Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 416: Fell asleep

After a slight pause, the three of them stopped in the corridor.

In Sakuya's slightly side gaze, Li Meng pulled Muling into his arms and placed a hand on Mu Ling's forehead.

Although she was wondering what her brother was going to do, Mu Ling obediently said nothing. She knew that her brother would not hurt her anyway.

The disappearance of the footsteps made the corridor quiet, silent, and I am afraid that even a needle can be heard on the ground.

Looking at Mu Ling, Li Meng thought.

A bunch of mental power flowed from his hand and poured into Mu Ling's brain.

Li Meng is very careful, carefully controlling his mental power and exploring in Mu Ling's brain. The human brain is fragile. If you are not careful, any larger impact may cause irreversible damage to the brain. You must be careful. Must also care.

a long time!

Li Meng's expression sank slightly.

The mental power left Mu Ling's brain, and his hand was also dropped from Mu Ling's forehead.

Looking at Mu Ling who was pregnant, Li Meng was thoughtful, confused and hesitant.

The situation is not so good.

In the spirit sea of ​​Mu Ling, the mysterious core was moving towards the center of Mu Ling's forehead.

Li Meng did not know the reason.

The core is independent and has nothing to do with Mu Ling's mental power. Mu Ling cannot sense its existence, but it instinctively devours Mu Ling's mental power.

Although the strength of the devouring is not strong, it also caused the phenomenon of sleepiness for Mu Ling.

And that mysterious core moved step by step by relying on mental power, approaching the center of the eyebrows.

Li Meng didn't know what would happen when it got close to the center of the eyebrows.

But Li Meng felt a bad feeling in his heart.

It is out of control, and once it leaves the spirit sea of ​​Mu Ling, riots are likely to occur, which may be devastating to Mu Ling as the carrier.

This is what Li Meng didn't want to see.


The elder brother's hand on his forehead had already left. Although he could feel the presence of his elder brother in front of him, Muling felt a little flustered.

Perceiving the change in Mu Ling's expression, Li Meng understood what Mu Ling, who had always been sensitive, had noticed.

Holding Mu Ling's white and warm little hands again, Li Meng whispered softly in Mulling's slightly relaxed expression: "Don't worry! It's just a small problem, how can it be difficult for my brother!"

With a slight smile, Li Meng said, "You're sleepy!"


Mu Ling nodded lightly.

She is indeed sleepy, with her brother, she just barely supports it.

"Then get a good night's sleep! When you wake up, everything will be fine!"

"Really? Brother!"

"Of course! When did my brother fool you!"

"Yeah! Mu Ling believes in brother!"

Looking back at Sakuya beside him, Li Meng said, "Let's go!"

"Okay! Your Highness!"

Sakuya responded softly.

Holding Mu Ling's hand, Li Meng walked again in the corridor.

In the corridor, the figures of the three are moving away.

The corridor extends in all directions. When he came to a huge door of the inner hall, Li Meng stopped.

The huge door is dark gray, with exquisite patterns carved on it, exuding an atmosphere and noble atmosphere.

Looking at the dark gray door in front of him, then looking back at His Royal Highness, Sakiya said: "Your Royal Highness! This is your bedroom! Missy's bedroom will go to the side hall next to you!"

Slightly looking sideways to the right, there is a relatively small door not far away, and there should be the side hall that Sakiya said.

Li Meng did not refuse, and walked towards the side hall with Mu Ling's hand.

Sakuya followed closely.

When he came to the door of the side hall, Sakiya opened the door first and the three of them entered the side hall one after another.

As a bedroom, the side hall is wide.

But the furnishings are very simple. There are not too many decorations. When you enter the door, you see the big bed.

"Your Highness! Let me come!"

When she came to the bed, Sakuya took Mu Ling from His Royal Highness.

There are certain things that Sakiya, as a woman, is undoubtedly very convenient, and with her, how can he let His Highness do these things.

At the bedside, Li Meng watched quietly, watching Saya undress Mu Ling.

Sakuya ignored Li Meng's existence, and she didn't realize that His Highness needed to avoid something. Not to mention Mu Ling, she didn't care about her brother seeing her body.

When Mu Ling's smaller body got into the bed and was covered by the pure white blanket, Sakiya took a few steps back and was located aside.

Li Meng took a few steps forward and came to the bed.

Looking at Mu Ling's hollow eyes, Li Meng slightly bent over and "kissed" on the white forehead.

Perceiving the moistness of his forehead and the numb touch, why did Mu Ling not understand what his brother did.

His face turned ruddy with a "huh", and he timidly pulled the blanket to cover his face.

In order to conceal the shyness in my heart.

Leaving from Mu Ling's forehead, looking down at Mu Ling's cute appearance, Li Meng whispered, "Go to sleep! Get a good night's sleep, and everything will be better when you wake up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, without waiting for Mu Ling's response, Li Meng stretched out his hand and placed it next to Mu Ling's ear.

Intersect the two fingers.


A snapping finger echoed in the room.

Under the blanket, Mu Ling weakened and became silent.

Pulling away the blanket on Mu Ling gently, exposed the smaller body to the air.

The white pattern dress made Mu Ling look like a sleeping little princess, serene and beautiful.

Looking at His Highness's actions in a puzzled manner, Sakiya was a little puzzled.

"His Royal Highness! You are..."

Standing upright, standing in front of the bed, looking at the peacefully sleeping person on the bed, Li Meng said lightly: "She must sleep, this time it will take a long time to sleep!"

Sakuya looked suspicious, she didn't understand what His Highness was going to do.

But looking at His Royal Highness's actions, it seemed that she planned to do something.

Li Meng moved while Sakuya watched.

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