Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 660: Whispers of death

Once the order is delivered, there is no need to hesitate, just follow the order.

During the transmission of the order, the front-line combat troops immediately took new actions.

On the stone road in front of the city gate, two hammer tanks were silently nested on the stone road. The front armor was black. Although it was not torn, it had become pitted and the armor was deformed.

The long barrel has been twisted out of shape, and the track has broken and lost power.

As soon as the enemy armored unit appeared, the two hammer tanks near the city gate were hit by intense artillery fire.

Although the armor-piercing ability of the shells fired by the enemy is limited, no matter how thick the armor of the hammer tank is, it cannot withstand the continuous firepower of the enemy.

As the enemy had hoped, they successfully prevented the hammer tank from destroying the city gate.

When receiving a command from the rear.

Amid the "buzzing" engine roar, the hammer tank on the stone path suddenly reversed its direction, the track quickly turned, and rushed down the stone path aggressively, rushing into the buffer zone outside the forest.

Leaving the narrow shade of the trees, the shooting angle was perfectly displayed, and the hammer tank raging on the edge of the forest began to attack the enemy armored machinery on the city wall.

"Bang! Bang!"

The flame sprayed, and the sound of the guns "rumbled".

In the rain of bullets, howling shells flew on the city wall, and countless fireballs suddenly rose up from the city wall.

It was the hammer tank in Cyclonus that launched shelling on the enemy.

Some hit the city wall. In the burst, countless rubble soared, and the city wall was blown up to a gap.

And some hit the armored machinery on the city wall. In the rising fireball, the power of the armor-piercing project directly tore the armor of the enemy armored unit, and an explosion occurred inside. In the surging flames, countless metal debris was splashed. , When the flames dissipated, the huge armored machinery also fell.

The attack of the hammer tank seemed to anger the armored machinery on the city wall and began an angry counterattack.

The shells from both sides come and go, so it’s so lively.

The sound of shelling, explosions, and gunfire immediately enveloped Turner Island.

The situation fell into a fierce situation.

But in the forest a few kilometers southeast of the fortress, it was quiet.

Although the "rumbling" explosions and gunshots in the distance were clear and audible, the forest was quiet.

There is no sound, no movement, only the darkness, and the sunlight that shines through the gaps between the branches and leaves.

In the shade of the trees, on a soft and empty ground, the figures were kneeling on the ground, a little weird in the quiet and gloomy environment.

They were silent, not even breathing, and they were completely integrated with the dark forest.

Suddenly, there was a rustle in the forest.

A black figure appeared from under the shade of the tree, and she walked unhurriedly, came to the side of the many figures, and gently knelt down on the ground.

"You are troubled! Even if there is no "ghoul", they can still take the fortress. Death is only the beginning of a new life. You should not change their destiny!"

Under the quiet shade of the tree, as the figure knelt down, a cold voice reverberated in the shade of the tree. The misty voice made it impossible to know from which black figure the voice came.

"Perhaps my words are just the fate they should experience. The growth of our dead race should not be based on their death. This is what the master wants to see!"

It is not a rebuttal, but just an explanation, a kind of own perception and opinion.

As the words fell, the forest under the shade fell into silence.

For a long time, a word echoed in the dark space under the forest.

"Perhaps you are right!"

The cold whispers, as the words fell, the gloomy forest fell into silence.

The nuns continued to meditate, carefully feeling the power of death floating in the woods and floating above Turner Island.

They yearn for being strong, they also yearn for "power", and they yearn for their identity to take a step forward.

All of this requires corresponding "power", and power is not something that can be obtained for no reason. They must cherish every second of their time and work hard to cultivate to the level they want in their hearts.

The battle outside the forest is still going on, it can be said that it has never stopped.

Intensive gunfire, "rumbling" explosions, and staggered bullet marks, the battle is fierce.

Life is dying every minute and every second. In war, no one will be listed.

Around the wall to the south of the fort, a battle of life and death is underway.

Outside the city, dark-green troops poured out from the forest like a tide, pouring bullets and cannonballs on the city wall. The tall city wall looked like a mountain obstructing their way. The only huge gate was the only way they could penetrate the fortress. Entrance.

On the city wall, dense gray figures surged across the wall. The figures stretched across the one-kilometer-long wall. They were soldiers from the Bentley nation and were blocking the enemy outside the city under the rain of bullets.

On the city wall, on the 500-meter front around the city gate, the huge war machine "guards" are like bunkers pouring down the city under the impact of enemy fire.

In the rain of bullets, many guards have been destroyed, dumped on the wall, and some are still braving and burning.

The enemy’s crawler war machinery outside the city caused a lot of casualties on the guards on the walls. Although there are battlements to cover, it is difficult for the enemy to hit the guards on the walls at a narrow angle, but once hit, the guards Can't escape the end of being destroyed.

The battle was going on fiercely, and the victorious Libra did not fall to any side, but as the defender, the soldiers on the wall had already suffered heavy losses.

On the wide walls, in addition to the soldiers who stood by their posts to block the enemy, there were dead bodies lying on the walls. Although there were many people alive, more people died. For the living, the dead companions beside them It's like the whispers of the **** of death, telling them to cherish life all the time, otherwise they will only get the same fate as them, lying on the blood-colored and cold wall.

In the battlefield full of "death", many things will affect people's fighting spirit and affect the original firm heart.

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