Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 664: surrender

With such a powerful army, what is the origin of this First Army?

At this moment, the only thing that puzzled the two brothers was this.

At this time, the army under the city moved.

A tracked war machine was advancing amidst the roar of "rumbling". The rotating track "creaked" crushed the ground and drove toward the gate of the inner fort. When it was less than 20 meters away from the gate, The heavy and hideous war machine stopped.

Under the gaze of many eyes on the city wall, the top hatch of the war machine opened, and a soldier wearing a dark green full-body armor leaned out.

Looking at the top of the city wall with a helmet without eye sockets, the soldier shouted: "The victory or defeat is clear. Any resistance is a dying struggle. You have two choices. You can either surrender or continue fighting. You can survive by surrendering, and the battle is For your last battle, I will give you half an hour to think about it. Once the time has passed, we will launch an attack!"

After speaking, ignoring the reaction of the defenders on the city wall, the soldier who protruded from the hatch retracted. As the hatch closed, the stopped hammer tank roared again and moved backwards. Back to the original place.


Looking at the enemy armored machinery that had returned to the original place, the defenders on the wall looked at each other and started talking in a low voice in their pale expression.

The whispering voice echoed on the city wall, and many soldiers showed hopeful eyes.

If they can "live", they don't care about surrendering. In this war, they have paid enough and are worthy of the country.

And for the so-called "country", they don't have much sense of belonging in their hearts. They are only privately armed. They are only in the army for a bite of food and for a better life.

As ordinary soldiers, they have no right to speak. Even at this time, they must obey the orders of their superiors. They looked at the two on the wall.

Only those two people can decide their life and death.

Facing the collective eyes, Vader and Via fell into silence.

The guards around the two became nervous, clenching their guns involuntarily, and looked around with vigilance.

At this time, in order to survive, mutiny may occur in order to obtain the right to decide.

Today, the situation in front of them is desperate, and the only way to survive is in the hands of the two of them. It is very possible to make people "crazy" for this "way of life".

Compared with the nervousness of the guards, Vader and Via looked calm and fearless. Their team was hand-held by them. They believed that even at this last moment, their soldiers would not betray them. .

Looking at the army under the city, Via said to his brother beside him: "Vade! What do you think? Surrender? Or fight?"

Wade couldn't help smiling bitterly because of his brother's words. At this time, how could he make a decision simply.

Seems to feel Vader's embarrassment. Via continued: "Don't feel embarrassed. No matter what you say, I won't blame you. I just want to know what you think in your heart!"

Seeing his brother's serious appearance, Vader was silent for a short while.

It took a long time before he said: "Captain Messegh had the kindness to meet us. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have the same scenery as we are now, but! In this war, we have tried our best. When Commander SEG sent us to the island, wasn’t it a kind of “giving up”? The giving up to us has already been reported, and now it’s time to consider our own retreat, and there are still thousands of people in the inner castle. Brothers, there are a lot of wounded, brother! Do you have the heart to let them join us in the funeral of Bentley?"

Yes, the kindness of knowledge and encounters has been reported. Perhaps they did not do very well in this battle and did not effectively hold the First Army, but they were powerless and had done everything they could.

The long period of peace and ease of life has made Bentley’s soldiers lose that confidence and "honor". Even they themselves have been affected. When their lives are threatened, there is nothing they can’t do, even if they betray themselves. s country.

Like ordinary soldiers, Via didn't want to die, or died on this lonely island.

The expression on his face changed for a while, and Vader was struggling in his heart as Vader watched.

a long time!

Via seems to have appointed a general, sighed deeply, and said sadly, "surrender!"

In just three words, the voice is small, but it pierces everyone's heart on the wall.

When these short words sounded in the ears, the many nervous faces on the wall suddenly relaxed, and his eyes revealed something called "Hope", which was the desire for "life".

As soon as these words came out, Vader breathed a sigh of relief. What he said was not in vain. Although the result was not so satisfactory, at least they were still alive. As long as they were alive, everything was possible. It's just starting from scratch.

Maybe they will no longer be the captain of the ten thousand captain, and they will not have the same scenery as the captain of the ten thousand captain, but from a certain aspect, they have also gained freedom and no longer restrain the small sky of Bentley. Realize the dream long, long ago, and take a look at the outside world.

This is good, Vader is already very satisfied with this result.

Turning around, Vader yelled at the soldiers on the wall: "Everyone! Leave the wall immediately and gather under the city!"

As soon as the sound fell, the soldiers who were still stupefied on the wall quickly recovered, and started to walk down the stairs.

The pace was swift, and within a quarter of an hour, the walls of Neiburg were empty.

Although the huge war machine "guard" was still lying on the city wall, the hatch opened and there was no one inside. The city wall, which was originally surging in its own shadow, has now become empty and looks very deserted.

And in the square under the city wall, thousands of visitors stood in a neat line.

When he left the city wall and came to the square, looking at the soldiers on the square, Via had not much to say.

Just said in a deep voice: "Open the city gate!"

With an order, the city gate opened "creaking" under the push of several soldiers.

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