Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 691: Power is power

Obviously, a captain had already been sent to the city of Bali, but under the attack of the First Army, their army was defeated in one blow.

The city of Bally can be inland, not Bitner Island, the failure of Turner Island is excusable, but the defeat of Bally City makes everyone wonder.

Does the army of the First Army have three heads and six arms?

So unstoppable?

At this time, a ten thousand chief in military uniform said: "My lord of the army! The city of Pali has been lost. No matter how angry you are, it is useless. Now I still think about how to deal with the next thing. The other two army The army supported by the commander is still on the way. It will take at least two days to fully gather. Regarding the talents of Dr. Mark, the commander knows better than everyone sitting here. If the commander is a waste, then our army All the ten thousand chiefs of the government are waste from waste!"

Dr. Marco is an older generation of chief general. He has been in the post of chief general for more than ten years. The soldiers under him are all elites. In the entire Bentley country, Dr. Marco can be regarded as one of the best. A Titan.

The official in civilian clothes on the side also said: "Although the city of Pali is lost, at least we have got a message from this battle. Compared with the powerful sea power of the First Army, it also has a strong army. Feng, otherwise, I can’t explain that the city of Bali will fall so quickly. Knowing this, we must be cautious in the next battle. Now we should not think about driving out the enemy, but about how to defend. The next city!"

This makes sense!

The officers and officials sitting in the conference room nodded together.

Knowing the strong front of the First Army, if it still faces the enemy, this is not wise.

After regaining the anger in his heart, Messeger solemnly said: "Speak up whatever you think! Now, I need the opinions of all of you!"

The situation of the war has become more severe. The first legion's troops are unstoppable, and no one can think of the trickyness of successive victories.

With Messegger's words, everyone in the conference room no longer worried.

A tenant commander took the lead to say: “When the support troops of the other two commanders arrived, we were able to drive the number of troops to 120,000. This power seems to be powerful, but it is not, because it is not Massey. The command line of the commander of Georgia will inevitably be chaotic. Once the command is chaotic, it will affect the strength of the entire army. Just imagine if the forces of the First Army were unstoppable and defeated our coalition forces, what should we do then? Do? Once this army is ruined, it is equivalent to ruining the core military power of Bentley. After that, what will we use to resist the attack of the First Army?"

"Yes! I support this view. Judging by the current situation, it is not wise to face a confrontation with the First Army. We should rely on the tall walls to prevent the First Army from further encroaching on Bentley!"

"I also support that the route of Liancheng Road is relatively simple, which allows us to know the next target of the First Army. Now that the city of Pali is lost, the next target of the First Army is either Marani in the north or the southeast. Fang’s salt-producing land "Amway City", Marani City is the capital city. The First Army will never dare to attack Marani City at this time. Therefore, the next target of the First Army must be Amway City. As long as we gather our forces Strictly guarding the city of Amway will be able to withstand the front of the First Army. We are fighting locally. Protracted warfare is beneficial to us. The First Army will travel long distances. Once the attack fails, there will be major logistical problems. Being resisted in Amway City, the final victory must belong to us!"

"Yes! Amway City has a strong city wall. If a 10,000-person team can't defend it, then send three more. If three don't work, then all the adjustable troops will be transferred to Amway City. As long as Amway City is held, finally The victory must belong to us!"

The opinions have been unified. Everyone wants to defend and defend Amway City.

Although the defense is not what Messegh hopes in his heart, he seems to have no choice in the current situation.

Is it desperate to invest so strength, to conduct a frontal battle against the First Army, or to focus on defense and resist the front of the First Army, between the two, Messeg must make a conclusion.

In these two aspects, the former is more radical. However, once a victory, the First Army can be expelled. On the contrary, once a defeat, Bentley will not have the power to resist the First Army. The first is a more risky method.

The second method is prudent, using the advantages of local warfare to fight a protracted battle with the First Army. The longer which one can hold on, the one who can survive and win. In the second method, Bentley has a greater chance of winning.

Can you take a risk?

Mai Saige's expression changed for a while, hesitating in his heart.

But in the end, Massegg compromised.

The first method is not only radical, but also has no way out. Once it fails, Bentley will not have a second chance to come back.

Which method is the better choice, how could Messeg know.

Looking back at the waiting gazes, Messeg said: "Implement the second "defense" plan. From now on, the army will continue to march towards Amway City. The defense force of Amway City must be no less than four. A 10,000-person team! Also, notify other cities and immediately report to the Commander’s Mansion whenever there is a change!

Before the end of the meeting, Messegg once again urged: "No one should tell the news about the fall of Bally City. If anyone leaks the secrets and punishes them severely, the people of Bentley will know the news about the fall of Bally City. Now, but three days later!"

Three days later?

Yes, there is a three-day buffer, and the people of Bentley should be able to accept it!

Even if it can't, it's better than "one night".

Bentley’s various response behaviors are unknown to the First Army, and even if they know it, I’m afraid they won’t care.

For the First Army, the war went smoothly. After the city of Bally was captured, the war would be magnanimous all the way. No matter how the Bentley Congress responded, the outcome of the war would not change.

This is the confidence of the First Army and Natasha. In a war, absolute "power" is the key to the outcome of a war. Without "power", any conspiracy is useless.

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