Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 640: Cancel

For the bombing on the beach, the number of artillery is probably no less than a dozen, and the caliber is not small, and the power of the explosion is very impressive.

"General! The "turtle" landing craft that was hit has returned. According to ballistic calculations, the enemy’s shelling position is probably in the northeast. If my guess is correct, there should be one on the coastline north of Turner Island. The exact location of the enemy’s shelling position is still unknown!"

In the helmet, Jevric looked solemn.

Looking at Natasha next to him, Yevrich said again: "This shelling position poses a great threat to our landing troops. It is recommended to eliminate it, otherwise it will cause great casualties to our landing troops!"

Turner Island is not far from the northern coastline, no more than ten kilometers, which means that the entire Turner Island is within the range of the enemy’s artillery positions, and the landing forces are always under the threat of the enemy’s artillery fire.

"Send a reconnaissance team to search the northern coastline and find out the position of the enemy's shelling position!"

Cold words came out of the hood, and Natasha gave the order.

As long as you find an enemy shelling position, everything is easy.

The range of the naval gun is more than 30 kilometers. As long as it does not exceed this distance, no matter where the enemy's shelling position is, once the position is found, the naval gun can easily be destroyed.

"Understood! General! Do the landing of the follow-up troops need to be temporarily stopped? The enemy’s artillery position has locked the landing point. After the last bombing, the accuracy of this bombing may be more accurate. If we act rashly, we will have a great deal. loss."

When the landing forces left the beach, the enemy’s shelling stopped. This shows that everything on the beach is under the surveillance of the enemy’s shelling positions. This also shows that the landing forces will face more precise bombing during the next landing.

Without thinking too much, Natasha's voice rang again in the hood.

"Before the enemy's shelling position is eliminated, stop landing on the island, send an order to the landing troops that have landed on the island, and stand by!"


The artillery bombing from the raid disrupted the First Army's plan to seize the island.

Although in the war, the enemy and the enemy attacked each other under artillery fire, which is completely normal.

But the artillery positions on the coast are too threatening to the First Army. If the artillery positions are allowed to exert their own firepower, this will make the First Army extremely uncomfortable and will increase the casualties of the First Army.

This is absolutely not allowed.

The landing forces of the First Legion were bombarded on the beach, and the defenders in the fortress on Turner Island were also very surprised. At the same time, I felt a little excited.

Surprisingly, they did not know that they had external support. What was exciting was that they were not fighting alone.

When the fleet's guns stopped firing.

The battle on Turner Island seemed to have suddenly stopped, and fell into silence in the thick smoke.

"Commander Messeg did not give up Turner Island. As long as the supporting firepower is focused on the beach, the First Army will not dare to act rashly. Brother, where do you say the shelling positions supporting Turner Island?"

In the observation platform, watching the fleet that had stopped shelling in the distance, Vader said with a slightly excited expression.

He had seen the bombing on the beach before his own eyes. The firepower was not small and caused many casualties to the enemy's landing troops.

The telescope was not taken down from before, looking at the direction of the stone forest, Via said: "Where else? The closest to Turner Island is the northern coastline, and the artillery positions can only be built there."

"Don't let your guard down. We can't get in touch with the support troops on the coastline, we can't call for artillery support. They can only stare at the beach. They can't help much with the battle on the island, and I don't think the First Army will allow artillery. The presence of positions!"

The situation in front of him is just a little better, not much better than before.

Although the existence of support forces can make people feel a little relieved, Via also understands that if there is no guidance from the defenders on the island, the shelling positions on the coastline are of little effect, and they can only carry out some harassment and interception of the enemy landing forces. Can not affect the outcome of this battle.

Yes, if you can’t get in touch with the supporting forces, when they need artillery support, the supporting forces on the coast cannot know their needs, and if you can’t get in touch with them in communication, you can’t cooperate with the supporting forces.

Vader was silent, the emergence of support troops is indeed a happy thing, but just as the big brother said, the only thing they can rely on in the next battle is themselves.

"A small number of enemy troops have already landed, and their weapons are indeed very advanced. They have a lot of armored weapons. Even their equipment is full-covered armor. In terms of military strength, this First Army may be this. The area surrounding the South China Sea is the most powerful. Even Kyoto may not be comparable. In this war, our Bentley country may be in trouble!"

Not long ago, when seeing the landing enemy troops, Via felt a bit of feeling in her heart, feeling the strength of the First Army. Not to mention the landing crafts running on the sea, just the soldiers who landed on the enemy. It was shocking. The whole army couldn't see a piece of fabric, it was all metal, and the individual was mighty. The rifle in his hand also seemed quite heavy, and the power must be good.

Hearing what his elder brother said, Vader became a little unconfident.

"Brother! Do you think we can hold Turner Island?"

Via shook his head, still holding a telescope in his hand to observe the outside, and said: "It is not a question of how long it can be held, but how long it can be held to support the arrival of the troops. This shows that Commander Messegh hopes that we can It lasted longer. If I guess right, Bentley is now rectifying its armaments. At this time, the three commanders should have joined forces."

"is it possible?"

Vader didn't believe his eldest brother's guess, and he somewhat doubted whether the three commanders would join forces.

After all, the relationship between the three commanders is so bad, otherwise there would be no defensive zone separation.

"They have no choice. In the face of strong enemies, they must put aside their contradictions and unite together. Only in this way can Bentley have the hope of victory. Otherwise, if Captain Messag fails, the other two commanders will not escape the same. The end is just a matter of time. You and I understand this. Would the three commanders not understand?"

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