Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1836: Goser

Even the dead will be crushed to pieces. Generally speaking, landing ships will not fall to the ground at such a fast speed.

Penetrate at high speed and push back near the ground to achieve a safe landing speed. This is the formal landing procedure for a landing ship.

In the starry sky, dozens of blade landing ships flew at high speed, very fast, and only the blue tail flames could be seen passing by the starry sky.

Under the attack of the black armor, the enemy flagship's near-defense guns have been destroyed, allowing the landing craft to approach unimpeded.

When it was close enough to the enemy's flagship, a series of cutting beams emerged from the bow of the landing fixed ship in high-speed flight, the blue streamer flickered, and dozens of landing ships slammed into the hull.

From the outside, only dozens of huge holes can be seen in the hull.

It has been deep into the interior of the ship before the landing ship stopped.

In the enemy's flagship, the side deck of the landing ship opened, and a large number of black-armored soldiers with long guns poured out. In the battleship, a civil war broke out.

The Chiyan Stars are very tenacious, and when they find an enemy landing, they fight desperately.

But it was useless. Under the attack of the black armored soldiers, they retreated steadily and finally fell on the cold floor.

The long spear in the hands of the black armored soldier is a plasma weapon that can emit particle beams and is very powerful.

Two hours later...

In the bridge of the flagship of the Chiyan Stars, the Chiyan Stars had already panicked.

They have failed, are trapped, and the enemy is boarding the ship. Obviously they want to catch them alive, no, they are alive.

"Great Lord "Gother", we must leave, take the escape ship to leave here, they are coming, they are approaching the bridge, obviously, their target is Lord you."

Sitting on the huge throne, there was only anger in Goser's eyes.

It said angrily: "I am Goser, Lord Goser, only Goser who died in battle, and Goser who didn't run away. Very good, don't they want to catch me, let them come, I am here, I will bring destruction for them and let them know that here, in terms of gravity, I am the king, the king of killing..."

With that, it grabbed the machete next to the seat, and with a strong wave, the sharp blade slashed across the Chiyan Star next to it.

Without screaming, in its incredible gaze, its body was chopped off and hit the wall like a pile of mud, and then fell to the ground.


With a loud noise, it looked like a madman. The Chiyan Stars who were scurrying across the bridge looked at it in horror and moved away from it.


At this moment, the only hatch leading to the bridge suddenly rang violently.

As a circle of fiery red marks appeared on the hatch, the huge hatch fell off the main body with a loud impact, and fell to the ground in the bridge with a "bang".

"The enemy, the enemy..."

The Chiyan star on the bridge quickly took out his weapon and shot at the hatch. For a moment, the fiery red particle beam danced wildly.

At this moment, I heard a burst of intensive footsteps, and a large number of soldiers wearing black armor came out from the hatch. The fiery red particle beam hit only a fiery red mark on them, even if they were penetrated. After losing their bodies, they did not fall.

The black-armored soldiers rushing into the bridge began to attack, their spears leveled, and blue ion beams attacked the enemy.

After a while, during the battle, the Chiyan Stars in the bridge were slaughtered, and the black armored soldiers also fell a dozen.

If you lift the black armor on them, you will find that they are empty and there is nothing inside.

After the black armored soldiers die, their white bones will be reduced to ashes.

"Gother" on the throne did not move, looking coldly at the black armored soldier approaching it.

It can feel that these alien soldiers are very unusual. From them, there is no breath of life, only the cold "death."

Being watched by them, the soul seems to be sucked away.

At this time, a slight sound of footsteps sounded, and the black armored soldiers stepped aside to the sides, and Saya, dressed in armor and cloak, appeared. Following the passage made by the black armored soldiers, Saya came to the throne.

Looking at it on the throne, Saya in the hood narrowed his eyes...

The owner's guess is correct. From its body, Saya did feel the aura of the devil, which was very thick and thick, and its appearance could easily think of the devil species.

In the hood, Saya's cold voice rang.

"Answer me a few questions, maybe I can give you a good way to die."

Looking down at the little girl not far away, Goser grinned and said loudly: "It seems that you have deciphered our language. It depends on you? I will die, but you here will die before me. I am Goser, your biggest mistake is to come to me."

"Really, I don't think so..."

The corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and Saya waved his sword in his hand.

The strong wind howled, and a black light came out of the sword, whizzed past Goser, and hit the wall with one head.


Hearing a piercing tearing sound, the metal wall was directly torn apart, and the black mang was cast away unabated. The bulkhead was torn layer by layer, and it disappeared after a full depth of 100 meters.

Looking behind Goser, a huge hole appeared in the metal wall, how deep it was.

Turning his head blankly, looking at the huge hole in the wall behind him, Goser's expression changed.

Its previous cognition was broken at this moment, and it couldn't understand how the enemy's small body could possess such powerful power.

In the world of the Chiyan Stars, the bigger the body, the stronger the strength and the higher the status.

"Kang Dang..."

The red machete in his hand slipped from Goser's hand and fell to the ground.

At this moment, Goser lost the heart of resistance. It knew that if that blow was used on it, it would have been in a different place.

Seeing the little figure not far away, Goser showed excitement. He stood up, strode to Saya, and bowed to the ground with a plop, saying: "We obey the strong, please forgive me. For my life, I am willing to pay my loyalty for the power you have."

Looking at the big man in front of him, Saya was unmoved, and said indifferently: "Who your race believes in, who is the master of the faith."

It didn’t hide it, and said in a low voice: “It’s Yin Qi. I heard that it is the **** of Chaos Space. It is stingy and very stingy. Only by offering enough souls to it will it give us strength and it will let us. Become stronger."

Saye said again: "What is your purpose? The purpose of being here."

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