Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 683: Bali in the night

I don't know how long it took. When the marching troops climbed up a small hill, a brightly lit city in the distance under the mountain suddenly caught the eyes of the marching troops.

Because it is located at a high place, the angle of sight is very good across the tall city wall, and can see the city behind the city wall.

Behind the city wall, little lights flickered, like the stars in the sky.

Although it is far away, everything behind the city wall can still be seen in a fuzzy outline.

There are no tall buildings, and there are no densely packed buildings behind the city walls, but a flat suburb. In the middle of the suburbs, there is a low building group. The brilliant lights are emitted from the buildings. From a distance, the city wall After that, there seemed to be a larger town.

The city of Bally was built on a yellow original crystal mine. The purpose of this city is to mine the original crystal mine. In order to manage the miners, the military government of Bentley built a city around the mine. With the passage of time, a few generations later, with the development of the city, the miners took this place as their home, and over time it developed to its current scale.

According to the information obtained by the First Army, as a city that mainly mines raw crystal ore, there are not many civilians in the city of Bali, about 100,000 or so, while the defending army has only one thousand-man team when there is no war. , A thousand comers, mainly responsible for the security of the city and the defense of the city wall.

Of course, this was only in the past, when the war broke out, Bentley will definitely strengthen its defensive capabilities against the original crystal mine city. When the First Army did not know it, the defenders of Bali City must have increased a lot.

In the night, the troops on the road were quietly approaching the city of Bali at the end of the road.

As for the approach of the First Army Army, the city of Pali still knew nothing.

In the "consciousness" of human beings, the night is the pointer to "stop all actions".

In the view of the defenders of the city of Pali, the First Army, no matter how reckless it was, would not dare to do anything wrong in the dark.

It was based on the "human" psychology that the First Army chose to attack the city of Bali in the dark.

In silence, the army of the First Legion approached the city of Bali.

On the road in the forest, a few kilometers away from the city of Bali, the army of the First Army stopped.

This distance is already at the limit, otherwise, the roar of war machinery will be heard by the guards on the wall.

The moonlight is sky, so that the darkness will not fall into a dead silence.

In the endless forest, the city of Bali is surrounded by forest.

Although it is surrounded by mountains, the dense forests cover everything, making the forest sea look undulating. Only the towering peaks in the extreme distance can extend beyond the spread of the forest and expose bare stones.

Tonight, for the city of Bali, it is another quiet night.

In the silence, there is a hint of tension.

According to the news from Marani City, Turner Island has fallen, and the army of the First Legion may have landed and are marching towards the next target. The city of Bali with the original crystal mine can be said to be an easy one. The city that was targeted.

After all, the original crystal is precious, especially the yellow purity original crystal.

In this case, the city of Bali has long been in panic, worrying that his city will become the next target of attack.

After all, the war is ruthless, and no one can guarantee that he will be safe and sound in the war. For the sake of his own safety, the civilians who are defenseless and disadvantaged, of course hope that the war will not come.

But the voice of the common people will always be ignored. What they expect is just a delusion.

When the war comes, everything is involuntary.

Three days ago, a 10,000-ton team entered the city of Bali with support from the city of Marani.

Under the leadership of Dr. Marco Mark, an army of more than 10,000 men joined the guards of the city wall.

The defensive capabilities of Bally City have increased, and this is finally good news for the civilians in Bally City.

In the moonlight, the city wall nearly fifty meters high opened up a piece of land in the forest.

From a high altitude, the city of Bali in the sea of ​​forest is very eye-catching. The square walls are irregular, and the length of each city wall is no less than ten kilometers. This gives Bali City a large area and also allows Bali. The city has enough land resources, even without the support of external materials, the city of Bali can be self-sufficient with enough fertile land.

Although the city wall has four sides, there are only two gates: the west gate facing the sea defense line and the east gate leading to the inland.

At Ximen, facing the sea, if the First Army attacked the city of Bali, the only direction of attack would be Ximen.

As a result, West Gate became a place where the defenders focused on defense.

In the moonlight, on the city wall more than 30 meters high in the west gate, dim lights were sparsely arranged on the top of the wall, and the light emitted slightly dispelled the darkness on the wall.

On a wall of the west gate, countless dazzling beams of light shot down from the wall, scanning the edge of the forest outside the city.

Between the city wall and the forest, there is an artificial buffer zone. Although the ground is overgrown with weeds, it is relatively vast. Any existence that rushes out of the forest cannot escape the eyes of the guards on the wall.

Under the dim light, the figure shook on the city wall, and the night had fallen for a long time. For the guards who were always vigilant, the only thing that could pass the boring time was to chat with their companions.

In the dim light, the defenders on the wall gathered in twos and threes, talking about some things.

There are chores, jokes, and topics about this war.

"It is said that Turner Island has fallen. Do you know this?"

"How can I not know, this news has spread long ago!"

At some point on the city wall, a number of soldiers gathered together and were talking quietly.

Talking about the recent war surrounding Bentley.

"This First Legion is coming so fiercely. It is said that there are two captains on the island. I didn't expect to fall so soon!"

"Isn't it! I heard that the First Army has very powerful warships. Our fleet was beaten and fled. It was shrouded in the harbor and dare not fight. Turner Island is an isolated island after all. Under the firepower of the Legion Fleet, no amount of defenders in the fortress is useful!"

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