Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 195: Sign in

No one wanted to interrupt Li Meng's words. Even Jevrich, who was obviously reporting something, was listening to Li Meng's story. He was waiting for the end of the story.

After a slight pause, looking at Li Muling, Li Mu came to the final conclusion: "On the surface, the destruction of the dynasty was destroyed on a woman. The so-called confession is nothing more than this! But from another perspective, she It’s just a victim, it’s just a bad time, and it has come to a wrong time. There are many factors for the destruction of the dynasty, and Hongyan is just one of the insignificant ones. It’s just that some people have magnified this tiny factor infinitely. History has always It was written by the winner!"

Li Meng said nothing, Li Muling fell into deep thought.

For a long time, Li Muling said quietly: "Brother! I think he is right. He just loves that woman too much. What's wrong is his identity. He is in the throne, but he has not fulfilled his responsibility to the throne!"

Li Meng did not refute.

Everyone's understanding is different, and Li Muling's understanding may be the most suitable for her.

"Brother! What's the next story?"

Li Muling was looking forward to it, his brother's story was so nice.

With a slight smile, Li Meng said: "A dynasty of more than 700 years, from prosperity to decline, a short-term "empire" born from the chaotic situation!"

Li Muling looked forward to it.

When the story was over, Li Meng set his sights on Jevric.

Li Meng said: "Go ahead! Did you find something?"

Yevrich nodded. He said, "Nanlin Island is more than 20 nautical miles away in the south. The speedboat that went out for investigation sent back news that they found an empty beach, suitable for landing!"

"Commander! Qingcheng is in the interior of Nanlin Island. There is a river that directly leads to the sea connecting Qingcheng. Around Nanlin Island, the southeast direction is the only place for ships to pass through, and people are common!"

"The "Emperor" is now located in the northeast of Nanlin Island. People in this area are rare. No one will find us in a short time! Commander! Should we land in a concealed manner? Assault is necessary!"


If Qingcheng is near the sea, assault operations will be very effective, and the battle can be ended before the enemy does not react.

But Qingcheng is in the interior of the island, no matter where it landed, how careful it was to hide it, Nanlin Island is not small, but it can't hide a team of hundreds of people.

It was discovered sooner or later.

Moreover, the "Emperor" is the only logistics base of the "First Army". Soldiers are operating on the shore, and the "Emperor" cannot be too far away, at least at this distance.

"Jevrich! How many mobilizers are on board now?"

Li Meng asked.

Yevrich replied: "Excluding engineers, 1550 combat personnel!"

There are more than 1,500 people, a lot of people.

It's just that there are not many people who can leave the ship to fight. After all, there are only 250 sets of light-powered combat uniforms for mobilization.

It is time to increase the number of soldiers going out to fight.

"Let's do it! To increase the number of outgoing combat personnel, the base number should be one thousand and two hundred!"

"Go ahead and prepare! We don't need to be too anxious for landing operations, and we don't need to hide ourselves specially. This battle will not be too difficult!"

This is not Li Meng's arrogance, although Qingcheng's troop arrangement and the exact number of armed forces are unknown to the First Army.

But this is just a small place, how strong can Qingcheng go?

Moreover, the mobilization of troops increased by a thousand sets of power combat uniforms, which is also Li Meng's preparation for the upcoming battle.

More than a thousand soldiers, four Pingding self-propelled artillery for artillery support, this force is strong enough, how can the small Nanlin Island resist?

The Emperor began to move again, and the propellers stirred the water and pushed the Emperor forward.

Twenty nautical miles is not far away, and the land is clearly visible at the end of the sea level in the direction of the bow of the "Emperor".

It's a bit hazy, and there is no edge on either side.

As we approached, the hazy Nanlin Island became clearer.

Until the forest sea on the island was clearly visible, the endless green flooded his eyes, and the huge "Emperor" stopped.

The anchor was dropped in the deep water about a mile from the shore, and the ship quietly floated above the sea.

When the "Emperor" stood still, the originally quiet Emperor became lively.

In the tail compartment, a large number of dark green and silver gray figures are gathering.

On the wide tail cabin platform, countless figures stood still, dark green and silver gray intertwined, they lined up neatly, and the power combat uniforms full of metal texture made them extremely majestic.

The only difference in peacetime is that they all carried a backpack behind them when they went out for battle. The backpack was bulging, with a lot of things inside.

In this battle, all the soldiers who can go out in the "Emperor" will participate, whether it is Tanya or Jevrich, they will participate in the joint battle.

"The order has come down, and you can start landing at any time. This time, my team has as many as 1,200, a reorganized group! So this time I will take charge of the main attack. You can help!"

On the platform in the tail compartment, Jevrich was discussing and communicating with Tan Ya before the war.

Nowadays, the number of soldiers under Yevrich is far more than that of Tan Ya, and the number of soldiers who can go out to fight is several times the number of soldiers under Tan Ya.

The main task is Jevrich, which is right.

Tan Ya didn't object, because Tan Ya understood very well that her power was very limited now, and assisting the soldiers under Jevrich to land was the only thing she could do.

"lets go!"

Tan Ya said.

The soldiers have already assembled, and 15 rescue boats are waiting for the soldiers to board.

everything's ready!

Jevric turned around, faced the mobilized soldiers in line, and gave the order to board the ship.

"Go! Board the ship!"

With an order, the dark green team began to move, two rows one by one, lined up, divided into multiple queues and boarded multiple ships.

The mobilization of soldiers is in action, while the allied soldiers are waiting.

As assistance, they were the last to come ashore.

Fifteen rescue boats can only transport about 600 people at a time. To transport nearly 1,500 people on the Emperor Emperor to shore, three round trips are required.

The action is proceeding quickly.

When the fifteen rescue boats were fully loaded, one rescue boat began to launch.

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