Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 693: Talk

The master originally planned...

Lowering her head gently, Wendy nestled quietly in her master's arms.

From the master's words, everything is clear.

Wendy knows very well that if the owner shows people in the form of "Reaper", it will be a big impact on the humans in this world and the First Legion.

For humans in this world, they will encounter existences that they cannot recognize and cannot imagine. For the First Legion, the identity of the master "Reaper" will be truly confirmed, and the original commander will become "Reaper", the "true god" with the posture of a god.

At that time, the status of the first legion will be transferred to the **** army and become a subordinate legion of the death sect.

Just as the master said, when that moment comes, the power of darkness will sweep the world.

In the night, the huge "Emperor" was quietly moored on the sea, and the lights on the ship made the "Emperor" the only beacon in the dark, looking extremely gorgeous.

Darkness is dangerous. No one will deny that, but the fleet of the First Legion is parked aside. Whether it is a sea beast or an enemy, why should the "Emperor" be afraid?

Under the light of each other, the sea is sparkling, and the sea conditions tonight are fairly calm.

The battle in Bally City has ended, and Bentley fell into a brief silence before the next battle arrived.

But this tranquility is just gestating a more violent storm, and when the battle is re-started, it will be even more violent.

"Okay! It's time to see Natasha!"

Li Meng wanted to get up with a light pat on the soft fragrant shoulders in his arms.

Wendy was silent about the host's mischief, but she moved slightly and left the host's embrace.

When there was nothing in his arms, Li Meng got up from his seat.

"Master! Do you need me to wait to follow?"

Seeing that the owner was about to leave, Wendy on the side asked softly.

"No! Just stay in the "Emperor"! I will be back soon!"

Li Meng does not know where the city of Bali is, but Li Meng knows where Natasha is.

For ordinary people, a distance of more than 60 kilometers requires a lot of time by hiking, but for Li Meng, it only takes a cup of tea, and it doesn’t take too long to go one time. , If anything happens in the middle of the term, let's talk about it separately.

As soon as the words fell, Li Meng in the pavilion disappeared under Wendy's gaze.

Where he was originally standing, only the residual power of death is swirling around.

At this time, in the void, Li Meng had already left the "Emperor".

The black figure turned into a sharp arrow and rushed into the sky, flying rapidly over the undulating cloud layer that looked like a mountain, and the extremely fast speed made the black figure dangle in the night sky.

The distance of several tens of kilometers came in a short time. When Natasha was sensed on the ground, the figure flying above the clouds suddenly turned and plunged towards the ground.

When passing through the thick clouds, the city of Pali in the dark is clearly visible, and that piece of light is shining brightly.

With the landing, a more atmospheric building became Li Meng's new goal.

In the building, Li Meng felt Natasha's breath.

After passing through the barriers, Li Meng saw Natasha in a room similar to an office.

She stood in front of the window, looking at the empty street outside.

The room is located on the third floor. It is condescending and has a good line of sight. You can see not only the street but also the buildings.

Behind Natasha, Li Meng's figure was quiet and solid.

Looking at the tall and slim figure in front of him, Li Meng remembered that night not long ago.

With a slight movement in his heart, Li Meng stretched out his hands and took to Natasha's waist.

When Li Meng’s hand touched the armor on Natasha’s waist, the black power of death suddenly appeared and wrapped around Natasha’s body. When the power of death disappeared, the armor on Natasha’s body had disappeared and turned into A black dress.

The change is only a moment!

To the delicate body in front of him, Li Meng unceremoniously poured into his arms.

And Natasha, when the armor on her body disappeared, she already knew who had arrived.

Only the master can remove the equipment from their generals.

When she put her hands out of her waist, and her back fell into softness, Natasha only showed a slight expression, and she snuggled into the arms of the person behind her.

"Master! Why are you here?"

Natasha was surprised at the unexpected arrival of the master, and asked softly.

Li Meng did not answer immediately. There is still plenty of time tonight, saying that there is some time for business.

Hug quietly, and for a moment, Li Meng let go of Natasha.

Turning around, Li Meng came to the desk and sat down on the chair behind the desk.

Looking at Natasha, who had turned around, Li Meng patted the guard of the seat.

"Come here! Let's talk about business now!"

Can't business be serious?

Natasha felt helpless when she saw the master's being so rude.

But what can she do?

I still can't help him!

Natasha could only compromise, and obediently walked to the desk and sat in Li Meng's arms.

With a tender body in his arms, Li Meng's unceremonious hands clasped Natasha's soft waist.

Putting her head on her master's shoulder, Natasha whispered: "Master! What do you mean by coming here this time?"

What's the matter?

Natasha couldn't guess this. Now that the war is going well, Natasha can't think of anything that will disturb her master.

But the master would not come for no reason, just miss her?

Natasha knew that it was impossible. Before that, she had left her master for less than two days, and Natasha also understood that she did not have the charm that her master would think about all the time.

And she doesn't need that kind of charm. The only thing she needs to do is to do her part and become an indispensable person around her master. As long as she can do this, it is enough.

Holding Natasha lightly, Li Meng asked softly: "What do you think of the three capitals of Bentley?"

Three capitals?

Can’t help thinking, Natasha said softly: “The walls are strong and the guns are strong, and it must be amazing in terms of defense. In this war, it is not difficult to capture those small cities. The three capitals of Bentley are the obstacles to the occupation of Bentley by the First Army. The last line of defense for the entire country, and these three capitals will allow this war to continue indefinitely!"

From beginning to end, Natasha knew very well that the three capitals of the Bentley nation were the biggest obstacle to the First Army.

The definition that this war will last for a long time lies in these three capitals.

If you understand, Li Meng continued: "I'm coming this time! I just want to tell you that we will gather our strength to capture the small city of Bentley, and then let "I" assist in the battle against the capital! We are first. The Legion cannot be dragged by the little Bentley country for too long and must end the war as soon as possible!"

With a slight stunned expression, Natasha raised her head slightly to look at the face that was close at hand.

Master is going to join the war in person?

Indeed, the owner has a powerful "power". If he participates in the final battle, the defenses of the three capitals of Bentley will not be able to resist the owner, no matter how amazing.


The sudden attack on the mouth made Natasha instinctively snorted.

Seeing that beautiful face in a daze, Li Meng couldn't help but lowered his head and kissed.

Li Meng let go of Natasha after intersecting words and asking for it for a while.

Leaving that lip, looking at Natasha, who hadn't recovered yet, Li Meng said, "That's it, how do you fight this war, or how to fight it, and let me participate in the final battle!"

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