Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 653: bombing

The subsequent landing troops have joined the frontline troops. In this forest, the strength of the First Corps has reached more than 4,000.

It's just that there were only a thousand or so soldiers who were engaged in the battle. The last troops to land had just arrived, and it was not time for the full-line attack.

it's time……

It's time for a full-line attack.

In the helmet, Love looked upright, and said to the officer beside him: "Notify the frontline combat troops to stop fighting, retreat one mile, and shelling the enemy's position in ten minutes!"


Respecting the military salute, the officer responded, then turned and strode forward.

Shortly after the officer left, the fierce gunfire in the forest suddenly slowed down, and the "rumbling" explosion gradually subsided.

The withdrawal of the frontline forces made both sides lose their targets. Without targets, of course there is no need to fire.

The fierce fighting also subsided in the forest.

As the last shot fell, the forest completely restored calm.

The enemy evacuated?

Looking at the moving figure in the forest, and the enemy armored unit retreating on the stone path, the soldiers of the Bentley nation on the ground were relieved.

In the previous battle, although the enemy's attacks were repelled again and again, the defense line was too reluctant to maintain.

It was barely kept under the life of one by one.

In just over an hour of fighting, the line of defense showed signs of collapse.

It's getting dark, the enemy should not attack anymore.

Thinking of this, the Bentley soldier on the front could not help but let out a sigh, and his expression relaxed slightly.

Darkness is the enemy of mankind, and for the defender, it has a lot of advantage over the offensive in the dark.

A little wiser, he would not attack in the dark.

"How much did you lose?"

In the cockpit of a guard, a middle-aged man with a rough face was asking his subordinates through the communicator.

He is the highest-ranking officer on this line of defense, a commander of thousands.

On the soft seat, he sits upright, the screen in front of him shows the outside picture, front, back, left, and right, there are no dead corners, but the connection between each screen is a bit inferior, more obvious, but this is not Affect the picture on the screen.

For a long time, the answer he was waiting for echoed in the communicator.

"There were more than 700 casualties, of which more than 300 were killed, more than 300 were seriously injured, and more than 200 were slightly bruised. Three guards were damaged to varying degrees and two guards were completely destroyed! The 75mm cannon was lost. 16 doors!"

The loss is not small...

Hearing the report from his subordinates, the commander sighed in his heart.

Less than two hours of fighting, the loss is so great, tomorrow's battle will be uncomfortable.


The commander suddenly appeared thinking.

Look at the sky, there is still more than an hour before the darkness falls, the enemy really just retreated like this?

Could it be...

Thinking of this, the commander's face changed, he did not forget that there was an enemy fleet with amazing firepower on the sea.

Reached out and clicked a button to open the team communication.

The commander snarled and roared loudly: "Evacuate all! Evacuate to the second line of defense, immediately! Hurry!"

The order was too sudden, and the officers who received the order on the front were slightly stunned, not understanding why the commander gave this order.

But stunned, stunned, did not understand, the officers still commanded their subordinates to evacuate in a hurry.

But it was too late.

On the sea northwest of Turner Island, the fleet that had fallen into silence came alive again.

Called by the frontline troops on the island, the turret on the battleship turned slightly, and the muzzle of the black hole aimed at the distant Turner Island.

Almost at the same time, the troops in the forest received a reminder from the fleet.

"Our naval gun is online, please be careful!"

As soon as the sound in the passing device fell, the fleet on the sea suddenly flickered, and the "rumbling" shelling sounded.

There were bursts of howls in the sky.

In the sky, the cannonballs roared across the forest, heading towards the destination.

"It's over!"

Bentley soldiers on the ground were evacuating. When there was a strange sound from the sky, many soldiers showed a frightened expression, especially the officers, they knew what it meant.

"Run! Evacuate!"

Countless figures fled in a hurry, rushing to the rear, but it was too late.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A violent explosion suddenly sounded, huge flames surging, and powerful shock waves swept everything around.

Although the forest is dense, the first wave of shells exploded on the treetops.

But the powerful shock wave directly tore the thick branches and rushed straight to the ground with a billowing air wave. Under the strong air wave, the people on the ground turned over.

When the soldiers on the ground had not recovered, the second wave of bombing arrived.

In the howling sound, the shells falling from the sky directly smashed onto the position.

Groups of mushroom clouds rose up, and the surging flames rolled around with gravel and soil, and the powerful shock wave shattered everything around.

In the "rumbling" explosion, the position in the forest was shining brightly.

On the distant sea, the uninterrupted sound of shelling continued, the roar of cannonballs in the sky was still endless, the explosions on the ground, one after another, the violent explosions were deafening.

Under the attack of artillery fire, everything on the ground was gradually shattering.

There were only simple bunkers on the position, and there were no trenches that could avoid the artillery attack. The violent bombing was a disaster for the Bentley soldiers on the position.

Countless soldiers were annihilated in the artillery fire, the cannon was blown to pieces, the tall guards were overturned alive, and gradually disappeared in the later waves of bombing.

The bombing lasted a full quarter of an hour, when the "rumbling" explosion gradually subsided and the last shell fell.

The First Army launched a full-line attack.

At this time, the sky was already dark.

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