Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 711: The era of the resistance

The enemy's stubbornness was somewhat beyond the expectations of the First Army. In several assaults, the First Army failed.

No matter how many enemies are killed and how many enemy armored units are destroyed, the enemy’s position will always be supplemented in time. Whenever the first army’s assault troops are approaching the enemy’s position, they will always be crowded. The firepower hit back.

Strong attack is not necessary, it will cost a lot of casualties, often at this time, Natasha will order to retreat, regroup, after the next offensive.


When the battle was straight and fierce, the order to retreat was sounded again.

Under this order, the mobilized soldiers in the charge came to an abrupt halt. They turned around, used the cover of the tall tree trunks, and retreated from the battle. Not long after, the troops of the First Corps retreated on the front line for several miles. After leaving the battlefield, he withdrew to the depths of the forest.

At the same time, the fighting on the forest road also stopped. In the exchange of fire between the two sides, the hammer tank was fading and slowly disappeared at the end of the road.

At this time, the sky was already dark.

When the fighting subsided and the first legion's troops withdrew, the sky quickly darkened.

Before the defenders in Amway could take a breath, darkness had already fallen.

This made the defenders of Amway City look like a big enemy, and the defenders on all fronts increased their vigilance.

They hadn't forgotten the lesson of Bally City. Since the First Army was able to attack Bally City during the night, it was also able to attack Amway City, which made people have to guard against it.

Undoubtedly, the defenders of Amway City are too worried, at least tonight, Natasha has no plans to attack Amway City at night.

The army withdrew to the camp. After setting up the defenses around the camp, Natasha held a post-war meeting in a huge camp.

This meeting leader, sergeant chiefs above the fifth level all participated.

This made the metal square table in the camp seem a bit crowded. After all, the size of the army of the First Army in Bentley is not small now, and there are more than ten sergeants above the fifth level.

The conditions on the battlefield were limited. There were no seats at the square table, and the sergeants were all standing. In this regard, Natasha who was in the first place was not an exception.

Wearing a black bloodline armor and a wide hood, Natasha's figure stands in the first place. The eyes in the hood look at the standing sergeants, saying: "The number of black knights has been greatly increased. Effectively use them. Starting from tomorrow, each fifth-level sergeant commander will be equipped with fifty black knights. The power of black knights is far beyond mortals. You must make good use of it!"

In the First Corps, the fifth-level sergeant chiefs are generally frontline commanders, and the charge is at the forefront.

The sergeant chief at level 5 or above is the commander in the rear, and the frontline troops can be mobilized in time with the orders of the higher sergeant in the rear.

At the time of the battle against Turner Island, Love was a fifth-level sergeant, responsible for the warriors on Turner Island.

In the subsequent battles, especially after taking down the city of Bali, Love has been promoted to the seventh-level sergeant chief, becoming one of the senior sergeant chiefs next to Natasha.

Although Love's rank is not the highest, Natasha has made him the frontline combat commander in this war due to his outstanding performance in this war, mainly responsible for frontline warfare.

Since the start of the war against Bentley, the First Army has also lost some of its strength, and the number of black knights has increased. Up to now, the number of black knights has reached nearly 500. This scale is already useful in war. Can come in handy at critical times.


Everyone said in unison, the voice of the machine echoed in the camp.

There is nothing else to say, the main purpose of this meeting is to allocate the black knights.

Immediately, Natasha ended the meeting, and the sergeants left one after another.

When the last figure disappeared at the door of the tent, Natasha's expression was a little surprised.

She thought of the master...

At this time, the host should be on the way back, right?

I don't know where it is.

Reaching out, Natasha gently stroked the armor on her lower abdomen, the feeling there was still very clear.

Just like Wendy, the chief guard, the master also left a breath in her.

In the past, Natasha had never thought about this kind of relationship with her master, and never thought that this kind of thing would make people so happy.

The fusion of body, mind and soul makes people fascinated, and makes Natasha miss her master all the time.

This kind of missing Natasha does not reject it. The impulse in her heart is very clear, and Natasha does not want to resist that instinctive emotion.

"When will this war end? When will we see the master again?"

In her heart, Natasha muttered to herself.

At this moment, Natasha, who has always been cold and cold, is like a little girl who misses her lover, who is thinking about her day and night.


Bentley Country, Marani City.

It was late at night.

At this time, in the suburbs outside the city, in a villa on the top of a hill, a secret meeting was unfolding.

Still in that study room, still the four figures.

As the senior leaders of the Bentley National Rebellion Army, these people are the core and indispensable in the Rebellion Army.

Looking at the instructor behind the desk, Lilos looked excited and excited: "Instructor, don't you know that, after our deliberate propaganda these days, the situation of our Resistance Army in Bentley is very good, and it has aroused the support of many civilians. Nowadays, there are a steady stream of people joining our rebels everywhere. Many famous businessmen have contacted us privately and are willing to give us a certain amount of support. The people of Bentley want freedom and dignity. I have personally felt this!"

“Yes, the situation in Bentley’s country is changing so fast that we didn’t expect it. The military government has not only lost the hearts of the people, but even the army under its command is in panic. Recently, I have sent people to contact some captains, although they have not been accurate. The answer is, but I can feel that those soldiers are hesitating!"

Like Lylos, Orino was very pleased and said.

The resistance army has been suppressed by the military government for more than ten years and can not afford to raise its head. Now, the era of their resistance army has finally arrived.

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