Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 689: Crystal library

And the helmets are all closed, there is no visual frame, how do they see the outside?

Strange, so peculiar. Whether it is armored machinery or soldiers’ individual equipment, the First Corps reveals its difference. Dr. Marco wants to know, where did the First Corps come from?

Although he was surprised in his heart, Dr. Mark’s expression on the surface was calm. Looking at the inquirer on the war machine, Dr. Mark said: "You won this battle. The defenders in the city will not resist stubbornly. Please don't embarrass those unarmed civilians, and don't destroy the tranquility of Bali!"

Is this surrender?

This is a good thing. If the enemy surrenders, the battle against Pali City can be said to be over.

The First Army also successfully occupied the city of Bali.

Doctor Mark's words undoubtedly announced the defeat of Pali City.

Subsequently, under the leadership of Dr. Marco, the army of the First Army began to enter the city.

Bali City is indeed a relatively quiet city, with a small population, and it is not as noisy as a city with high-rise buildings.

When the army of the First Corps was on the street, the only people who greeted the army were the eyes of different colors on both sides of the street.

There is doubt, curiosity, anger, fear and trepidation.

In front of an imposing building, the army of the First Corps stopped.

This building is the "City Council", the right center of Barrie City. The first thing the First Army needs to control Barrie City is to control the City Council.

Leaving the hammer tank, Natasha looked around as her feet stepped on the hard ground.

Natasha was also quite surprised at how smooth the battle was.

The war progressed so smoothly, and the city of Pali changed hands overnight and was occupied by the First Army.

Looking at the imposing city hall, Natasha approached in speechlessness.

And behind Natasha, followed by a group of senior sergeants!

When Natasha left the hammer tank, the senior sergeants in the army consciously gathered next to Natasha.

At this time, Dr. Marco was waiting in front of the stairs.

When he saw a group of soldiers walking forward with a woman from the back of the group, Dr. Marco was slightly taken aback.

Although she was dressed in black armor and a hood, she was definitely a woman from the standpoint of her figure.

Surrounded by many soldiers of the First Army, her status is obviously in a high position.

Could it be that the top general of this army is a woman?

For a time, Dr. Marco was quite surprised.

There was no time to think, they were already near, and Doctor Mark took a few steps forward and greeted him.

When the two parties stopped, Dr. Mark said: "The mayor and other officials are waiting for you in the conference room, please follow me!"

After speaking, Dr. Mark made an inviting gesture.

In the hood, Natasha turned her eyes slightly, looked at the master chief beside her, and said, "Take over here immediately. No one is allowed to leave until the instruction arrives!"


With an order, the mobilized soldiers standing by on both sides of the hammer tank started their action, rushed up the stairs and rushed into the city hall.

Seeing the mobilized soldiers rushing up the stairs, Dr. Mark's expression changed and he stopped talking.

He sighed helplessly in his heart.

They are losers now, so what else is there to ask for.

"Lead the way!"

Under Natasha's cold words, Dr. Mark had to obey.

The intrusion of mobilized soldiers plunged the city hall into a brief chaos.

When the group entered the city hall under the leadership of Dr. Mark, the chaos in the city hall had subsided.

The mobilizers pouring into the city hall have taken control of the scene, and everyone in the city hall has been controlled.

This also includes officials in the conference room.

When Natasha and his party entered the meeting room with Dr. Mark, the officials in the meeting room had been controlled by the mobilizers who broke in.

Striding into the conference room, looking at the figures standing in front of the square table, facing their gazes, Natasha said coldly: "The city of Pali has been occupied by our army, and everything in the city belongs to us. A legion!"

Glancing around the people in the conference room, Natasha said coldly, "Where is Jingku?"

As an original crystal mining city, there must be a place to store the original crystals. Because of the preciousness of the original crystals, it is impossible to place them at will. The crystal library must be in a hidden and strong place.

Hearing what Natasha said, Kirchin on the side was quite angry, and said indignantly: "Even if the original crystals mined in the city of Bali are turned in, they only pay 80%. The other 20% is used for city operations. Your First Army does that. How does it differ from the robber?"


Looking at the angrily speaking person, Natasha said coldly: "Robbers can only plunder, and our First Army is occupied. The city of Bali has been occupied by our army, and everything in the city naturally belongs to our army!"

Kirchin looked bald, and the loser really had no right to speak and could only be slaughtered.

At this time, Doctor Mark on the side persuaded: "City Mayor Kirchin! You can see the current situation. The city of Bali has been occupied by the First Army, and you have lost your responsibility as the mayor. Where is the city of Bali? It has nothing to do with you. Why are you asking for trouble? Even if you don't say, there are many people who know where the Jingku is, how can you hide this!"

His expression changed for a while, Kirchin knew it well, and Dr. Mark was right. He had no choice now.

After hesitating for a moment, Kirchin finally compromised.

He said blandly, "Jingku is in the basement. It's no secret. The key is in the safe in my office!"

When he said this, Kirchin's heart was dripping blood. The original crystals of this quarter have not yet been turned in. In addition to the previous accumulation, the accumulation of yellow original crystals in the crystal library is quite considerable. Lax did not ship the original crystal to Marani City in time, and the First Army was in vain.

"Love! Take a trip with him!"

Natasha said to Love beside her.


Love nodded in response, and then signaled the mobilizers behind Kirchin, leading Kirchin to leave the conference room.

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