and the fleet disappeared into the dark universe...

Two years later, the three-body star system...

Time is passing, and in a blink of an eye, thirteen years have passed.

Since the First Legion came to the Trisolaris, the Trisolaris has undergone great changes.

Under the swarm of colonists, the Trisolaran star system has been officially included in the Empire's territory.

Thirteen years have changed a lot of things. Exhaust Moon Star and Grey Moon Star have been extensively developed, and many colonial cities centered on mining have appeared, even in the dark, between Exhaust Moon Star and Grey Moon Star. The surface is also brightly lit.

In addition to Exhaust Moon Star and Grey Moon Star, Trisolaris has been thoroughly developed. In 13 years, the environment of Trisolaris has been restored, water sources have been purified, and vegetation has spread over the entire planet.

In the deserted mountains, one mining base after another has appeared. The sea area where the explorer colony ship No. 1 is floating has built a maritime capital "Terella", which is a trading capital and a freight transfer station. , Is the capital of the planet.

Every day, a large number of transport ships full of Sikkim lift off from the planetary capital "Terella" and sail to the depths of the universe.

The preciousness of Sikkim has brought prosperity in trade, and prosperity in trade has promoted development.

In just 13 years, relying solely on the mining of tin and gold mines, the scale of "Terella" has expanded every year, with a population of more than three million. With the arrival of more colonists, this number It is increasing every day.

The captain of the Explorer 1 colonial ship, Wicks, has also become the planetary governor of Trisolaris, in charge of all affairs on Trisolaris.

In these 13 years, the Trisolaran people who survived the last catastrophe have also undergone great changes.

They began to learn from humans, learning everything they could learn, and working hard for the reproduction of the race.

With the help of Wicks, the Trisolarans built an agricultural city "Adoron" on the northern continent. They reclaimed wasteland, and under the guidance of humans, they became the only food producing place for the Trisolaris star system. .

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