Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 666: problem

In battle, the consumption of ammunition is staggering.

Take the battle on Turner Island as an example. It took only a few hours for the front-line troops that landed on the island to engage with the enemy. During these hours of offensive and defensive battles, an average of nearly 400,000 bullets were consumed every hour. .

In the rounds of operations, each soldier replenished an average of 5 ammunition. When the battle was over, the landing craft transported more than one million bullets of various calibers and tens of thousands of artillery shells to the island. The ammunition was almost exhausted, and there was not much left.

Judging from the scale of the battle, the offensive and defensive warfare on Turner Island is not even a medium scale battle. However, for such a small-scale battle, ammunition consumption is so terrible. It is conceivable that a medium-scale battle. And for larger battles, how terrible ammunition consumption is.

After a little pause, Jevric continued: "According to the next battle plan, our goal is "Bali City", a city built on the yellow protolith mine. According to the information we have, the population of this city No less than 300,000, and the size of the defender is unknown, but the strength of the defender should be no less than 20,000. In wartime, with the importance of the yellow original crystal mine, the city of Pali will definitely strengthen its defense, and the defender will have more troops."

In the helmet, Jevrich's expression was slightly sinking, and he said solemnly: "Bali has a high city, this battle is not easy to fight!"

After a short pause, he continued: "The city of Bali goes deep into the interior and is not within the range of the naval gun. Once we lose the fire support of the fleet, we will lose the ability of long-range fire support. There is no long-range fire support. We have no advantage, and the army’s arms... when the commander was recruiting arms, he was still too willful and did not consider it comprehensively!"

"Say more!"

The cold voice echoed in Jevric's ears, as if he was quite dissatisfied with Jevric's words, and also had a desire to warn.

Seemingly aware of his quick mouth, Jevrich said quickly: "Yes! As subordinates, we are also responsible!"

In the helmet, Yevrich looked a little embarrassed, and his mouth was quick, and he even said what he thought in his heart that shouldn't be said.

He knew very well in his heart that even if the commander was at fault, he was not qualified to say anything.

A cold voice sounded again. In the hood, Natasha said faintly: "Before this, he was my "commander", but now, he is my master. You may not understand many of these things, but One thing you must understand is that the only person who dares to offend the "master" is to die. Today, it is me who listens to you. You will not have a second chance to speak in front of other generals!"

"Yes! Please military punishment!"

Yevrich said solemnly.

But to everyone’s surprise, Natasha didn’t punish Jevrich, but just said: "At the beginning, the master intended you to be promoted to "general", but you refused. Although this does not explain much, it proves that the master appreciates you very much. Talent, be careful, this time the merits and demerits are equal!"


General Natasha's words made Jevric a sigh of relief, he should indeed speak carefully.

This time is equivalent to a lesson.

"Say it! Continue what you want to say!"

Yevrich hadn't finished what he said just now, and this topic should continue.


Responding, Jevrich took on the topic just now, and said: "If the battle against the city of Bali, if casualties are not counted, and there is no accident, there is a 60% chance that it can be captured, and it cannot be sustained. In battle, the battle must be quickly resolved. If you don’t work hard, it will lead to the defeat of the battle!"

Doesn't it work?

In her heart, Natasha secretly said.

In her expectation, after occupying Turner Island, she will attack Bally City with all her strength and use the raw crystal mineral resources of Bally City to provide sufficient funds for the next war to expand the troops under her, and then attack Bentley. A full-blown war will be carried out throughout the territory, and the war will be ended in the shortest time.

Now it seems that the thinking is too simple. The expected node encountered a problem in the second step. With the existing "power" of the First Army, it was a bit reluctant to take down the city of Bali.

If you can't take down the city of Bali, you won't have enough funds for war. Without funds, you won't be able to expand your troops. Without troops, how can you talk about taking the entire territory of Bentley?

This is an endless loop, and there is only one opening in this endless loop.

What to do, Natasha already had an idea in her mind.

"Hurry up and deal with post-war matters, and prepare a speedboat when it gets dark! I'm going to the "Emperor"!"


Although I don't know how General Natasha can solve the problems they are facing now, Yvrich thought of the commander.

The commander has rights in his hands and has everything that General Natasha needs. However, in order to obtain rights from the commander, there must be a reason, a reason that convinces the commander.

What would General Natasha do?

Yevrich was expecting something in his heart.

Marani Bay is not small, and the distance between Turner Island and Marani City is not too close. The sound of fighting from afar cannot be heard in Marani City.

However, Marani City has been watching the battle on Turner Island.

When Turner Island fell, the sound of fighting disappeared, and Marani soon received news of the defeat from the front.

Turner Island has fallen?

Many people were surprised when they heard the news.

The time is too short. In less than two days, Turner Island, which has a strong fortress, was broken by the enemy?

This is hard to believe, and it is unacceptable to the people of Bentley.

With the reconnection of the communication system, the battle on the front line soon spread to the entire territory of Bentley.

The news of the loss of Turner Island was proliferated by interested people, and people in all cities of Bentley had learned it in less than an hour.

In the beginning of a war, their country has lost.

The loss of an island in such a short period of time made the people of Bentley have to doubt the capabilities of the military government.

When facing them, it is like a hungry tiger. When facing foreign enemies, why is it so vulnerable?

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