Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 604: For help?

A tight leather armor perfectly reveals the femininity of women, but at this moment, the **** Chen Nannan does not have the self-confidence as before, frowning and suffering, with a worried look that makes people feel distressed.

"Eldest sister! The island next to it is not small. Maybe you can get some supplies on it. Shall you send your brothers to search and see if you can get something edible!"

Seeing the appearance of the elder sister, Chen Jing was quite distressed, and said a way that was not a solution.

Chen Hui on the side shook his head, and said in a deep voice, "The supplies were exhausted yesterday! We can't waste time! Sister, let's go! There are about two hundred nautical miles away from Nanlin Island. If you are lucky, There should be no problem persisting to Nanlin Island, it can only make the brothers suffer!"

"Bitter and bitter? For three days, without eating or drinking for three days, the strong brothers may be able to survive, but what about the old and weak women and children? Can they survive?"

Facing the gaze of his younger brother Chen Jing, Chen Hui said indifferently: "This is nothing to do. Other methods are not impossible. That huge "boat" is our "method". The only thing we don't know is that they Will it help us!"

Chen Jing remained silent about his brother's words. A few days ago, they had the idea of ​​seeking the ship next to him.

But this method was rejected by the older sister Chen Nannan.

They know what the older sister thinks.

But now, in order to survive, what else can't be done.

Thinking of the ship, Chen Hui felt an impulse.

Looking up at the eldest sister, Chen Hui said: "Elder sister! Let me negotiate with them! See if you can get help!"

Chen Nannan did not agree, but shook his head and said: "The most suitable candidate is me, as long as I go, I can appear more sincere!"


Chen Hui was worried and said worriedly: "Sister, after all, as a woman, some things are not convenient, but they will cause unnecessary conflicts!"

Of course Chen Nannan knew what Chen Hui was worried about.

With a light smile, Chen Nannan said fearlessly: "Don't say anything, it's not too late, go get ready! I will go to the ship for help!"

Seeing the elder sister insisted, Chen Hui could only compromise.

Because Chen Hui knew in his heart that once the eldest sister made a decision, no one could make her change her mind. It was unnecessary and unnecessary to say more.

Nodding lightly, Chen Hui said solemnly: "Since the eldest sister has decided, I won’t say much! Elder sister! Even if you fail, don’t force yourself too much. If the eldest sister doesn’t return within two hours, within two hours, even if It's offending the First Army, and we will also take that ship!"

Facing Chen Hui's serious look, Chen Nannan smiled helplessly, and said softly: "Try your best! But, don't be foolish, even if it fails, they should not embarrass me. There is no need to be too nervous!"

"I hope so!"

Just like what he said, Chen Hui could only expect what the older sister had hoped.

Take down the "Emperor"?

The ignorant are fearless. If they knew what kind of existences were on the Emperor, they would not say that, I am afraid they would not even think about it.

On the surface, although the "Emperor" looks like a civilian ship without any combat effectiveness, its actual combat effectiveness is far superior to any warship. Just "Li Meng" alone is quite a heavy firepower fortress. Other powerful guards and nuns.

The aftermath of the storm is still stirring the sea, and the weather outside is still bad.

But in this bad weather, the Broken Sword Pirate Group is moving.

In order to show sincerity, Chen Nannan will take a small boat to the "Emperor".

In this bad weather, riding a boat without any anti-wave ability can be imagined how dangerous it is.

But Chen Nannan had no fear in her heart.

The small wooden boat has been put down, there is no one on it, only a rope is connected to the boat, to prevent the boat from drifting away with the current.

The sea is undulating violently, and the small wooden boat swings from side to side with the undulating sea surface. The tilt is so great that it seems to sink at any time.

"Sister! At least let me follow you!"

The turbulent sea conditions outside made Chen Jing very worried, standing on the side of the ship.

Without saying much, the harsh sea conditions outside could not stop Chen Nannan.

Pulling the rope connecting the boat, Chen Nannan looked at Chen Jing who was worried and said, "Wait for me to come back with peace of mind!"

This is an exhortation and a reminder to Chen Jing.

After finishing speaking, Chen Nannan's vigorous body leaped gently, and his slender body landed on the boat gently along the rope.

Picking up the oar and unfastening the rope, Chen Nannan moved the oar skillfully.

With a slight push, the boat moved forward with difficulty on the undulating sea, leaving little by little, and approaching the "big ship" not far away little by little.

Except for Chen Hui and Chen Jing, no one knew what Chen Nannan was doing.

Especially the people on the iron-clad boat, looking at the looming boat on the sea, looked like hesitating to speak.

In such dangerous weather, what is the leader doing?

Too dangerous!

The mobilized soldiers on the deck kept watching the sea around the "Emperor",

As a small wooden ship approached, the mobilizers on the deck of course also discovered it.

The small wooden boat undulates on the sea surface, looming in the undulating sea surface. If you don't look carefully, you can't find the small wooden boat.

"It's a woman!"

"Yes! It's a woman!"

"It seems to have come from those boats not far away, what is she going to do?"

Looking at a small wooden ship approaching on the sea not far below, the mobilized soldiers who were patrolling stopped, watching and talking.

"I don't know! Would you like to tell the Chief Sergeant?"

"Let's report it!"

"She's waving! Is she asking for help?"

"Help? She doesn't look like a drowning man!"

When she was close enough to the Emperor, looking up, Chen Nannan saw a few lines on the side of the ship watching her.

Putting down the oars, Chen Nannan waved.

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