Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 708: Southland

When a large number of military vehicles drove on the street, the crowd on the square formed a wall of themselves, preventing the army from approaching.

When the army struggled to disperse the crowd, the mastermind of the trouble had already escaped.

The voices of opposition did not just appear in the defense zone of Commander Messeg. The voices of opposition appeared in the defense zones of the other two commanders and the three cities almost at the same time. Through recorded videos, they appeared in Bentley. Circulated throughout.

Freedom, dignity, and resistance to the army. The situation of Bentley is changing so fast that the people of Bentley are not expected in time, and they are also quite disappointed in the military government.

Perhaps it is time for Bentley to make some changes.

When foreign enemies invaded, the interior of Bentley was in chaos again.

This makes some people quite annoyed.

"The **** mouse just popped up at this time, huh, what freedom, what dignity, you know to fool the people, check, you must check, you must pick out the group of mice, and I will personally send them to the gallows. , Hanged one by one!"

In the meeting room of the military commander's mansion in Marani City, Messeg was angry with a group of officials.

It's abominable that the little rebels actually disrupted Bentley at this time.

Looking at the angry Commander Messag, the officials present stared at each other.

At this time, one person said solemnly: "My lord commander! This rebel army chose to stumble us at this time. The picture is not small. The cities should be vigilant and guard against the unrest of the rebels!"

After calming down his angry heart for a while, Messegg, who was sitting upright, nodded and looked around at the people: "No matter what the purpose of this rebel army, I immediately notify the cities below to catch those rebels. I will be executed immediately!"

Everyone nodded in awe.

This time Captain Messeger looked really angry.

After taking a few deep breaths, Mai Saige's expression slowed down.

"Okay! Let's not talk about this rebel army first. A group of beaming clowns can't make any storms. Now Bentley is a troubled time. The battle in Amway City has already begun. The outcome is unpredictable. Can you resist the First Army? In other words, I don’t have confidence, but whether I have confidence or not is not related to this war. The only thing we need to do is to use our strength to deal with the First Army!"

After speaking, Message said in a deep voice, looking at the officers sitting there, "Not long ago, I had a discussion with the other two commanders, and you should have guessed the content of the discussion. Yes, this time It is indeed the Association of Heroes who came to the door. Although there are no heroes of our country in the Association of Heroes, at this time, if there are foreign aid, it will be a good thing for Bentley!"

Heroes' Association?

It really is them.

A few days ago, a magnificent spaceship arrived in the airport of Marani City. At that time, they had some guesses about the owner of the spaceship, and the Heroes Association was their first object of guessing.

There are so many national flags on that ship. Only the heroes of the Heroes Association can have so many different flags. This also shows that there are many heroes in that ship.

"My Lord Commander! The Heroes Association is calling for the first legion at this time, right? Is the Heroes Association willing to eliminate the enemy for our country?"

"How is it possible? Although this Association of Heroes has always been nosy, everything is carried out in accordance with the constitution. Don’t forget that the leader of the Association of Heroes has no heroes of our country, and our country is not under the protection of the Association of Heroes. Get involved in this war for no reason!"

"That's true, do they have another purpose?"

In the face of everyone’s questions, Messeg said nothing but said: “The Heroes’ Association is not to be involved in the war between our country and the First Army, but to reconcile. They are here to ask if we wait. With a heart to reconcile, they are willing to be the middleman and let this war settle down!"


Everyone was stunned.

An official said: "If the Heroes Association can really reconcile this war, that would be a good thing. However, even if we are willing, will this First Legion be willing? Don't forget, how many consecutive gains they have won? Victory, now that the soldiers are in full force, will you be willing to stop the war?"

At this time, another person said: "Yes, in this war, although the First Army was the invaders, at the beginning of the war, we took the lead in sending a fleet to trouble the First Army and invading our country. Although the Legion does not have a moral opportunity, neither does our country! I think the possibility of reconciliation is very small!"

"All right!"

Message stopped the argument with a straight face.

Looking around the people: "I don’t know if we can reconcile, but what the Heroes Association needs is an attitude of ours. If we are willing to reconcile, the Heroes Association will persuade the First Legion. I will use my own means to stop this war!"

"My Lord Commander! What is the purpose of this Hero Association? Why do you care about this war so much?"

One person uttered his doubts, and also uttered the voices of everyone present.

Yes, why is the Heroes' Association so concerned about the war between Bentley and the First Army?

This makes no sense. After all, the Heroes Association is just a foreign organization that has nothing to do with Bentley.

Messegg shook his head and said, "I don't know exactly why, but it is said that this has something to do with the Southern Expedition of the Order!"

The sect army marches south?

Everyone was puzzled.

An official asked: "What did your lord know?"

Messegh didn't hide it, he did learn some news.

"Yes, from the Martial Arts Association, I do have to know something about the Southern Expedition of the Order Empire. You also know that a hundred years ago, the demon species suddenly appeared on the southern continent. Down, the many kingdoms on Yunan were destroyed one by one. Twenty years ago, the demons successfully occupied the entire Yunan Continent and destroyed all kingdoms. At this point, humans outside the Yunan Continent have lost contact with Yunan. What happened? No one knows this. The messengers sent by humans from the outside world have also disappeared without news!"

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