Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 699: Fall into the sea

"kill me?"

Li Meng smiled indifferently, and said in a very calm tone: "You are still the first person to dare to say this to me!"


Her expression changed, her anger instantly became calm, and she said calmly: "In any case, you have always saved me, mankind! You and I will have nothing to do with you!"

As soon as her words fell, the mutation happened.

The green liquid in the glass jar flows quickly for no reason, and its speed is so fast that the movement produced makes the glass jar tremble slightly.


Under the collision of water, the glass jar cracked.

A spider-web-like crack appeared on the glass jar, and the crack became bigger and bigger.


At that moment, the glass jar could not bear the internal pressure and shattered.

Like a small bomb, the glass jar burst.

As the glass jar burst, the liquid in the glass jar "rushed" all over the place.

In the turbulent liquid, a blue figure shot out and hit the ceiling.


In a crash, the air duct mesh door on the ceiling was knocked off and the blue figure disappeared in the air duct.


"Quick! Send an alert to the whole ship immediately!"

Seeing the mermaid escaped, a medical staff quickly exclaimed.

But Li Meng interrupted.

"Okay! If you handle the scene well, you don't need to worry about the rest!"

Under the command of the commander, the medical staff had to give up sounding the alarm.

"Master! Want me to catch her back? How dare to offend Master so wantonly, Wendy suggested to get rid of her!"

Wendy on the side said coldly, and the words were full of killing.

She was very angry, very angry, Wendy had the urge to tear her apart when she saw her hateful face when treating her master.

But she was stopped by the master's eyes, and because of this she let the **** mermaid trample on the master's dignity wantonly.

This is her fault, she wants to make up for it.

Reaching out and touching Wendy's little head, Li Meng knew that Wendy was complaining, complaining that he just stopped her.

Although Li Meng was also very angry about the arrogant mermaid, what Li Meng wanted was not killing, but her obedience.

Ten years, only ten years. This is what Li Meng said. Even if she doesn't want to, she must serve Li Meng for ten years.

Li Meng would never take back what he said.

This is the cause and effect of her own creation, she can't blame anyone.

In Wendy's gloomy expression, Li Meng said softly: "Leave it to me! I worked so hard to choose the escape route, and always give her a little hope!"

Lifting Wendy's chin, ignoring the few people in the infirmary, Li Meng clicked on that ruddy lips, and said softly in Wendy's startled eyes: "Go! Wait for me to come back on it!"

For Wendy, the master's such gentle words couldn't resist him, so she nodded stupidly.

After this, Wendy left and went to the top deck according to Li Meng's words, and Li Meng also left the infirmary slowly.

The "Emperor" is a big guy, and the internal ventilation ducts are even more of a huge maze. It is not easy to find an exit from the maze.

Moreover, if you want to leave the "Emperor" through the ventilation duct, there are countless doors to pass through. How many impacts can her seemingly fragile head withstand?

Time went by little by little, but in the internal ventilation ducts of the "Emperor" she was still trying to find a way out.

She has no feet, and crawling in the pipe with her body is a very difficult thing.

Unconsciously, the light quietly left, and darkness enveloped the earth.

On the deck of the "Emperor", at the entrance of a certain ventilation duct, Li Meng quietly leaned his back against the ship's gunwale, as if waiting for something.

Time is almost up.

Sure enough, with a crash, the net door at the outlet of the ventilation duct was knocked off.

A black shadow slipped out of the ventilation duct.

"Bang!" fell to the ground with a sound, and slowly moved on the deck, approaching the ship's gunwale.

But the direction of her advancement was blocked by a pair of legs. When she looked up at the person blocking the road, what she saw was Li Meng's indifferent face under the light.

That human being, a **** human being, the anger in her heart and the difficulties she experienced in the pipeline made her atmosphere eyes red, and her eyes were full of ferocity when she looked at Li Meng.

Under her angry expression, Li Meng squatted down, raised her chin, forced her to look at herself, and praised her without hesitation: "You have a very good look. You are beautiful like this. There is a desire to tame your heart!"


She slid her head fiercely and broke free from the **** human hand, her body's weakness let her know that there was no hope of escape.

She looked a little hesitant, but she quickly decided something. She raised her head again to look at the humans in front of her and threatened: "Our blue-scale murlocs have the ability to call blue-scale whales. If you don’t want your ship to be destroyed, the most So let me go immediately!"

"Blue whale?"

For a moment, Li Meng knew what the blue whale she was talking about was.

"Those big guys? I advise you not to call them!"

She sneered coldly and snorted: "Huh! Be afraid! Let me go if you are afraid!"


Li Meng shook his head with a smile.

Grabbing her shoulders, Li Meng forcibly hugged her.

When the icy body was in his arms, Li Meng smelled a delicate fragrance.

Although this woman has a fierce personality, the fragrance on her body is quite good.

"What are you doing? Let go of me!"

She was frightened by Li Meng's sudden behavior and struggled loudly.

"Don't you want to return to the sea? I will send you down!"

After speaking, Li Meng jumped, and two embracing figures fell into the sea from the side of the ship ten meters high.

Feeling the falling gravity, watching the rippling sea in the darkness get closer and closer, she was slightly stunned when she was tightly bound by Li Meng.

Does this human want to die?

Falling into the sea with her in this darkness, doesn't this give her a chance for revenge?

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