Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 674: Contract supervisor

The scale of this time is not small, it can be said that the strength of the First Army has been raised several levels at once.

But the cost of such a large scale is not small. Jevrich calculated in his mind roughly that this recruitment of soldiers will require more than 400 million energy points, of which power combat uniforms account for almost half of the cost. After all, Power combat uniforms are high-tech products. Each set is worth 15,000 energy points. 15,000 soldiers are more than 200 million energy points. There are also supplies on the supply ship. The materials on the two supply ships are huge, and the hugeness also represents Great price.

In Jevric’s gaze, Natasha ordered to transmit a command. From then on, the "Emperor" will receive the message from Natasha. When the "Emperor" receives the message , The message will be transmitted to the portal, and then sent from the portal to "Ayre". After a few hours, the recruited soldiers will be sent to the world in the port dock of Nanlin Island.

In the past, this step would be one more step, and there would be an additional "commander" node. In the past, the commander had to agree before they could transmit what they needed from the world of "El".

And now, Natasha has the right granted by Li Meng, she can skip Li Meng this node, and directly contact "Al".

Of course, if you have the rights, you also have the responsibilities. At the same time as you get the rights, everything of the First Legion is shown in front of Natasha.

The blue light flickered, and the three-dimensional image changed again, this time a slightly blurred figure appeared.

The figure on the screen is extremely vague, like a mosaic, even the specific colors are unrecognizable.

The appearance of the unknown figure attracted the attention of Natasha and Jevrich. Although their faces were blurred, the two could feel that the images in the three-dimensional frame were looking at them.

The sound of machinery rang from the audio.

"The master has given you absolute rights, and I will not bother with any of your actions. After the recruitment of this group of soldiers, the existing energy points of the First Army are only more than 50 million. You must attack within ten days. Chin down the city, plunder its original crystal, otherwise, the capital chain of the first legion will be interrupted, and the portal will lose its connection with the world of "Ayre". Once it is interrupted, if you want to connect again, you need a huge amount of energy. The cost of collision is beyond your imagination."

This is a warning?

Or is it a warning?

it is……

"Do it yourself!"

As the sound of machinery fell, the screen flickered, and the blurred figure disappeared.

The three-dimensional effect has returned to the blue picture.

"General! It is..."

Who it was, Jevrich had already guessed in his heart, but couldn't confirm it, so he had to confirm with Natasha beside him.

In the hood, Natasha's expression changed, and it took a long time to return to normal.

In the world of "Ayre", the number of people who have actually seen "it" is not more than single digits, and those who have seen it have no good end, because once they see it, it means that the trial has come.

Ordinary people don’t know the existence of "it". They didn’t know it before they came to this world. The clues of "it" are just a legend in the folks. They didn’t know about it until they came to this world. "The presence.

Because "it" is the person who makes the contract and the regulator.

The only irony is that the contract is not fair, and one party's favor is completely carried out. It can be said that the so-called contract is for the "master", and their "Al" is a tool under the contract and is used. tool.

However, the appraisal contract also has great benefits for "Ayre". The benefits are two-way. Only this point makes the contract fair.

Speaking slightly, Natasha said calmly: "Supervisor of the contract!"

Sure enough, it was it, Natasha's words made Yevrich feel a little bit emotional.

Although they signed the contract with their own hands, as the supervisor of the contract, they, as the contractor, have no idea about it.

I have seen "it" today!

Moving, Natasha left the battle command platform and walked to the captain's seat.

Jevric followed close behind.

While walking around, Natasha said: "Tomorrow, the fleet should depart from the port. According to the speed of the slowest ship in the fleet, it will take 42 hours even day and night. It takes nearly two days, including today. , We have three days to take down Bali City!"

When the First Army arrived in Bentley, the distance between Bentley and Nanlin Island was very clear, about 1,500 kilometers, and the difference between left and right was no more than 20 kilometers.

One thousand five hundred kilometers, this distance is not close, and it takes a certain amount of time for the slower fleet.

While talking, Natasha had already arrived in front of the captain's seat.

Turning around, Natasha sat in the captain's seat.

He said at the same time: "Immediately send a reconnaissance team to investigate the situation in the city of Bally, inquire about the road conditions, and tomorrow the troops will land on the southern coastline of Turner Island and march towards the city of Bally, I will personally lead the team!"


Yevrich responded.

Once the troops go deep inland, they will lose contact with the fleet, and the frontline must be commanded by senior officers.

It is also appropriate for General Natasha to go.

Under the order, not long after, the two speedboats left the fleet and rode the wind and waves on the sea. The extremely fast speed left a long-lasting white mark on the sea. Not long after, the two speedboats disappeared to the southeast. Square on the sea.

At the end of the line of sight to the southeast, there is the coastline of Bentley. At a glance, all you can see is the dense forest and the undulating mountains.


Nanlin Island, the east coast port.

Although the port has not yet been built, the natural bay is a good anchor point.

Today, as always, there is a busy scene in the bay.

The workers on the shore are working intensively. Although the model of the port is clear, it will take a lot of time to complete it. This is a big project and it cannot be completed in a short time.

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