Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 713: Krelia

Ignoring her hateful gaze, Li Meng squeezed her chin firmly, and she couldn't get rid of it even if she broke free.

Looking at that crystal clear face, Li Mengxie smiled and said cheerfully: "Since you hate humans so much, of course I can only satisfy you and make you hate humans even more!"

"What do you want to do?"

She looked alert and had a bad feeling in her heart.

"What are you doing?"

Without saying more, Li Meng restrained her with one hand, while the other hand slowly slipped under her face.

Passing through the slippery neck, then to the slippery shoulders, all the way down.

"The upper body of your mermaid is no different from that of a human, but I want to see if the structure is really the same as the human body!

Li Meng's goal is the two mountains that are hidden by blue shells.

When her fingers fell all the way and was about to approach the proud mountain, her expression finally panicked.

"you dare!"

She screamed, struggling harder.

But it's useless, the body is bound by invisible power, and can't even move a finger, how can I stop the human invasion in front of me?

Li smiled slightly and proved his daring by action.

The fingertips have come to the bottom of the mountain, and Li Meng has already felt the soft touch.

The touch on her chest made her quite uncomfortable, her stern eyes flickered, and a trace of ruddy appeared on her pale face.


All the way up, Li Meng left the soft mountain and touched the hard shell.

"I promise!"

When Li Meng was about to remove the hard cover, she finally couldn't stand it anymore, and her expression was bald and compromised.

The fingertips stopped abruptly. Looking at her, Li Meng said calmly: "What do you promise?"

She looked bald and whispered: "I will stay by your side for ten years."


She bit her mouth lightly, and said to the human in front of her, "Yes, pet!"

With a silent smile, Li Meng withdrew his hand in satisfaction.

"I knew this before, so why bother to be willful!"

The shackles on her body had disappeared, and she chose to remain silent for the human beings beside her.

The blue fish tail swayed slightly, and she sank into the water, her slender body shuttled under the water, and her figure was dexterously swimming in the water.

It was a long time before she swam towards the place where Li Meng was.


In the splashing water, she leaned out of the water, and her upper body was lying on the edge of the pool beside Li Meng, revealing her snow-white back, and the blue fish tail swayed gently in the water.

Although the expression on her face is still tight, her performance can already make people clearly feel that she has obeyed.

Looking at her beside her, looking at her clever gaze looking at her, Li Meng asked incomprehensibly: "Why do you hate humans so much?"


She looked dim, resting her head on her hands, and said sadly: "You humans created us and created the demihumans, but you want to destroy us. The war has led to hatred, but for us, the mermaid is lost. Relying on, humans allowed us to be born, but betrayed us, making us fall into the sea and become food for sea beasts. For hundreds of years, when our mermaids survived in the sea with difficulty, you humans wanted to capture blue The scaly whales wantonly slaughtered my clan members and used the flesh and blood of mermaids to lure blue scaly whales. For hundreds of years, I have traveled all over the world, but I can never find my clan members in the sea. You say, should I? Should cruel you humans?"


The words of the mermaid beside him made Li Meng slightly aware.

As expected, the demihumans were created by humans, and advances in genetics have allowed humans to step into taboos, grab rights from nature and create taboo lives.

Gently stroking the blue hair, hundreds of years of loneliness, the journey of one person in the boundless sea, what kind of feeling would it be. Although Li Meng has not experienced it, it is definitely not one. A happy thing.


Yes, she should be cruel, and she should hate humans.

While playing with the blue hair, Li Meng asked softly: "What's your name?"

She hesitated slightly, but finally answered truthfully.

Ignoring the hand on her head playing with her hair, she replied in a flat tone: "Klelia!"


In his heart, Li Meng muttered to himself, calling Clelia's name.

The name is pretty good.

Withdrawing his hand playing with Kleilia's hair, Li Meng glanced at the food placed on the side of the pool.

As if sensing Li Meng's gaze, Krelia said calmly: "Our mermaids are no better than your humans. They can eat cooked food, but it does not meet our appetite. Our favorite food is "fish"!"


Li Meng looked at Cleilia beside him with interest, and said, "Cleilia! Open your mouth and show me!"

Facing Li Meng's curious gaze, Kleilia had no choice but to raise her head and gently open her mouth.

The little tongue and the two rows of white teeth were exposed in Li Meng's eyes.

So this is ah……

The mermaid’s teeth are still different from those of humans. Each tooth is sharper, and there are four fangs that are obviously protruding and very sharp, which are obviously used to chew food.

"Then you must be hungry all night!"

Looking at Cleilia, Li Meng said.

In this dark night, where does Li Meng go to get Cleilia fish?

I can only wait for tomorrow, let the soldiers on the boat work part-time as fishermen, and find a way to get some fish in the sea.

Closing her mouth gently, Kleilia shook her head, and said: "Our merman tribe doesn’t have a great demand for food. In the glass jar, that kind of strange liquid supplements the lack of nutrients in my body. I won’t need to eat in the next few days!"

In this way, Li Meng nodded clearly.

In this way, this merman tribe is a relatively inert creature.

"Okay! Just stay in this swimming pool. When you return to Nanlin Island, I am building a new home for you!"

With that, Li Meng stood up from the ground.

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