Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 553: Armed Merchant Ship

An armed merchant ship without any flags.

Although there is no flag, there is a huge sign painted on the wall of the ship, a huge black circle, and three parallel horizontal lines in the black circle.

"Woo! Woo!"

As it sailed into the waters of the east coast, the armed merchant ship made a huge whistle.

Because they found a larger ship in the waters in front of the armed merchant ship, the siren was a warning.

The loud whistle also attracted the attention of the soldiers patrolling on the deck of the transport ship. They stopped on the ship's side to watch the approaching merchant ships in the mist not far away.

"Report! A merchant ship is approaching, armed on deck! In non-combat state!"

The soldiers on the deck reported their findings to their superiors.

The news reached Tan Ya's ears all the way.

"Don't act rashly, just monitor it closely!"

Tan Ya responded.

This is not the territory of the First Army, any ships are possible, even armed merchant ships.

But Tan Ya did have some surprises. Will there be merchant ships coming from this marsh ruin?

And it's still a big merchant ship.

When he came to the deck of the merchant ship, Tan Ya saw the merchant ship approaching.

It is indeed very large, although it is much smaller than the transport ship, but the hull of the ship sailing in the mist also gives a sense of hugeness.

There are not many people on the deck, probably dozens.

Most of them are security guards wearing uniform black uniforms. They are well-dressed. They can tell that they are combat uniforms at a glance. The firearms in their hands are exactly the same, and they seem to be very well equipped.

There is a black circle mark on the guard's chest.

And there was one person in the bow who was particularly eye-catching, because he was wearing a cloak, and his whole body was shrouded in a black cloak, looking quite mysterious.

When the soldiers on the deck looked at them, the other side also looked at the transport ship.

This is a big ship, much larger than the ship under their feet.

When they saw the metal figure on the deck and the dim blue light on the helmet, they were obviously taken aback.

Advanced armors and huge rifles, no matter how they look at it, are much more advanced than their equipment.

At the same time of the accident, he was also quite surprised, and looked at the huge merchant ship not far away with curious eyes.

Especially the black figure on the side of the ship attracted their attention. The black blood pattern "armor" and the wide hood made people unable to see the people inside, but she just stood like this, letting that one be far away. Those who were watching her couldn't help but feel a strong pressure in their hearts.

That is a warning from the soul.

"Chairman Chen! Do you need to contact each other to make room for them?"

The place where the opponent's ship is anchored just blocks the waterway ahead. The bank in front of the waterway is the most ideal unloading point because it is flat enough and wide enough!

When asked about the guard next to him, Chen Hui looked solemn in his hood.

Who are they?

The equipment was so enviable that his eyes were red, and Chen Hui could feel the breath of electronic technology in those metal figures.

Black flag?

Which force's banner is this?

Even the well-informed Chen Hui has never seen this kind of banner.

"Let's go to the other side!"

It is better to be cautious when encountering unknown forces that cannot be underestimated.

Chen Hui doesn't want to run into any trouble during this critical period!

It is better to avoid troubles that can be avoided.

Under Chen Hui's order, the merchant ship that had been heading for the first legion transport ship turned around on the way and sailed to the other side of the water bank.

Merchant ships are leaving, and there are many landing sites on the huge east bank, not just the one occupied by the First Army.

Their choice to avoid is undoubtedly very wise.

Withdrawing his gaze from the departing merchant ship, a faint voice came from the black hood.

"Prepare the ship! It's time to go to Qicheng!"

Today is the day when the Resistance Army invited the First Corps to Qicheng for talks.

Tan Ya has never forgotten this!

Having spent many days in the ruins of the swamp, Tan Ya had already thought of returning.

As for the establishment of an outpost in the ruins of the swamp, at this moment, Tan Ya has given up.

The ruins of the swamp are very close to the border of ASEAN, but they are still part of the territory of Kyoto.

In the past, the First Army was just a small force. In the territory of Kyoto, of course it also belonged to Kyoto, but now it is different. Now the First Army has occupied Nanlin Island, and the next war will cause The First Army was transformed into a force second only to the country in strength.

If an outpost is established in the territory of Kyoto, it is purely looking for trouble!

Of course, there is no problem in establishing a contact station.

However, this is not necessary.

Nanlin Island is not far from the marsh ruins, it can be said to be very close.

At the speed of a speedboat, you can arrive in half a day!

Moreover, in the future, if the Resistance Army has any needs, it should not be the First Army that seeks the Resistance Army, but the Resistance Army that seeks the First Army.

The primary and secondary points must be clearly divided.

"Yes! I will prepare now!"

The chief sergeant beside Tan Ya responded with a military salute.

He walked away quickly.

At this moment, the distant merchant ship stopped in the water hundreds of meters away from the shore.

The small boat on the merchant ship began to be put into the water, and the **** on the deck moved the cargo out of the cabin and dropped it on the boat.

On the shore, at some point, a large group of people walked out of the ruins, all armed with weapons and wearing all kinds of tattered clothes.

Seeing the merchant ships on the water, they seemed very excited, waiting eagerly on the shore.

When boats docked on the shore, they happily began to move goods.

Carrying the goods, they were in groups, talking and laughing, and returned to the ruins.

"Quick! Move all these things to the cabin in Qicheng! And those boxes, hey! Be careful, the things here are precious!"

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