Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 645: General's rights

There is an additional air chamber on the back of the power combat uniform. Once air is injected, the heavy mobilized soldiers can float on the water, and then rely on the micro water jet engine installed at the ankle to make the body wear heavy. The mobilized soldiers of the powered combat uniforms moved fast against the sea.

It was the same when I came. The last trip to the bottom of the sea was just for concealment, so I closed the air tank, let my body sink to the bottom of the sea, and walked from the bottom of the sea to the shore slowly.

Because the power is too small, the power of the micro water jet engine is limited. When the reconnaissance team returned to the fleet, it was already an hour later.

At this time, noon has passed.

In the bridge command room of the heavy cruiser, after receiving a report from the subordinate, Jevrich reported the failure of the reconnaissance team to Natasha.

"The reconnaissance mission failed. The enemy closely monitored the coastline. The reconnaissance team was driven back into the sea as soon as it landed ashore. It seems that the enemy was prepared!"

Unexpectedly, also expected.

Natasha was not too surprised by Jevric's report.

The enemy dared to arrange the artillery positions within the range of the naval guns, which shows that the enemy has long been prepared to prevent the enemy from discovering their artillery positions.

Looking at Natasha in the seat, Jevridge analyzed: "If the enemy is prepared, there is no need to send a reconnaissance team, unless we launch a landing operation on the northeast coastline. But in this case, the landing troops will also be exposed to the enemy’s artillery fire. In this way, it completely violates our original intention. Instead of this, it is better to forcibly seize the island of Turner under the enemy’s artillery fire. Fight."

There are no undead in war, and you can't be afraid of the tail. According to Jevrich, even if the enemy's artillery positions target the landing point, the casualties caused to the landing combat troops are within the acceptable range.

In war, necessary losses are inevitable, and sometimes a part must be discarded to obtain greater benefits.

Zero loss is impossible.

Natasha stood up from her seat, and said at the same time, "Pass the order, suspend any action, and prepare a speedboat!"

In response to Natasha's order, in the helmet, Jevrich's expression was slightly stunned, but then fell silent.

Although I don't know why General Natasha will order to stop the operation, this is an order and he can only execute it.

"Yes! I don't know where the general is going?"

Stepping forward, when he was about to step out of the hatch of the command room, a word came to Jevrich's ears.

"The Emperor!"


Taking the speedboat, Natasha came to the "Emperor" a few nautical miles away from the fleet.

The purpose of coming to the Emperor is very simple, because of what Wendy said not long ago.

Natasha felt that she should talk to her master herself by using people around her.

This is a kind of respect, otherwise she would appear too unruly.

Familiar scenes, familiar figures, when you take the elevator from the cargo hold to the top deck, everything you see in front of you is still a familiar picture.

In the pavilion in the garden, Natasha also found the person she wanted to find.

Lifting her hood, Natasha strode into the pavilion.

In front of the black figure in the seat, Natasha knelt on the ground.

He said: "Master! What Wendy said before counts?"

Suddenly the sound echoing in the pavilion caused Li Meng to open his eyes while sleeping, and his dark pupils looked at Natasha who was kneeling on the ground.

Lips moved slightly, and Li Meng said calmly: "It's been too long, it seems that you have encountered a lot of trouble in this war!"

Natasha did not veto this, and said coldly: "Our forces are limited. In order to ensure that there are sufficient forces available in the next war against Bentley, we cannot lose too much on "Turner Island."

This is actually a fact. More than 5,000 troops are still too few. It is of course only a delusion to win Bentley with 5,000 troops.

How does Li Meng know this?

Understand and understand, but Li Meng can't use his few energy points because of this.

Looking at Natasha, Li Meng said indifferently: "Use war to support war, win a city, and get 60% of the benefits. I will give you the right to use it at will. You can recruit troops and buy horses!"

Although it is a simple sentence, it is also a promise of decentralization.

The so-called generals have a very high status in Li Meng's mind. The rights they have are beyond everyone's imagination, and Li Meng is slowly granting this right.

It was Natasha’s task to attack Bentley. When the war ended, the First Army won. Of course, the land of Bentley also belonged to Natasha, and Natasha would also become the first leader in the First Army. History, fully manage the land of Bentley Country.

Of course, this is the future, and this is Li Meng's vision for the future.

Before fulfilling his expectations, there may be some twists and turns on the way, but Li Meng believes that there will be no change in the result.

This is self-confidence and a belief in Natasha.

Li Meng's indifferent words moved Natasha's heart slightly. Although she was a "dead", the protection of her master did not make her lose the emotions that "humans" had. Although she looked as usual on the surface, Natasha's heart was very Is excited.

She doesn't care about rights. What she cares about is glory. When having supreme rights, this is also the greatest glory for soldiers, because it represents trust.

For soldiers, trust is the greatest reward for loyalty.

Lowering her head, Natasha whispered: "Master! Please allow me to mobilize the guards next to you. I need their help."

Li Meng did not immediately answer Natasha, but looked at Wendy beside him and smiled lightly: "Wendy! You can't take back what you said, you can figure it out!"

Wendy nodded softly and said softly: "Okay! Master!"

After speaking, Wendy looked at Natasha who was kneeling on the ground, and asked softly: "General Natasha! Please tell me, what do you need us to do?"

In Wendy's gaze, Natasha whispered: "There is an enemy shelling position on the northern coastline of Turner Island. I need the position of this shelling position!"

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