Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 624: So-called humanity

The materials on the island are enough to sustain the 20,000 defenders for half a year, whether it is food or drinking water, they are very sufficient.

In terms of time, the defenders on the island can afford it.

This is what the defenders on the island hope to see. Only if they can hold the First Army, they can buy enough time for Bentley and give Bentley enough time to respond.

On the wall of the fortress, Vader and Via reappeared.

Behind the battlements, the two looked into the distance.

On the distant sea, a dark green fleet is floating.

The huge metal body, towering naval guns, and numerous barrels, seen from a distance, are full of streamlined beauty and enviable power.

There are many shadows of ships, spreading over a large area of ​​the sea, and the formation is menacing and intimidating.

However, once you look at something for a long time, it will make people feel numb.

The distant fleet has been parked for a long time. Although it is an attacking posture, since they appeared, there has been no new action.

This puzzled the two brothers.

"Big brother! What do you think they are waiting for?"

Looking at the fleet in the distance, Vader said with some confusion.

Like Vader, Via was also puzzled in her heart, wondering why the distant fleet made an aggressive battle, but did not take any action.

Is it really as Vader said, what are the distant fleets waiting for?

"I don't know! But the behavior of this First Legion is really puzzling, Vader! If you were the commander of that fleet, what would you do?"

How to do it?

Regarding the question of Elder Govia, Vader didn’t think much about it. He said in his mind: “Of course it’s an attack. With such a powerful “battleship”, I will baptize Nat Island with artillery fire, and then send a landing force. Attack the island!"

Via’s actions are taken for granted, no matter who is the commander of that fleet, they will do it.

Because this is the best way to fight.

When you have a strong military force, you don't need to use those crooked brains.

Although very puzzled about the silence of the distant fleet, Via was very clear.

The attack on Turner Island is inevitable, and it is only a matter of time.

Thinking of this, Via said calmly: "The initiative is in the hands of the enemy. Today, we can only recharge our energy, wait for the development of the situation, and prepare for the upcoming battle!"

Vader nodded, just as the elder brother said, the battle will happen sooner or later, and you cannot relax your vigilance just because of a moment of ease.

Withdrawing their eyes from a distance, the two left the battlements and patrolled the walls.

"Behind the beach, the first line of defense in the rocky forest, you must pay more attention to it. This is the place where the First Army captures the island. As long as you hold it there, the First Army will not be able to eat Turner Island!"

As he walked, Via said to his younger brother.

The defensive forces in the Stone Forest are Vader's subordinates, and of course Vader should supervise them.

Following his elder brother, Vader nodded and said, "Don't worry! The terrain of the rocky forest is complicated, so the commanding heights are equipped with powerful firepower to ensure that the enemy's landing troops will be difficult to move!"

It's good to be confident, but there is one thing that Via has to tell.

"Be careful with the fire support of the enemy fleet. When things cannot be done, retreat when you need to retreat. Preserving strength is the most important thing. Don’t forget, our ultimate line of defense is the fortress under our feet. We cannot lose too many manpower outside. ."

Vader nodded and replied: "Understood, I have already told the commander who guards the first line of defense, once the casualties are more than half, immediately retreat to the second line of defense and assist the second line of defense to defend against the enemy!"

In this way, Via was relieved.

There are only two ten thousand teams on Turner Island. It seems that there are a lot of people, but under the threat of the enemy's powerful "strength", this strength is not enough, far from enough.

To resist the invaders, the defenders on Turner Island are far from enough, and the military power of the entire Bentley nation is needed.

Only by mobilizing all the military forces of Bentley can it be possible to repel the invaders.

Seeing the huge fortress, walking on the city wall, Via's heart was not as calm as on the surface.

Judging by the "power" currently displayed by the First Army, can Turner Island be defended?

Although Via is confident of being able to hold a moment, this moment will not be too long.

Without support, Turner Island, isolated and helpless, will not last long.

Via knows this.

Via thought of Marani.

After so many days, can Commander Messeg now think of how to support "Turner Island"?

Just as Via thought, during these two days, the Mai Saige in Marani City was not idle.

The restoration of national communication lines allowed the military system to operate at a high speed.

During these two days, Messeg first ordered people to remove the roadblocks on the border road, and then conducted discussions with the other two army commanders on combating the invasion of the First Army through remote communication.

The discussion went smoothly. Considering that the First Army placed the main attack direction in Messeg’s defense area, the three discussed together and gathered the main battle forces from the whole country to Messeg’s defense area to resist the first legion’s attack. .

Relying on the road network that connects cities across the country, troops from all parts of the Bentley State are converging in the Messag defense zone.

A big battle intensified.

War is inevitable.

Under the invasion of foreign enemies, the politically separated Bentley nation was rarely united to resist the invasion of foreign enemies.

In response to external threats, the military has launched actions, and internally, in order to stabilize the hearts of the people and to incite the national heart in the hearts of the people, the military publicly affirmed to the public that the country is being invaded and is being invaded by the invincible First Corps.

Under the overwhelming propaganda of various means, within a short period of time, people in all cities of Bentley State learned that the country was being violated.

Under deliberate guidance, the people were filled with outrage, and the recruitment points in the cities were almost squeezed by hot-blooded men. At this moment, before the national justice, the military government's past inaction, high-pressure policies, and iron-blooded suppression were subconsciously ignored by the people. Up.

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