Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1842: Night angel


A violent impact suddenly appeared. In the water, the transport boat rolled violently, and the hull was groaning.

In the rolling, penetrating beam of light appeared a huge red tentacle, no, it was a few.

Seeing the huge tentacles in the beam of light outside, how could Tan Ya bump into the huge sea monster.

"Evacuate, evacuate immediately..."

Outside, on the dark seabed, blue flames burst from the tail of the tumbling transport boat, pushing the transport boat toward the sea.

The transport boat is fast, like a swordfish in the water, only a blue streamer can be seen passing through the water.

But it was faster, and its huge body suddenly appeared in the darkness under the sparkle of the blue flame of the transport boat.

It is an octopus, a huge octopus. It is huge, hundreds of meters long, and its huge body is like a hill.

In the water, it waved its huge tentacles, and immediately caught up with the fleeing transport boat, entwining it vigorously.

The huge power made the transport boat lose the power to move forward, and in the struggle, it was slowly pulled back by the octopus.

Seeing this, Tan Ya quickly said: "Attack, attack immediately, kill it..."

"The weapon system is activated, the target is locked..."

With an order, several turrets stretched out and aimed at the underwater octopus.

I saw the blue brilliance flicker, and multiple plasma clusters shot out, slowly hitting the huge head of the octopus like a torpedo.

The blue flame burst, and the ultra-high temperature directly melted the octopus's fat, causing several spots of scorching black to appear on its head.


The severe pain made it open its big mouth severely, and a burst of bubbles rolled out.

The other tentacle swung away vigorously, and hit the transport boat shield severely.

The blue brilliance flickered again, and the transport boat continued to open fire. Plasma groups attacked the octopus and bursts of blue flames.

After a stalemate for a few minutes, it finally gave up. With an unwilling roar, the tentacles released the transport boat, and the huge body slowly sank, and dived to the bottom of the sea to lick the wound.

The shackles disappeared, and the transport boat in the sea turned into a blue streamer straight to the sea.


I saw a burst of brilliance under the water, a column of water rose into the sky, and the transport boat emerged from the column of water, soared into the sky, and flew into the sky.

Until it flew into the clouds, the transport boat hovered in the sky.

In the cockpit, Tan Ya frowned slightly, her face very ugly.

Tan Ya never expected that there were so many powerful creatures hidden in the sea, and the unknown interference made Tan Ya unexpected.

Now that the energy of the shield has been consumed more than half, the hull has also suffered some losses and cannot continue.


In the end, Tan Ya gave the order to return.

With an order, the hovering transport boat soared into the sky...


With a scream, a wave of air swept all around, the transport boat soared into the sky, turned into a black shadow and disappeared into the sky.

In the orbit of the blue star, the transport boat returning from the planet sailed into the bay of the starship "Tanya".

"The detector damage rate has reached 60%, General, we should stop the detection and let the detector return."

As soon as he walked into the bridge, "Ya" reported her bad news.

"Is the more beautiful the place more dangerous?"

Sitting in the captain's seat and looking at the beautiful blue planet outside, Tan Ya said inwardly.

In the hood, the corner of Tan Ya's mouth was slightly raised, and she said coldly: "I don't believe that a planet can stop me, but I will also see what is hidden in the bottom of the planet.

With a wave of his hand, Tan Ya said: "Immediately locate the signal source, find its fixed location, send out a thousand black armor, a hundred banshee transport boats, and five thousand soldiers to dive vertically to the location of the signal until seabed……"

Speaking of this, Tan Ya got up and stood up, walked outside the bridge, and said while walking: "Get ready for my night angel..."

After leaving the bridge, Tan Ya took the tram on the ship to her own special hangar.

In the black metal space, a mighty and beautiful black guard stood quietly.

Although its height is only the standard 17 meters, it is different from the black armor guards in that it is more feminine, with water chestnut all over the armor, and a metal curve that belongs to women. Behind it, there is a pair of black metal wings. The wings replaced the arrow propeller behind the black armor guard.

The night angels, the special guards of the generals, are made of dark iron elements throughout. In this machine, nothing related to technology can be seen. The power of the machine comes from the generals themselves.

Dark iron element, a metal that is more precious than Sikkim, has superconductivity and has super penetration to any ability.

In the night angel, there is a core power unit called the demon engine.

The demon engine comes from subspace. It is Li Meng who obtained a metaphysical technology from the demons. This engine can drive the subspace energy to obtain power, and the power of death is also a kind of subspace energy.

Once in the cockpit of the night angel, the generals will become the fuel of the night angel. Through the superconductivity of the dark iron element, the power of death can demonize the body, giving the night angel a function that ordinary guards cannot match.

Once entering the night angel, even the generals can be transformed into "gods".

The disappearance of gravity caused Tan Ya to leap slightly, and her body floated towards the night angel.

Tan Ya stopped in front of Ye Angel's chest, touching the metal surface in his hand, only a little black light flickered under Tan Ya.


On Ye Angel's chest, the heavy metal hatch opened, revealing the narrow cockpit inside.

With a slight force under her feet, Tan Ya floated into the cockpit, and the door closed immediately.

Outside, I saw Night Angel's ink-colored electronic eyes flashing red, and the whole body vibrated slightly, and some "buzzing" roars could be heard, but it was very slight. If you don't listen carefully, you can't hear it at all.

At this moment, the night angel moved suddenly.

The metal wings at the back opened, and black flames spurted out from the nozzles of the wings.

The strong power of death poured out from the body, forming a light black halo on the surface of the body.

At this moment, the night angel seemed to have come alive, if the true **** was incomparable.


On one side of the space, the exclusive flight channel was opened, leading directly to the outside of the ship.


I saw the power of death surge, the night angel's huge wings and black flames burst, and the night angel moved, and in the whistling sound, it turned into a phantom and rushed into the passage.

Outside, at the bow of the "Tan Ya", from a circular passage, Tan Ya rushed out in a night angel.

The black flames with wings burst, turning into a phantom and rushing towards the blue star.

At this time, hundreds of Banshee transport boats and a thousand black armored guards had left the "Tanya" and were rushing towards the surface of the planet.

In just a few breaths, the night angel caught up with the large group.

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